A Shadow Underfoot
The Confederation of Kingdoms is a yearly summit amongst the nation's of The Hundred Kingdoms. All Kingdoms are invited and only officially recognized Kingdoms may attend. The summit is held at a different Kingdom each year until all Kingdoms have played host. While the main purpose is to improve diplomatic relations amongst nations and strategize for the best of The Region as a whole, it is also accompanied by an Olympic style games competition and festival of culture.
In reality the top 20 most influential Kingdoms attend every year, and another 1-3 dozen more regional Kingdoms make an appearance, resulting in approximately one-third to half the Kingdoms being represented at a given summit. The more influential the host nation, generally the better the turnout.
This year the Kingdom of Nechara is hosting for the first time in one hundred years...
Everyone in The Hundred Kingdoms knows of Nechara, The Battle and Treaty which carry it's name are the single most important moment in history and document of The Hundred Kingdoms. Yet, Nechara has waned from influence in the four centuries since it became the historic landmark of The Hundred Kingdoms. When Nechara became the turning point in The Great Invasion of The Arczeckhi Horde it's peasants fled west for safety and it's soldiers died on the battlefield. Even in the wake of victory, most did not return. Nechara is a place where people come to remember the past, but it's future rarely comes to mind. It is a relic and a memorial, except for those who remain behind it's walls, ever vigilant guardians who remember not only the events but the reasons Nechara is a historic place.
We begin with the arrival of The Kingdoms and our heroes to Nechara at the start of The Confederation of Kingdoms...

Part 1
Veil travels by boat from Nathir to Nechara to attend the Confederation of Kingdoms with Nathir’s leaders at the behest of The Guild to investigate The Five Score Fellowship disrupting trade in the East of The Hundred Kingdoms. Simon travels to The Confederation Kingdoms in Nechara on his own and sets up his tea shop to gather information on the summit’s events. Romael and Cetus travel with Orissa’s official delegation which is led by Princess Nimue, with a mission to increase Orissa’s influence and standing in The Hundred Kingdoms by attending the Confederation of Kingdoms. Along the way Romael and Princess Nimue engage in some small courtship, spurred on by The Princess. Sour travels with Laurelin the Golden’s retinue to The Confederation of Kingdoms, to discover what forces are disrupting the surrounding lands. Sour’s attempts to impress Laurelin mostly go unnoticed. Maiden travels with Nod’s delegation including Sultan Balin, but his followers stay behind in Nod. She remains in statue-esque silence for a duration of the trip, despite the Sultans' attempts to get more information out of her. Nechara sets up each delegation along a strip of inn’s, restaurants, and festival carts giving the city a party-like atmosphere in the streets. However, inside the Palace the delegations get down to business and the summit begins with the host Regent Kaskos of Nechara gives a moving speech promoting camaraderie and togetherness within all of The Hundred Kingdoms.

In the first day of meetings Veil is able to attend a trade meeting and successfully negotiate to improve The Guild’s position in trade talks in the area. Meanwhile, Princess Nimue of Orissa and Laurelin the Golden of Teleperion both display fierce negotiation tactics on behalf of their Kingdoms but are somewhat stonewalled as outsiders amongst the more established Kingdoms. Regent Kaskos calls for a meeting of the Delegation Leaders, which Sour, Romael, and Cetus are also able to attend. In this private meeting Regent Kaskos tells the leaders that a Necharan Military Outpost, Fog Scream Redoubt was overrun and destroyed several weeks ago. There were no survivors to recount the events but scouts discovered the aftermath and sent word back to Nechara. He assumes it is a reassurance of The Arczeckhi Horde, and if the Horde grows so bold it is a concern of all Kingdoms, and he requests they band together to send a team to investigate. Meanwhile, Veil and Maiden do not attend the private event but come across one another, and Veil’s desire for knowledge about The First Age brings them together, and Veil agrees to help Maiden investigate the dark threats in the mountains in exchange for lore and knowledge.

Simon does not attend the summit, but plants seeds amongst the delegations in attendance so that each will pass along intelligence to him through his tea shop, discovers that most delegations believe Nechara is exaggerating the threats in the mountains to relive their glory days. As the Factor’s roll into the tea shop after the first day’s conference a familiar face from Vitalis with a hawk companion on his shoulder tells Simon of Regent Kaskos’ call for help and the other Kingdom’s deep skepticism, though Simon has reason to believe the Regent he doesn’t let on.

On the second day, Sour and Cetus enter the Olympic style wrestling competition amongst The Kingdom, and both win their first two matches, in Sour’s case by embarrassing his opponent and drawing lots of attention to himself and his nipples. Meanwhile, the others perform recon amongst the crowd and meetings to get more information on the players in the region. Simon plants a seed with the guard captains while Veil discovers that The Five Score Fellowship is a known crime syndicate in the region that seems to raid in the Eastern Mountains, and isn’t known to be affiliated with The Arczeckhi Horde. That evening Simon approaches both Rangor Brothers and convinces them to join him at his tea shop to discuss the future safety of The Hundred Kingdoms. In the tea shop Simon displays intimate knowledge about the supposedly confidential attack on Fog Scream Redoubt, and convinces the skeptical brothers that helping Nechara will help all The Hundred Kingdoms and bring great renown and respect to Orissa. When the brothers return they report their encounter to Princess Nimue, they all agree that Nimue will appeal to the other nations to send Champions of their own in support of Orissa and The Ranger Brothers leadership.

On the third day of the Summit Cetus loses his wrestling match in the semi-finals, but Sour wins twice including a brutal and public display of his Exalted dominance in the championship with most of the rest of the party watching. Meanwhile, Veil and Maiden attend summit meetings and find the miners in the area are familiar with The Five Score Fellowship but not always cooperative, so they decide to go directly to the source. The duo heads to the shady part of time and finds the first guy who looks like he’s looking for trouble, when Veil throws money at him for info on The Five Score Fellowship he attempts to flee with her jade by Maiden swoops in to tackle him. Pinned by an Alchemical Exalt and questioned by a Solar, he gives up the location of The Five Score Fellowship’s local hangout and the name Boss Gazar. Veil bribes her way inside, then uses her air elemental to deliver a message to the crime boss and arrange a meeting. Veil’s jade and her metaphysical backup are a powerful combination that convinces Boss Gazar that she’s someone worth doing business with, and he refers her to a mercenary company, The Ghastly Hawks, whom offer protection services to travelers and business people alike, but a truly in league with The Five Score Fellowship. With the recommendation of Boss Gazar, Veil is easily able to obtain a guide and protection from The Ghastly Hawks for her expedition into the mountains, under the guise of a legit business venture.
Simon meets with Necharan Captain Agora of the East Gate to discuss the situation, gather information, and establish and inside contact. All of which he does, as Agora warns that Necharan Rangers have long warned of the Arczeckhi Horde’s strength and that the Regent is keeping the news of Fog Scream Redoubt quiet because he fears a panic among the people. Nechara isn’t strong enough to hold back an invasion as it once did, and happy to find someone interested in helping Captain Agora agrees to a bribe to leave information in a drop box for Simon. During one of her patrols of the city, Maiden notices and over hears this bribing of the guard but decides against intervening.
As discussed with The Rangor Brothers, Princess Nimue of Orissa calls for an emergency meeting of all nations to address Nechara’s call for champions. Through various circumstances all of The Circle finds themselves invited or present for the emergency meeting. Princess Nimue who called the meeting is supported by host nation Regent Kaskos of Nechara and opens with an impassioned speech about the history of The Hundred Kingdoms, and declares that Orissa has tasked The Ranger Brothers with leading the expedition. The impassioned speech is only mildly successful, as many of the nations are skeptical of Nechara and expending resources, but Veil, Maiden, Simon - in the Resplendent Destiny of Hiro, and Sour all step forward for their respective nations to join. The circle convenes and decides to depart the next morning, and Regent Kaskos tells them that they can first travel to Moss-Spire Outpost only a days ride East of the city to meet up with the Necharan Rangers who discovered the massacre at Fog Scream Redoubt before continuing their journey. The next morning the circle departs the East gate of Nechara headed for Moss-Spire outpost, with all except for Sour and Maiden on horseback.
Part 2

The Circle's first day of travel starts out uneventful as the group gets to know one another better, but as evening approaches Veil notices something spiritual beneath the earth following the group. Before they have time to try to lose them, four spirits, Dogs of the Unbroken, burst out of the ground and converge on Sour who was in the rear of the group.
The four Dog of the Unbroken Earth converge on Sour in an ambush attack, and the Circle of Exalts springs into action, while Sour Monkey Leaps out of danger. Romael, Cetus, and Maiden charge into combat, while Veil rains essence blasts upon them, and Simon slips into the shadows to launch his own ambush. Though the spirit dogs show strong metaphysical power of their own, they are no match for the combined might of The Exalted Circle. After fighting the Dogs of the Unbroken Earth, Simon and Veil realize that Dogs of the Unbroken Earth tend only to attack travelers when people are cutting into new lands or when their territory is disrupted or threatened. The group discusses that they are traveling along a well-established trade route and it seems unlikely that normal activity by the population or a small barbarian raid would cause that much disruption.

The group continues their travel and arrives at Moss-Spire Outpost that evening, and Romael speaks with the guards and gets the party inside and a meeting with Captain Jessimond. The group sits down to a meal of warm stew with the captain while discussing recent events. Captain Jessidmond reveals that a fortnight ago, the rangers from Moss-Spire discovered what happened at Fogscream Redoubt, there was a massacre there, not necessarily a military attack. No bodies were found, although he believes that everybody who was there died a gruesome death by a force the Captain had never seen. It was like siege weaponry had been used, with stone structures destroyed, bloody, and crumbling. The first scouting party he sent never came back, so he led a second party himself but once he discovered the massacre he did not enter as he did not want to risk more of his men or the information he’d discovered. Sent word directly to Regent Kaskos when they returned to Moss Spire. Jessimond tells the group that Fogscream was well defended by two dozen Necharran Rangers, and that he fears the next attack will be on Moss Spire but no help has arrived until The Circle. He mentions that The Bridge of Necharra is much more heavily defended, and he doesn’t believe it has been attacked. After talking with The Captain, The Rangor brothers mingle with some of the other Rangers and discover a halfway house between Moss-Spire Outpost and Fogscream Redoubt, but that Captain Jessimond hurried past it after the massacre at Fogscream Redoubt.
The next morning The Cricle departs Moss-Spire Outpost, mostly on horseback, on the two day journey for Fogscream Redoubt, with the intention of resting and investigating the halfway hideout on the way. As they approach the cave where the hideaway is, Simon sneaks towards it on his own but finds no obvious signs of use in the last several months. Feeling it is relatively safe, The Circle all goes to investigate further, which leads to the discovery of a secret door in the back of the rock which opens and leads down a narrow stone stairwell into a dark cave. The group descends, using a magical lantern produced by Maiden as a lightsource, and discovers a massive dark cave with a distant beam of sunlight streaming down into it. Romael convinces Sour to throw a rock to see if there is anyone else in the dark, while Maiden climbs up to the ceiling. The rock seems to disturb something beneath the ground and four hungry ghosts converge on them and burst out and attack. However, the group quickly overpowers the four hungry ghosts, even with Sour running up the stairs in fear.

Once the ghosts are dispatched, they notice a large figure standing in the distant circle of light. Veil recognizes it as a Wendigo, a First Circle Demon that consumes souls to grow in size and power. Due to it’s consumption of souls it is unable to cross salt lines like a ghost and Maiden is able to produce enough salt to block the stairs an ensure it cannot escape, but when the demon charges them combat breaks out. Romael and Sour meet the demons charge with their own, while Maiden and Cetus prepare to attack from hidden positions, and Veil and Simon hang back from the fray. Seeing the demon up close, Sour decides to flee again, leaving Romael to battle it alone until Maiden and Cetus spring their attacks from their hidden positions. Veil’s ranged bombardment of essence lasers succeed in cutting one of the hands off of the demon as Sour rejoins the fight and the four exalts surround and engage the demon, with Cetus eventually dealing the death blow by leaping out of the darkness and impaling it through the chest. The group investigates the cave near the circle of light, and Veil recognizes it as a summoning circle for the demon with 2 sets of footprints around it, approximately a month old. Simon points out that both sets of footprints are wearing shoes, which might be unexpected if barbarians were responsible.
The Circle departs the cave immediately, but decides to rest the night so as to not arrive at Fogscream Redoubt during night. In the morning, Veil’s elemental flies ahead to provide aerial reconnaissance while Simon and Cetus sneak up towards the hillside fortress, and they discover what appears to be an extremely battered but seemingly abandoned fortifications. Massive holes are blown through stone walls as if assaulted by siege weaponry, the duo does not enter but listens carefully to what appears to be sounds coming from under the earth in tunnels under the Redoubt. Once joined by the rest of The Circle they enter Fogscream Redoubt together, where Veil is able to sense a nearby spirit but not its nature or exact location. Led by Simon, The Cricle proceeds in an orderly investigation of the fortress floor-by-floor starting with the first. The signs of battle and massacre are throughout the first floor of the fortress, with two dozen defenders facing off against a far smaller number of attackers but seemingly losing the battle to the attackers, which Simon is able to determine came from outside of the normal bounds of Fate. Systematically moving upstairs to continue the investigation they find bunk capacity for many more troops than occupied the Redoubt with minimal signs of combat on this floor. However, they discover the bunks of the soldiers have a small personal trinket inside, with a strand of essence connecting them to something beneath the fortress, which Veil determines is being used to control the ghosts of the fallen soldiers. When Romael breaks and Maiden repairs the individual trinkets the thread of essence is broken and disappears, which they do for all they can find before moving up to the roof level of the Redoubt. A smaller scale battle appears to have taken place on the roof, and Simon notices that one of the attackers matches one of the footprints at the summoning circle in the cave. From the roof Veil sees a beacon of essence at the top of the watchtower, which the group climbs and finds a dead guard and a glowing latern made of green glass. Veil studies it and determines that the latern is acting as a sort of lighthouse in the underworld, calling and attracting nearby ghosts towards it. Veil confiscates and turns off the lantern, but does not destroy it.

Having concluded their investigation above ground, The Circle heads into the lower levels of Fogscream Redoubt which they find to be a musty, sour smelling cellar with rotting food overpowering and hiding a distant stench of rotting flesh. Veil discovers a hidden passageway which Romael clears by shattering the wooden crates blocking it, and the unmistakable stench of death floods into the cellar and the faint sound of shuffling bodies and the moans and grunts of the undead can be heard from down below. The Circle descends into the sub-cellar and see a horde of zombies on one side and hungry ghosts on the other, and distantly in the back a Red-Skinned man commands the undead and a much larger Wendigo Demon to attack The Circle.

Sour and Cetus both leap into action against the zombie horde, while Maiden flies off to engage the hungry ghosts. Meanwhile, Veil reigns essence blasts down upon their rushing enemies and Romael holds up a defensive position to absorb their blows, and Simon sneaks into the shadows to support the groups efforts before entering the fray with Maiden against the hungry ghosts. Once the Wendigo pushes through the mob Romael charges in to meet the demon head on and jumps onto it’s back as he does battle with it. As the battle rages on the man at the back of the room casts Flying Guillotine Attack at Veil and hits her with the cutting blade directly in the torso causing a gaping wound, and Cetus is overwhelmed by the horde and forced to retreat to a defensive position near Veil. Veil responds with sorcery of her own and casts Flight of the Brilliant Raptor which reigns fire down upon the sorcerer at the back and engulfs him in flame instantly knocking him out of the battle. Emboldened, Cetus rejoins the fight and engages the Wendigo alongside his brother and Sour, ignoring the shambling horde of zombies to focus on the greater threat. The Rangor brothers land several damaging blows on the Wendigo, staggering it, and Sour Monkey Leaps ontop of it attempting to deliver the fatal blow but falling just short with his own attack, allowing the Wendigo to release a last ditch attack of red mist that flows out of it’s mouth enveloping the surrounding characters and burning their skin. From a distance, Veil sees her opening and fires an essence blast a the Wendigo dealing the final killing blow on the demon. Meanwhile, Maiden has been swooping and herding the hungry ghosts as she attacks while Simon attacks from the shadows, but while the number of ghosts dwindles so has the health of the two exalts battling them. With the Wendigo defeated Sour and Veil turn their attention to the ghosts and the four exalts make short work of the remaining hungry ghosts, while The Rangor Brothers are able to defeat the remaining zombie horde ending the immediate threat and battle.

While most of the party rests and tends to their wounds, Simon and Veil investigate the body of the sorcerer burnt to a crisp by Veil’s spell. They find him barely alive and clinging to life in extreme agony, and the duo uses their various means of magically probing the man’s final thoughts and memories. Simon gathers his surface thoughts which show immense disappointment at failing his master and concern their plans will fail due to his failure. Veil is able to cast a spell that accesses the man’s memories and allows her to relive one of her choosing; she sees a vision a large stone with carving reminiscent of the summons circle’s she has seen at the sites of the summoned Wendigos. Surrounding the stone are 13 red skinned individuals dressed and adorned similar to Deimos with red skin and white tattoos, at the center of the circle is another figure who appears to be the recipient of worship and is speaking to them in old realm. He tells them all he has a mission for them to spread across The One Hundred Kingdoms and then whispers a message to each, Deimos is told to go to Nechara and cut off the Bridge from the Kingdom and open a Shadowland allowing him to lead an army against the western Bridge defenses while another attacks from the east. Once they control the bridge, their army can sweep across The One Hundred Kingdoms and bring glory to Ligier. As the memory fades so does the last of the life in Demios’ body and they are reduced to investigating the corpse and his surroundings. Though the body is mutilated they are able to interurpet his tattoos and discover that they are infernal and name him as an Acolyte of The Celestial of Hell, seemingly an Infernal Cult. Additionally, Simon finds a silken chain shirt made with glittering magical metal that he removes for himself and asks Maiden to purify before donning it. They are able to determine that Deimos’ footprints are the larger set of footprints seen at the summoning circle in the cave. With the combined effort of the Circle, led by Veil’s sorcery, the group is able to quickly close the new Shadowland in the cellar before any more darkness can spread from it.
The group investigates a final room in the cellar that appears to have been used as a dungeon which had a single occupant who recently escaped. Traces of evidence discovered by Simon reveal a small athletic women was likely the prisoner and her footprints match the second set from the summoning circle in the cave, and from the rooftop of Fogscream Redoubt. Likely confirming that she is the prisoner from The Five Score Fellowship that the captain mentioned and the she, and therefore the crime syndicate have some connection to plot afoot.
The Finale
Now aware that The Bridge of Necharra is the true target of these attacks and is in imminent danger from at least one, if not two attacking forces The Circle quickly departs East for The Bridge and discusses what they know of it on their travels. The Bridge is protected by two dozen Necharan Rangers, led by a veteran Captain named Eros, who was a mentor to Jessimond in his youth. In addition, The Hundred Kingdoms and Nechara have hired a Talon of Seventh-Legion Troops led by Talonlord Anju, a Dragon-Blooded Exalt, which represents the true might of their defenses. Simon reveals that he, and The Sacred Topology, have some acquaintance with Talonlord Anju and deems him trustworthy enough. Veil sends an Infallible Messenger to warn him of the impending attack, and Simon reveals to the party his Sidereal Exalted nature.

The Circle makes haste on their journey, expecting it to take two days to arrive. As they travel along the road they are ambushed by a group of bandits, and Romael and Sour attempt to intimidate and warn the bandits into standing down. When it looks like they might not, Veil wastes no time and casts Death of Obsidian Butterflies and annihilates them in a quick massacre. The group is prepared to move on past the violence, but Maiden insists on giving the bandits proper burial rites. As they proceed, they note that the road appears to be rarely traveled beyond the bandits very recently, and the group decides to stay off the road the rest of the way in an attempt to avoid further combat. However, a smaller scout party of bandits discovers them and intercepts the, but are quickly dispatched, and Sour brings one of their heads along with them in his jaws for the rest of the journey. As night falls, they decide to rest the night.
The next day as they get closer to the Bridge the patrols become more frequent and The Circle is forced further into the wilderness to avoid detection, causing further delays to their arrival, but finally they arrive. The Bridge of Nechara is lined with Fifty-foot tall pillars with Knight statues lining them and spans mountain peak to mountain peak with a large river flowing underneath, and a barracks and portcullis style gate on the west side. The Circle is greeted by Seventh-Legion guards who are on high alert given Veil’s warning and tell them to Halt and declare themselves before approaching. After brief discussions Veil is escorted into the barracks to meet with Talonlord Anju, but as she approaches the sudden sounds of sword fighting and alarm erupt from inside. Two figures, dressed as ninjas, burst through the rooftop on the far side of the barracks, apparently attempting to make an escape and The Circle quickly pursues with Veil flying on her cloud and blasting essence at them while Maiden activates a charm allowing her to track the ninjas no matter how far they get. As Maiden, Sour, and Veil deal with the ninjas Romael, Cetus, and Simon enter the barracks to discover what is going on. One of the ninjas leaps off the roof to make her escape and is pursued by Sour, while Maiden and Veil engage the one on the roof who attempts to fire signal arrows into the air, but is thwarted multiple times by Veil shooting them out of the air. Sour catches up to the fleeing ninja with lightning speed, but finds himself quickly outmatched by her swordsmanship and he is badly injured, nearly having his throat slit. She continues her retreat and Sour is forced to allow it. Meanwhile, Maiden and Veil overpower the remaining ninja and kill her, but not before she manages to fire off a final signal arrow into the sky. Veil flies off in pursuit of the remaining fleeing ninja, and the retreating Sour jumps onto her flying cloud and when he attempts to accost her she knocks Sour off her cloud but has to break off her pursuit of the ninja to do so.

Inside, Simon discovers Captain Eros has been stabbed and is being attended by his Necharan Rangers who seem concerned for his life and tells him. Simon inspects the wound and discovers that Captain Eros has been poisoned, but it is beyond his skill to heal quickly. He knows of a remedy and gives it to his rangers to find. The Rangor Brothers hear war drums beating in the distance, and meet Talonlord Anju, deciding to return to The Bridge with Anju and Seventh-Legion reinforcements. Anju explains that one of the ninjas stole The Hearthstone that powers the manse and The Bridge’s magical defenses and that without it The Bridge is vulnerable without it. Romael agrees to lead the vanguard force against the attack, while Anju leads the archers along the gate when the attack starts.

With immediate threats addressed, the group splits up to prepare for the impending conflict. Sour and Maiden depart to the north to pursue the ninja who escaped, with Maiden having tracked her perfectly. After some lengthy pursuit to the north, the ninja attempts to lose them by changing course but Maiden knows her every move and Maiden and Sour are able to cut her off in a canyon where she cannot escape. Meanwhile, Romael, Anju, and Veil prepare The Bridge and soldiers for the incoming attack, while Simon hatches a plan for Cetus and himself to sneak out into the middle of The Bridge and prepare an ambush for the attacking army. Simon and Cetus find hiding places on and under The Bridge where they can await the rushing horde and spring their ambush attack. With defenses prepared the forces on The Bridge can only await the impending attack and listen to the drumbeat and sound of marching footsteps, which build until finally a massive Hellboar with a barbarian rider atop bursts through the treeline with a rampaging horde of barbarians at his back and a cloaked, red-skinned figure riding a goat whom hangs back at the treeline.

Sour and Maiden converge on the Dragon-Blooded Ninja, who pulls her mask down before engaging the pair of Exalts, revealing The Quicksilver Maiden of the Sunless Horizon one of the leaders of The Five Score Fellowship. Just before they attack Quicksilver Maiden plunges her hand into the nearby stream and pulls a black jade daiklave out to counter their assault. Sour leaps at Quicksilver while Maiden swoops around the battlefield disrupting Quicksilvers attempts to ward them off, which allows Sour to stab Quicksilver with his nipples inflicting some damage. Enraged by Sours attack, Quicksilver retaliates by flipping overtop of him and slashing his back with her daiklave landing a nearly fatal blow on Sour. The force of the cut sends Sour flying across the canyon and crashing into the cliff wall which collapses rock and rubble ontop of him crushing his lungs and dealing a dramatic injury to his Fortitude. Shocked that Sour survived her attack, Maiden sees an opening to eliminate an imperfect pox on Creation and restore order and dives into an attack with her talons and shreds Quicksilver from head to toe into unrecognizable gore. Nearly all that remains is the precious Hearthstone, which Maiden retrieves and wastes little time departing to leave for The Bridge to return the powerful magical defense. Sour uses lightning speed to burst past Maiden towards The Bridge, however Maiden doesn’t trust Sour enough to give him the Hearthstone and keeps it with her on her comparatively slower return.
At The Bridge of Nechara the assault is underway, as the barbarians led by The Exigent Exalt, Rampaging Harbinger of Unfettered Annihilation atop his elephant sized Hellboar charge across The Bridge. Veil uses sorcery to bring a phoenix shaped inferno down upon the charging barbarians, but their numbers and fervor are mostly undeterred. Meanwhile, Romael and Anju wait behind the closed gates with their Seventh-Legion troops and Simon and Cetus remain in hiding, waiting for the opportune time to spring their ambush. As the horde starts to cross The Bridge, Anju gives the command to fire arrows from atop the gate to slow the onslaught and thin their ranks and Veil casts Death of Obsidian Butterflies down the chokepoint of The Bridge to devastating effect. However, the charge continues until the Hellboar rams at full speed into the metal gate with a deafening crash that sends a sprawling crack through the metal. Anju unleashes essence fire from his fists at the Hellboar and its rider but is unable to deter them. Meanwhile, The Celestial of Hell who has remained on the far side of the Bridge near the tree line casts a spell to effect the weather and darken the clouds, causing rain and thunder to roll into the area. Taking advantage of the changing weather Rampaging Harbinger raises his spear into the sky which is struck by lightning and the essence of that blast is charged into his next attack against the metal gate which send it shattering into deadly shards at everyone nearby.
At this moment Simon and Cetus spring their ambush, with Simon pushing a giant statue head onto the bridge which crashed into the horde just before Cetus swoops in engulfed by his water spout anima with daiklaves spinning. Cetus’ attack is devastating sweeping across the bridge cutting down and drowning barbarians as well as knocking them from the bridge to tumble to their deaths by the dozen leaving them standing in a clear gap at the center of the bridge. Meanwhile Talonlord Anju and Romael team up to take on the massive Hellboar, but their attack is interrupted by Rampaging Harvester unleashing a shockwave of essence from his body hurting all those that are near him, including his allies. Cetus heads towards the gate to reinforce his brother against the Hellboar and its exalted rider, while Simon turns his attention to the rushing army and becomes the target of the Celestial of Hells Flying Guillotine Attack which lands to significant effect, forcing Simon to slip unnoticed into the crowd of barbarians to recover. At the gate the battle begins to turn in the favor of the defenders, and Veil fires a savage bolt of essence at Rampaging Harvester, who sacrifices his artifact lance to take a majority of the energy blast causing it to shatter rather than instantly slaying him. In a last ditch attempt to turn the tide of the battle Rampaging Harbinger uses a focused attack on Talonlord Anju that envelops him in a cloud and traps him inside while the clouds swirl with lightning and shock him repeatedly. The Hellboar lands a solid blow on Cetus with one of it’s tusks, which causes Cetus to abandon the fight and flee and with their commander out of commission and the retreat of Cetus it is enough to shake the resolve of The Seventh Legion troops who break and begin to flee.
Romael is in disbelief at The Seventh Legion and his brother’s retreat and refuses to loose the battle, through his own force of will he commands The Seventh Legion to return to the fight and rallies the army back to their side. Just as Romael brings the Seventh Legion back into the fold, Sour arrives and leaps into the fray nipples first. Veil’s next focused essence blast at Rampaging Harbinger is a scissor of essence that nearly cuts off his head, and shatters his horned helmet and sends him careening off of the bridge. Romael delivers a final crushing blow to the Hellboar with his mace, flattening it’s skull and the troops he brings back with him route what is left of the barbarian horde. Simon sneaks into the barbarian horde and uses the chaos to disappear, slipping down the cliff and away once he sees that The Circle is destined to win the conflict. However, The Celestial of Hell who aided the attack is able to retreat along with what is left of the barbarian horde back to the East.
With the battle at The Bridge won, The Circle is eager to return to Necharra and share their findings. Maiden returns the Hearthstone to Captain Eros which allows The Bridges magical defenses to return to function, and giving them some sense of security. With The Five Score Fellowship and The Barbarian Horde on the defensive their return trip to Necharra is without incident. When they return Maiden finds that Ramesh has traveled to Nechara to tell her that the Sultan has decided to open the gates into the city and the manses alarm system is now pointing to Nod itself. Veil has two sealed scrolls, one from The Guild and one from Grand Elder Phineas Luther Hedersett imploring Veil to find out more about the situation and players and send detailed reports to him about them. If she does, he promises to reward her academy with his endorsement. Veil and Maiden decide to travel back to Nod together. Meanwhile, The Rangor Brothers find that Nimue has returned to Orissa and left them a note that she has returned to the war and but that their return to battle is less urgent than them finding new allies that may help finish the war once and for all. The Brothers decide to return to Orissa and bring one of their new friends, Sour Buckthorn with them to introduce to their King and Princess.
An alphabetical list of important people and places worth remembering from A Shadow Underfoot.
Important Characters
- The Alabaster-Faced Moon Veiled in Violet Shadows and Crimson Blossoms - AKA Veil - A Solar Exalt from The Kingdom of Nathir who joins The Circle.
- The Arczeckhi Horde - A famous horde of barbarians who were driven out of The Hundred Kingdoms to The East hundreds of years ago. Small raiding parties still attack the Eastern Kingdoms, but some in The East fear their power is growing and another invasion is coming.
- Boss Gazar - A crime lord in Necharra with affiliations to The Five Score Fellowship who Veil and Maiden did business with to investigate the happenings in the region.
- Captain Agora - A Necharan City Guard Captain whom Simon made acquaintance and established a discreet information exchange with as an interested party from Sendai.
- Captain Eros - A Necharan Ranger Captain who leads The Necharan defense of The Bridge of Nechara and is the safe keeper of the Hearth Stone that powers it's magical defenses. Captain Eros as injured and poisoned by Quicksilver Maiden when she stole The Hearth Stone, but his life and the Hearth Stone were saved by The Circle.
- Captain Jessimond - A Necharan Ranger Captain who leads the forces at Moss-Spire Outpost and discovered the massacre at Fog Scream Redoubt.
- Cetus Rangor - A Dragon-Blooded Exalt from The Kingdom of Orissa who leads The Circle along with his brother Romael.
- Chancellor Callisto Rhea Damaris - The leader of The Kingdom of Vitalis who attends The Confederation of Kingdoms in Nechara.
- The Celestials of Hell - An Infernal Demon Cult made up of at least 12 Red Skinned Shaman operating in and around The Hundred Kingdoms. The Circle encountered Deimos at Fog Scream Redoubt, and Okubo at The Bridge of Nechara.
- Daimyo Satou Koga - The leader of The Kingdom of Sendai who attends The Confederation of Kingdoms in Nechara.
- Deimos - A human necromancer and member of the Infernal Cult called The Celestials of Hell who the group killed at Fog Scream Redoubt while investigating the massacre that took place there.
- Entropy Devouring Maiden - An Alchemical Exalt from The Kingdom of Nod who joins The Circle.
- The Five Score Fellowship - A crime syndicate known to operate heavily in The Eastern Region of The Hundred Kingdoms, led by The Dragon-Blooded Exalt Quicksilver Maiden of the Sunless Horizon before she was killed at The Bridge of Nechara. Their connection to The Celestials of Hell remains unknown.
- The Ghastly Hawks - A mercenary company based Necharra with ties to The Five Score Fellowship, running a protection racket for the crime syndicate. Veil hired them as protection and guidance in the mountains, but they quickly realized they were outclassed by The Exalted Circle.
- Grand Elder Phineas Luther Hedersett - The leader of The Kingdom of Nathir who attends The Confederation of Kingdoms in Nechara.
- King Vortimer Meliodas - The ruler of The Kingdom of Orissa who does not attend The Confederation, but sends his daughter and The Rangor Brothers in his stead.
- Laurelin the Golden - The ruler of The Kingdom of Telperion who attends The Confederation of Kingdoms in Nechara and brings Sour Buckthorn as her honored guest.
- Okubo - A human necromancer and member of the Infernal Cult called The Celestials of Hell who the group encountered at The Bridge of Nechara. He escaped with what remained of the retreating Arczeckhi after their defeat by the combined might of The Circle and The Seventh Legion.
- Princess Nimue Meliodas - The Princess and Heir to the throne of Orissa who attends The Confederation of Kingdoms in Nechara.
- Quicksilver Maiden of the Sunless Horizon - A Dragon-Blooded Exalt, leader of the Crime Syndicate The Five Score Fellowship, who led the attack on Fog Scream Redoubt and The Bridge of Nechara. She was killed by Entropy Devouring Maiden while trying to escape with the stolen Hearth Stone that powers The Bridge's First Age Defenses.
- Rampaging Harbinger of Unfettered Annihilation - An Exigent Exalt, Chosen of Calamities, who led an army of Arczeckhi Horde barbarians across The Bridge of Nechara atop a massive Hellboar, but was defeated by The Circle and The Seventh Legion.
- Regent Kaskos - The leader of The Kingdom of Nechara who hosts The Confederation of Kingdoms and implores his fellow Kingdoms to help Nechara.
- Romael Rangor - A Dragon-Blooded Exalt from The Kingdom of Orissa who lead The Circle along with his brother Cetus.
- Saishu Arashi and Saishu Konuma - The Sisters are the leaders of The Emishi Kingdom and attend The Confederation of Kingdoms in Nechara.
- The Most Parsimonious Observer of Sacred Topologies - AKA Simon - A Sidereal Exalt who overseas The Hundred Kingdoms who joins The Circle.
- Sour Buckthorn - A Lunar Exalt from nearby The Kingdom of Telperion, invited by Laurelin the Golden, who joins The Circle.
- Sultan Balin Asadhi - The ruler of The Kingdom of Nod who attends The Confederation of Kingdoms in Nechara.
- Talonlord Anju - A Dragon-Blood Exalt who leads The Seventh Legion's mercenary forces at The Bridge of Nechara.
- Wendigo - A breed of First Circle Demons who feast on souls, living or dead, to grow in size and power.
Important Places
- The Kingdom of Nathir - One of the largest and most metropolitan Kingdoms of The Hundred Kingdoms on the Western edge of the region.
- The Kingdom of Nechara -A small Kingdom at the Eastern edge of The Hundred Kingdoms with a rich history where our campaign begins.
- Moss-Spire Outpost - A small military outpost a day by horse to the east of the Capital City of Nechara, manned by approximately a dozen Necharan Rangers and led by Captain Jessimond.
- Fog Scream Redoubt - A military fortress of ancient construction 3 days to the east by horse of the Capital City of Nechara, manned by two dozen Necharan Rangers who were slaughtered by an attack led by an Infernal Cult, The Celestials of Hell and the crime syndicate, The Five Score Fellowship.
- The Bridge of Nechara - An ancient First Age marvel of a bridge that spans the mountains and The Rock River, providing the largest and easiest crossing into the Eastern border of The Hundred Kingdoms. It is defended by two dozen Necharan Rangers and a Talon of Seventh Legion soldiers, as well as whatever First Age magic that still lingers there. A battle between The Circle of Exalts from The Hundred Kingdoms and a talon of Seventh Legion troops was fought against an Arczeckhi Barbarian Horde led by Rampaging Harbinger of Unfettered Annihilation an Exigent Exalted, Chosen of Calamities and The Celestials of Hell Shaman Okubo. The Arczeckhi Horde was repelled by the combined forces of The Hundred Kingdoms.
- The Kingdom of Nod - A smaller Kingdom in the middle of The Hundred Kingdoms with isolationist tendencies due to a desire to protect their hidden First age treasures.
- The Kingdom of Orissa - A mining Kingdom in The Eastern Province of The Hundred Kingdoms that is rich in resources but has been ravaged by war and raids until two powerful Exalted brothers changed its fortune.
- The Kingdom of Sendai - A small Kingdom in the Northeast with close ties to Lookshy and a reputation for having the most expansive spy network in the region.
- The Kingdom of Telperion - A relatively new Kingdom in The Eastern Mountains, that broke away from The Kingdom of Vitalis after coming under the leadership of a powerful new ruler who has led it to independence and prosperity.