Teral Zyn Vok

From The Whereabouts

Basic Info

Name: Teral Zyn Vok
Player: Tony
Species: Devaronian
Career: Seeker
Specializations: Padawan, Navigator, Ataru Striker
Background: Comfortable with Tech (Beginnings), The Duty to Tradition (Experiencing the Force), Desire for Understanding (Heeding the Call)
Motivation: Ambition: Enlightenment - Teral believes lost secrets and ancient knowledge hold critical lost keys to understanding The Force and guiding The Jedi and The Republic forward.
Morality: 50
Emotional Strength: Curiosity - The character is driven to learn new things, to seek out and discover new information, and to expand his knowledge and understanding of those things that interest him.
Emotional Weakness: Recklessness - Of course, a little thought can go a long way towards saving someone from a major mistake, which this character may find out to his sorrow on more than one occasion. Reckless behavior can leave him in dangerous situation or at the mercy of more calculating individuals.
Master: Isara Shen
Lightsaber Color: Green


A rugged and burly male Devaronian, with red-hued skin; thick, downward curving horns; and piercing yellow eyes. His physique is muscular and imposing, suggesting years of physical challenges in the wilds. His head is bald as typical for male Devaronians, but his face is covered in a thick, coarse beard equal parts black and grey. A trait that causes many humans to mistake him for being much older than he is. He wears a traditional Padawan braid woven into his beard.

His attire blends practicality with Jedi tradition: well-worn robes reinforced with leather that often leave his arms bare and a rugged brown concealing cloak held at his shoulders with a brooch chain adorned with small scrimshawed beads and carved bone accents—tokens from his travels.

He wields a lightsaber pike with a striking design blending natural and technological craftsmanship and a vibrant green blade. The hilt is made from the carved femur of a Devaronian dusk-beast and phrik alloy, intricately scrimshawed with scenes depicting the Force’s connection to nature. A thick, worn leather strap attached to the elongated handle allows him to wear the blade across his shoulder or back instead of at his side. Also slung across his back, is a net gun, a non-lethal weapon for capturing adversaries or retrieving delicate relics, and a discreet homage to his lost father.


Teral Zyn Vok was born on his home planet of Devaron, but unlike most Jedi who are identified by The Jedi at a young age as candidates for training, he did not leave home, instead Teral was taken to The Temple of Eedit on Devaron for his training. The Temple of Eedit is a small Jedi Temple centered around a vergence in The Force in the deep wilderness of the planet's infamous jungles. Teral was always comfortable in this setting, and in some ways it made the transition to the life of a Jedi youngling easier, in other ways it would prove to be a great impediment to his early training.

Terals mother was a respected civic leader on Devaron, while his father, like many male Devaronians, was an off world explorer. The presence and proximity of his mother at an young age led to an early struggle breaking attachments to his family, as he would occasionally sneak out of the Temple to visit her. Combined with the fact that Teral was not spared the stereotypical Devaronian male wanderlust, he frequently pushed the boundaries of acceptable behavior as a youngling. It was not lost on his instructors that there was good reason that female Devaronians outnumber males in The Jedi order by more than 2 to 1. Terals studies were anything from all bad, as long as he was present, he displayed a ravenous appetite for knowledge and understanding, and displayed immense potential with The Force.

Terals father would occasionally return to Devaron and was permitted short visits with Teral from time to time, during these visits Terals father would tell him of distant worlds, strange beasts, and daring adventures. At age 13 while meditating at The Temple and harnessing the vergence’s deep connection to The Force, Teral was struck by the realization that he would never see his father again. Unsure if his father was dead, or simply lost in space was an inconsequential difference, The Force had showed him the truth and he knew in his heart there was nothing he could do to change it. With his emotions in turmoil he fled the Jedi Temple without consulting his Masters, disappearing for weeks as he walked the famed Wanderers Path of Devaron in solitude. While walking the path alone, surviving on his instincts and training, he contemplated his future. Did he truly desire to be a Jedi, or was the life of an explorer like his father his true calling?

Once he had completed the Path he returned to The Temple of Eedit, with his mind made up and a newfound resolve. Teral had deduced that his internal conflict was that he had not accepted his true self, that he did not need to chose between being a Jedi or an explorer, but that both sides could be embraced as he walked his own personal journey in The Force. He requested of Master Veyla Torr, who was the headmaster of The Temple, that he be made a Padawan to a Jedi Master who would take him off world and allow him to find his own path. Master Veyla felt she had two options, either find a Master who would accept Teral as their Padawan under such unusual circumstances; or cease his training and expel him from the order.

Master Veyla Torr would not give up on a student easily, and requested her own Master, Isara Shen, travel to Devaron to meet Teral and consider taking him as her student. Master Isara was not a renowned explorer, nor was she a legendary teacher. In fact her only Padawan had been Master Veyla Torr decades earlier. However, Master Isara had a renowned perspective on The Force and ability to sense it’s unseen currents, if there was a Jedi Master who could guide Teral on his own unique journey in The Force, it was Master Isara Shen.

Whether by luck, or destiny, Master Isara agreed to take Teral Zyn Vok as her Padawan; serving more as his guide on his journey through The Force than as his Master. To foster his independence, Isara joined The Jedi Exploration Corps, allowing Teral to explore the galaxy he yearned to see. Meanwhile, Isara Shen did not care where in the galaxy they were, she knew The Force would provide for them, every destination offered a new lesson to learn.

Personality & Beliefs

Fighting Style & Abilities
