Cetus Rangor

Basic Information
Name: Cetus Rangor
Type: Dragon Blooded Exalt
Player: Alex
Aspect: Water
Concept: Warrior/Criminal
Political Affiliation: Orissa
Age of Exultation: 11
Actual Age: 31
Languages Spoken: Riverspeak (N)
Primary Virtue: Justice
Secondary Virtue: Discipline
- Force 2
- Finesse 3
- Fortitude 5
- Athletics 3
- Awareness 3
- Close Combat 4
- Craft
- Embassy
- Integrity 1
- Navigate 3
- Performance
- Physique
- Presence 2
- Ranged Combat
- Sagacity
- Stealth 5
- War 2
- Artifact 5 - Ninth Terminus Ordained - Jade Daiklave
- Contacts 4 -
- Followers 1 - Bard & Entourage
Essence 2
- Max Motes 7
Essence Respiration
- Recover 1 mote at the end of any combat scene and beginning of any non-combat scene.
- Recover up to half of motes during downtime spent resting. Recover all motes with full night's rest.
- Recover 1 mote at end of character's combat turn.
- Recover 3 motes per hour in Manse or when wearing hearthstone.
- 1-2 Dim: Caste Mark is visible (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 3-4 Glowing: Lit by a soft light (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 5-6 Burning: Aura of her anima can light up a room
- 7-9 Bonfire: Aura is visible from long range
- 10 Iconic: Naked essence becomes visible in the area around Veil. (Like being able to see the code in the matrix or individual atoms in real life.)
- Ninth Terminus Ordained - Jade Daiklave (Close Combat)
- Accuracy: 9 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +1
- Defense: +2
- Overwhelming: 4
- Tags: Artifact, Melee, One-Handed, Balanced, Defensive, Piercing, Off-Hand
Combat Defense
- Parry 5
- (Fortitude 5 + Close Combat 4)/2
- Evasion 3
- (Finesse 3 + Athletics 3)/2
- Soak 3
- (Natural 1 + Buff Jacket (Light Armor) 2)
- Hardness 4
- (Natural 2 + Essence 2)
- -0x2
- -1x3
- -2x3
- Inc
Dramatic Injuries
- Force:
- Finesse:
- Fortitude:
- Manse:
- Resolve 3
- (Integrity 1 or 2 = 3, Integrity 3+ = 4)
- +/- 2 For Minor Intimacies/Virtues & +/- 3 for Major Intimacies/Virtues
- Prince of the Earth: As the only kind of Exalt fully recognized by the Immaculate Faith, Dragon-Blooded find support anywhere. Once per session, the character may select one Merit and treat it as though it had a dot rating equal to her Essence, working its acquisition with the Storyteller. This benefit lasts for the duration of the session.
- Ten Thousand Dragons Fight as One: When making teamwork actions, after calculating the total successes to add as dice, add an additional die. Dragon-Blooded may use any Hearth-based teamwork effects from their Charms on any other Exalt.
- Resonance: Dragon-Blooded are resonant with all types of jade.
Anima Effects
- Surface Skimmer (Passive): The Water Aspect moves along any liquid surface like it’s solid ground — though this doesn’t afford her protection from acid or demon-tar — and breathes water as easily as air. She suffers no penalty to move or attack while underwater.
- Flow of Daana’d (Active): Add Essence automatic successes to gambits where the Water Aspect attempts to Disarm an opponent or Pilfer an item. When an opponent targets her with a grapple or attempts to Ensnare her, athe Exalt adds her Essence to Defense.
- Flow Like Water (Iconic): Once per turn, the Water Aspect may roll an attack twice on Step 3 and choose to keep the better result.
Excellencies & Ox-Body
- Close Combat: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Stealth: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Ox-Body: (Page 212) Gain one -1 Health Level, Gain one -2 Health Level
Close Combat Charms
- Portentous Warding Defense (Pg. ) The Exalt moves with purpose, firmly barring the way of an attack. When attacked, spend 2 motes on Step 2. On Step 4, roll your choice of Attribute + Close Combat, and add your successes to your Defense against the attack.
- Excellent Strike (Pg. ) The Exalt’s strikes find their mark regardless of any obstacles. Spend 1 mote on Step 3. Double the extra successes after applying Defense but before any bonus successes are applied. Additionally, remove all penalties hindering a single Close Combat attack.
Stealth Charms
- Perfect Shadow Stillness (Pg. ) Quiet the breath. Quiet the heart. Be still. Be silent. Commit 1 mote. The Exalt doubles 9s on all Stealth rolls to remain undetected. If she didn’t move on her last turn, she doubles 8s instead. This includes the Outmaneuver Build Power action.
- A Drop Amongst the Ocean (Pg. ) The Exalt masks her brilliance for a time, disappearing among the crowds of mortals around her. Commit 1 mote. So long as the mote remains committed and the Exalt remains within or close to a large group of people, she becomes functionally invisible; others can see her, but pass her off
as simply “one of the crowd.” Awareness Charms and similar powers may allow others to find the Exalt, but she always receives a chance to resist their roll with Finesse + Stealth.
- Resonate Effect: When the owner infused the weapon with one of their essence, the blade splits into 9 identical blades that float around them. The weapon can still be used as a melee weapon or used as a range weapon with the below stats. The user also can not become disarmed.
- Nine Fates Finale When the user would go above 10 power, the user can sacrifice the additional power and spend one mote of essence to make an immediate decisive attack. This attack can occur outside the user's turn and doesn't suffer a flurry penalty. The attack does take the user's next action (like when clashing outside of your turn).
- Resonant: The attack is free. It does not take the users next action.
- Prey Pinned By Predator's Claws - After a successful withering attack, spend 3 of the power you gained and 1 mote of essence to gain the benefit of an Ensnare gambit. Before a decisive attack, sacrifice 3 power and spend 1 mote of essence to gain the benefit of an Ensnare gambit on a successful decisive attack. The difficulty of the Force + Close Combat is equal to the greater of the Overwhelming of the attack or the Essence of the attacker.
- Resonant: Increase the difficulty to break free by 2
- Wounded Predator Feint - > While taking a full defense, spend 1 mote on Step 4 of an attack against you in order to clash it.
- Resonant: Take your wound penalty as a bonus instead of a penalty.
Major Milestones - Spent: 1 - Earned: 3
- Gaining: A Major Milestone furthers the narrative progression, like completing a story arc. The end of a story.
- Using: Increase an attribute by 1. Gain or increase a merit.
- Fortitude 5
Minor Milestones - Spent: 0 - Earned: 9
- Gaining: Completing a single adventure or story chapter. Significant story beat. Roughly every other session.
- Using: Increase ability by 1 or gain a new charm.
Exalt Milestones - Spent: 1 - Earned: 7
- Gaining: At the end of each session, Wood Aspects gain an Exalt Milestone if they experienced something new and exciting to them with a significant character or group or their actions fostered change in a significant character or group.
- Using: Benefit of either a personal or minor milestone, but it must be used for Exalt-specific things.
- A Drop Amongst the Ocean
Personal Milestones - Spent: 1 - Earned: 4
- Gaining: Accomplishing a personal goal, doing something extraordinary, solving a mystery, defeating a rival, describing an amazing stunt, or showing up and contributing.
- Using: Acquire a new mode or repurchase a charm. (Excellency & Ox-Body Count) May purchase a new ability at rating 1. May also, gain, intensify, or change an intimacy if the story supports it. Heal a dramatic injury.
- Close Combat Excellency