The Kingdom of Nathir
General Information

On the western edge of The Hundred Kingdoms is the Kingdom of Nathir. This City State's capital, the city of Nathir, is one of the largest in all of The Hundred Kingdoms and some consider it to be large enough to one day seek independence like Great Forks and Nexus. In reality Nathir is small in size compared to those massive metropolises. Nathir is the trade hub of the west, using it's proximity to the rivers and Great Forks to make it a mighty economic power.
Besides a trade and economic hub of the western region of The Hundred Kingdoms, Nathir is an advanced and progressive society that values academic prowess above physical. It is home to the most prestigious schools and academies within The Hundred Kingdoms, and people from across The Scavenger Lands, not just The Hundred Kingdoms, travel here to study and advance their knowledge.
(Inspiration: Florence in the Renaissance, Population approx 100k.)
Important People

- Grand Elder Phineas Luther Hedersett is the elected leader of Nathir's Council of Elders. The Council is made up of all of the tenured professors of Nathir's Four major Universities, whom act as legislative body that governs The Kingdom. The Grand Elder is elected from within the body to serve as the leader and head executive in the government. The Grand Elder serves at the pleasure of the chamber so an election may be called at almost any time to elect a new one. Grand Elder Phineas Luther Hedersett has led for almost 5 years, and is known as a pragmatist. He concerns himself most with preserving the Nathir identity in this time of tumult and not letting the Kingdom sink into the chaos of the region.
- The Alabaster-Faced Moon Veiled in Violet Shadows and Crimson Blossoms - AKA Veil - Twilight Caste Solar Exalted (Player: Dan K)