The Kingdom of Telperion
General Information

The Kingdom of Telperion is located in a relatively small, fertile valley on the eastern edge of The Hundred Kingdoms. Until two-hundred years ago, the valley was considered part of The Kingdom of Vitalis, and was sparsely populated by a small village of farmers. At the center of the town was a small, long dead tree that the farmer's worshipped to honor the gods as repentance for clear cutting the valley to make way for more farmland. Two-hundred years ago everything changed when Laurelin the Golden walked into the valley, declared herself ruler of The Kingdom of Telperion, a newly independent kingdom.
Almost immediately the tree at the center of town sprang back to life and began to grow at a staggering rate. Laurelin settled people from all across the mountain side to newly built homes behind newly built walls with staggering efficiency. Vitalis went to war to reclaim their territory, but The Valley of Telperion was distant and the mountain passes to access were treacherous. The mountains themselves seemed to be fighting against them, and when they arrived to put the farmers in their place Laurelin led an army of mercenary soldiers and devote followers against them. The war quickly proved too costly for Vitalis to continue and they were forced to acknowledge Telperion's independence.
Since then the Tree and Kingdom of grown to a staggering degree. The Tree stands thousands of feet tall and it's canopy stretches nearly across the valley, casting shade over a freshly erected citadel and sprawling city surrounded by tall stone walls. It's growth has been prodigious, though it is still no where near the size or scope of the largest Kingdoms in the region and it's isolation may forever keep it so. However, there has never been anything like The Kingdom of Telperion in The Hundred Kingdoms and that makes people nervous for what it means and what it could become.
Important People

- Laurelin the Golden, the founder and ruler of Telperion, she rules with unchecked power with no succession plan to speak of. She has appointed a council of elders to handle the day to day matters beneath her concern. In Telperion she is worshipped and beloved by her subjects for her courage and might in combat as much as her compassion and generosity in her governance. Her Kingdom is as close to a classless society as one finds in The Hundred Kingdoms. The people of Telperion are well fed, sheltered, safe, and rich in opportunity, as a result the Kingdom has grown rapidly both from nearby Kingdoms and the surrounding tribal lands swearing alliance to her Kingdom. Outside of Telperion she is equal parts respected and feared. The rise of Telperion is unprecedented, and especially considering she pushed aside the mighty Vitalis to accomplish it. Most Kingdoms are largely unaffected by the events in practicality, but none the less wary.
- Sour Buckthorn - Full Moon Caste Lunar Exalt (Player: Jonny)