The Kingdom of Sendai
General Information

The Kingdom of Sendai is to the Northeast of The Hundred Kingdoms territory, one of the nearest territories to the Dynastic Satrapy of Greyfalls. As a result The Seventh Legion of Lookshy keeps close ties with the Sendai and maintain a strong outpost within their capital. The Sendai however are not known for their martial prowess, but their political maneuvering and intelligence gathering network. Only a mid-sized kingdom as far as population, their influence across The Hundred Kingdoms, especially the eastern territory, is much more significant. Respected, but not always trusted.
Important People

- Daimyo Satou Koga claims he never thought he'd sit on Sendai's Lotus Throne. As a mid-ranked bureaucrat from one of Sendai's smaller clans, Koga seemed slated for a lifetime of written diplomacy and a comfortable, if not lavish lifestyle. When the previous Daimyo expired of a sudden illness, Sendai followed its usual tradition of hosting a martial arts tournament, with the winning clan choosing the next Daimyo. Strangely, most of the significant competitors from the larger clans fell ill or died shortly before the tournament, leaving clan Satou as the only clan fielding their best martial artists. When they won the tournament, the Shugo (leader) of the Satou clan was selected as the next Daimyo. However, he was away leading a reconnaissance mission at the time of his selection, and was tragically killed in action before his return. With their clan thrown into chaos, the Satou elders turned their attention to old Koga, who had never expressed any raw ambition, but had served the clan with a cool and loyal head for decades. Upon ascending to the Lotus Throne, Koga has proven himself a surprisingly capable ruler, adeptly managing the delicate balance of connections that keeps Sendai a relevant player in the Hundred Kingdoms. He has not shied away from leaning on the kingdom's strong connections to Lookshy when necessary, and as a result, Sendai's power has grown significantly during his tenure. While some worry that Koga invites too much influence from the Seventh-Legion into Sendai, few can argue that the kingdom is thriving under his guidance.
- The Most Parsimonious Observer of Sacred Topologies - AKA Simon - Sidereal Exalted Chosen of Secrets (Player: Dan H)