Sour Buckthorn

Basic Information
Name: Sour Buckthorn
Type: Lunar Exalt
Player: Jonny
Caste: Full Moon
Concept: A tribal leader of (approximately 100 people) of the Narkadon who encompasses Teleprion region.
Political Affiliation: Narkadon Tribe and Teleprion
Age of Exultation: 25
Actual Age: 31
Languages Spoken: Riverspeak (N)
Primary Virtue: Loyalty
Secondary Virtue: Ambition - To make sure the nature of his land does not get destroyed.
- Force 4
- Finesse 2
- Fortitude 3 -1 Penalty to 2 while Dramatic Injury
- Athletics 5
- Awareness 3
- Close Combat 5
- Craft
- Embassy
- Integrity 3
- Navigate
- Performance 3
- Physique 3
- Presence 1
- Ranged Combat
- Sagacity
- Stealth 2
- War
- Artifact 5 - Claws of Amarok - Moonsilver Tiger Claws
- Followers 3 -
- Influence 2 -
Essence 2
- Max Motes 7
Essence Respiration
- Recover 1 mote at the end of any combat scene and beginning of any non-combat scene.
- Recover up to half of motes during downtime spent resting. Recover all motes with full night's rest.
- Recover 1 mote at end of character's combat turn.
- Recover 3 motes per hour in Manse or when wearing hearthstone.
- 1-2 Dim: Caste Mark is visible (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 3-4 Glowing: Lit by a soft light (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 5-6 Burning: Aura of her anima can light up a room
- 7-9 Bonfire: Aura is visible from long range
- 10 Iconic: Naked essence becomes visible in the area around Veil. (Like being able to see the code in the matrix or individual atoms in real life.)
Claws of Amarok - Moonsilver Tiger Claws (Close Combat)
- Accuracy: 9 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +1
- Defense: +1
- Overwhelming: 3
- Tags: Artifact, Melee, Paired, Concealable, Worn, Piercing
Unarmed/Claws/Nipples (Close Combat)
- Accuracy: 9 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +0
- Defense: +1
- Overwhelming:
- Tags: Natural
Combat Defense
- Parry 5
- (Force 4 + Close Combat 5)/2
- Evasion 4
- (Finesse 2 + Athletics 5)/2
- Soak 1
- (Natural 1)
- Hardness 4
- (Natural 2 + Essence 2)
- -0x2
- -1x4
- -2x3
- Inc
Dramatic Injuries
- Force:
- Finesse:
- Fortitude: Collapsed Lung: -1 Fortitude
- Manse:
- Resolve 4
- (Integrity 1 or 2 = 3, Integrity 3+ = 4)
- +/- 2 For Minor Intimacies/Virtues & +/- 3 for Major Intimacies/Virtues
- Ten Thousand Forms: The Lunar gains access to an animal shape, representative of their character, during their Exaltation. They also have a mode of Sacred Hunt, which the player chooses at character creation. Predators must ritually hunt their target and drink their heart’s blood; Tricksters must outwit or beguile their target; Stalkers must observe and pursue their target (if the target is sentient, that means learning at least one of their Virtues or Intimacies). If the hunt is successful, the Lunar may add this target to the shapes they know.
- The Lunar can spend one mote to shift into these shapes. Even shifted, however, they retain a unique Tell such as silver eyes, black nails, or razor teeth — choose this, too, during character creation. A Lunar may start play with as many forms as the player and Storyteller deem appropriate. The Lunar can acquire additional forms throughout the course of the game. While in the form of the animal, the Lunar gains access to the animal’s special quality (for example: a jellyfish’s ability to sting), plus any other narratively appropriate bonuses or penalties. She uses her dice pools as normal. See the section on animals on p. XX. Transforming into another human grants their appearance and voice but no other special skills or traits without the use of magic. Transforming into another magical creature (such as a demon or god) requires special Charms (see p. XX).
- Passionate Ideals: Once per story, if the Lunar would gain a new Intimacy, she may create it at the Major rather than Minor rating. Furthermore, the Lunar gains an extra die when her roll is supported by a Major Intimacy or Virtue.
- Resonance: Lunars are resonant with Moonsilver.
Anima Effects
- Unstoppable (Passive): Extras (p. XX) cannot deal damage to the Full Moon.
- Crushing Might (Active): The Lunar adds her Essence in automatic successes to any Force + Physique roll that is not an attack.
- Impossible Vigor (Iconic): The Lunar heals one damage any time they Incapacitate an enemy.
Excellencies & Ox-Body
- Athletics: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Close Combat: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Ox-Body: (Page 212) Gain two -1 Health Level, Gain one -2 Health Level
Lunar Transformation Charms
- Hybrid Body Transformation (Pg ) - (WOLF) The Lunar sheds the mask of humanity and becomes an enormous beastfolk-like creature.
- Commit 2 motes. Gain one bonus die to all rolls; this die does not count toward the dice limit. Additionally, gain the benefit of your animal spirit shape’s special abilities, and add her Essence in automatic successes to all actions that fall within the scope of your animal spirit shape’s milieu (dodging for a mongoose, goring for a bull, etc). Your hybrid shape can take on whatever appearance you like, which need not involve a full transformation of your body and may subtly change each time it’s invoked.
- Wolf - Wolves are pack animals. On Step 3, add one automatic success for each ally in close range of the target, to a maximum of three successes.
- Wolf - Hunting/Stalking/Tracking/Smell Based Perception Rolls
- Chimera-Soul Expression - (PORCUPINE) The Lunar becomes a chimera, having a spirit shape that fuses two or more animals. When you purchase this charm, you have the option of selecting one of the following Modes. This Charm is permanent, and may be purchased more than once; however, each purchase beyond the first must be taken as a minor milestone, rather than personal; hybridizing yourself to such an extent isn’t easy. New Type: If the animal you are hybridizing your true shape with is markedly different, select a different animal type (e.g. Flying, Burrowing, etc). You gain the benefits of that animal type when in your spirit shape.
- Porcupine - The porcupine's quills count as Medium Close Combat Weapons, if the Lunar possesses a Moonsilver Artifact weapon they may use the artifacts stats when attacking with the porcupine quills. Gain the natural tag.
- Porcupine - The porcupine's quills count as Light Ranged Combat Weapons with a range of Short and can be shot from the Lunar's back.
- Porcupine - Digging/Burrowing, Climbing, Forging for food
Athletics Charms
- Monkey Leap (Pg. ) The Exalt leaps with speed and grace, carrying them soaring into the air, or from rooftop to rooftop. The Exalt may leap vertically one range band into the air as a movement action. Additionally, she may leap forward horizontally to leap across rooftops, move stylishly through the air, and avoid appropriate hazards and obstacles, bypassing them without a roll.
- Lightening Speed (Pg. ) The Exalt becomes a blur of motion, anima streaming in their wake as they flash from one point to another. Spend 1 mote. Double 8s on a movement action involving running or swimming or to any venture roll involving foot racing, chases, or swift escapes. This does not apply to attacks made following a Rush. If used when moving towards an enemy, the Exalt gains one Power.
- Flow Like Blood (Pg. ) The Exalt moves in time with the flow of battle, slipping between swords with dismaying ease. Commit 1 mote for the scene. The Exalt adds one to her Defense against attacks at close range, and steals 1 Power from her attacker when she successfully defends against such an attack. If the target has no Power to steal, he suffers a two-die penalty to his next attack instead.
- Cunning Prey Reversal (Lunar): On Step 5, if the Lunar successfully defended, she steals half the target’s generated Power (round down).
- Resonate Effect: When the Claws of Amarok are readied, their wielder cannot be targeted by ranged combat attacks during a round if he has already Rushed or Sprinted, or taken other special movement such as those granted by Charms.
- Inevitable Predator Celerity - The wielder relentlessly hounds his prey regardless of how quickly it flees.
- When an opponent the wielder has previously targeted with an attack using the Claws of Amarok moves away from him, he may spend 1 Power to reflexively move one Range band directly toward them if he has the physical means to do so, even if she has already moved this round. This evocation may be used even if his target has concealed themselves, though it does not grant exact knowledge of their location.
- Resonant: The wielder’s next attack against an enemy targeted with Claws of Amarok ignores half their Defense, if withering, or half their soak, if decisive.
- Dreadful Hunter's Pursuit The wielder bounds toward his prey so quickly that a vacuum is created behind him.
- Spend 1 mote when moving toward an enemy. Ignore the effects of difficult terrain on move actions. The 3-die penalty to rush actions become a 3-die bonus.
- Resonant: Ignore the effects of environmental hazards as well. If the user moved through an environmental hazard this turn, he may apply the effects of the hazard to his target.
- Armor Rending Strike
- Spend 1 mote and 3 power during step 5 of a decisive attack. Reduce the target's soak value by 2 for Essence rounds.
- Resonant: Min 3 rounds.
Major Milestones - Spent: 0 - Earned: 2
- Gaining: A Major Milestone furthers the narrative progression, like completing a story arc. The end of a story.
- Using: Increase an attribute by 1. Gain or increase a merit.
Minor Milestones - Spent: 0 - Earned: 6
- Gaining: Completing a single adventure or story chapter. Significant story beat. Roughly every other session.
- Using: Increase ability by 1 or gain a new charm.
Exalt Milestones - Spent: 0 - Earned: 4
- Gaining: At the end of each session, Wood Aspects gain an Exalt Milestone if they experienced something new and exciting to them with a significant character or group or their actions fostered change in a significant character or group.
- Using: Benefit of either a personal or minor milestone, but it must be used for Exalt-specific things.
Personal Milestones - Spent: 0 - Earned: 2
- Gaining: Accomplishing a personal goal, doing something extraordinary, solving a mystery, defeating a rival, describing an amazing stunt, or showing up and contributing.
- Using: Acquire a new mode or repurchase a charm. (Excellency & Ox-Body Count) May purchase a new ability at rating 1. May also, gain, intensify, or change an intimacy if the story supports it. Heal a dramatic injury.