Star Wars: The High Republic
The stories of a collection of Jedi during the High Republic.
- Episode I: Darkness Beneath the Sands - A group of Padawans travel to Iktotch to investigate a growing darkness and prove themselves ready to be Jedi Knights.
The Cast
Player Characters
- Character Creation Guidelines
- Teral Zyn Vok - swsheets (Player: Tony)
- Vu Lumi - swsheets (Player: Dan H.)
- Jeksindravos - swsheets (Player: Brian)
- Isara Shen (Master to Teral Zyn Vok)
- Lam Nkai (Master to Vu Lumi)
The Setting
Ships & Vehicles
Arsenal & Personal Equipment
- Galaxy Map
- Printable Specialization Trees
- Fantasy Flight Edge of the Empire Homepage
- Gamer Nation Website
- SW Edge of the Empire Sub-Reddit
- SW Edge of the Empire Unofficial DropBox
- SW Edge of the Empire Unofficial Google Docs