Romael Rangor

Basic Information
Name: Romael Rangor
Title: The Unassailed Obsidian Prince of The East
Type: Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Player: Tyler
Aspect: Earth Aspect
Concept: Warrior and Champion
Political Affiliation: Orissa
Age of Exultation: 13
Actual Age: 33
Languages Spoken: Riverspeak (N)
Primary Virtue: Loyalty
Secondary Virtue: Ambition
- Force 5
- Finesse 2
- Fortitude 4
- Athletics 1
- Awareness 5 (Excellency)
- Close Combat 5 (Excellency)
- Craft
- Embassy
- Integrity 2
- Navigate 2
- Performance
- Physique 4 (Excellency)
- Presence 5
- Ranged Combat 0
- Sagacity
- Stealth
- War 3
- Artifact 5 (Primary) - Splendors Grief - White Jade Goremaul and Shield
- Influence 3 (Secondary - Famed War Hero of Orissa
- Ally 2 (Secondary - Thrice Kahn Faisle)
- Command 2 (Tertiary) - Size 3 group with elite drill
- Resources 2 (Tertiary) -
Essence 2
- Max Motes 7
Essence Respiration
- Recover 1 mote at the end of any combat scene and beginning of any non-combat scene.
- Recover up to half of motes during downtime spent resting. Recover all motes with full night's rest.
- Recover 1 mote at end of character's combat turn.
- Recover 3 motes per hour in Manse or when wearing hearthstone.
- 1-2 Dim: Caste Mark is visible (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 3-4 Glowing: Lit by a soft light (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 5-6 Burning: Aura of her anima can light up a room
- 7-9 Bonfire: Aura is visible from long range
- 10 Iconic: Naked essence becomes visible in the area around Veil. (Like being able to see the code in the matrix or individual atoms in real life.)
- Splendors Grief - White Jade Goremaul and Shield
- Accuracy: 9 dice + 1 successes
- Damage: +2
- Defense: +2
- Overwhelming: 3
- Tags: Artifact, Melee, Defensive, Paired, Piercing, Shield, Smashing
Combat Defense
- Parry 5
- (Force 4 + Close Combat 5)/2
- Evasion 2
- (Finesse 2 + Athletics 1)/2
- Soak 4-1 Mobility Penalty
- (Natural 1 + Medium Armor 3)
- Hardness 4
- (Natural 2 + Essence 2)
- Anima: 0/10
- Motes: 7/7
- Health:
- -0 [ ] [ ]
- -1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
- -2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Inc [ ]
- Dramatic Injuries: None
Dramatic Injuries
- Force:
- Finesse:
- Fortitude:
- Manse:
- Resolve 3
- (Integrity 1 or 2 = 3, Integrity 3+ = 4)
- +/- 2 For Minor Intimacies/Virtues & +/- 3 for Major Intimacies/Virtues
- Prince of the Earth: As the only kind of Exalt fully recognized by the Immaculate Faith, Dragon-Blooded find support anywhere. Once per session, the character may select one Merit and treat it as though it had a dot rating equal to her Essence, working its acquisition with the Storyteller. This benefit lasts for the duration of the session.
- Ten Thousand Dragons Fight as One: When making teamwork actions, after calculating the total successes to add as dice, add an additional die. Dragon-Blooded may use any Hearth-based teamwork effects from their Charms on any other Exalt.
- Resonance: Dragon-Blooded are resonant with all types of jade.
Anima Effects
- Anima Flux: When a Dragon-Blooded has five or more anima, all characters within close range must make reflexive Physique rolls at a difficulty equal to the Exalt’s Essence plus two or take one level of damage from exposure to raw elemental essence.
- Fury of the Earth (Passive): The Earth Aspect reduces the cost of the knockback or knockdown gambits against Extras (p. XX) to zero. Outside of combat, she may knock an Extra within short range prone or one range band away without making an attack roll.
- Pasiap Still Stands (Active): Add the Earth Aspect’s Essence to the cost of grapple, knockback,and knockdown gambits used against them. This cannot make the cost exceed 10.
- Unyielding Stone (Iconic): Add the Exalt’s Essence to her Soak for the remainder of the scene. The character cannot be targeted with the knockout or knockdown gambits.
Excellencies & Ox-Body
- Awareness: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Close Combat: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Physique: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Ox-Body Technique x3 (Page 212) Gain one -1 Health Level, Gain one -2 Health Level
- Ambush Sensing Premonition Detecting an ambush before it happens, the Exalt reacts just in time. Commit 1 mote. This may be used on Step 1 as a simple action which lasts for the scene or reflexively in response to a surprise attack made against the character on Step 4 by spending 1 mote instead. This negates any non-magical bonuses the attacker may have from making a surprise attack.
- All-Encompassing Earth Sense The Dragon-Blooded can sense the vibrations of a soldier taking a step as easily as a leaf falling from a branch. Commit 1 mote. The Exalt automatically perceives a hidden danger or concealed character out to medium range as long as they are on the same surface, or no more than one range band above on structures or scenery resting on the ground, such as a roof or a tree branch. If the target is hidden flawlessly, contest it with a roll off using Awareness. The Dragon-Blood gains double 8s on this roll. This may not sense threats which are airborne, waterborne or taking other measures to avoid moving across a solid service. Hearthmates within range may benefit from this
- Feeling the Dragon’s Bones (Upgrade: Awareness 5, Essence 2): By spending an additional mote, the Exalt applies this effect in all directions, rather than just her immediate range band. This also reveals any hidden traps for structures. Double 7s on any contested rolls.
Close Combat Attack
- Excellent Strike
- The Exalt’s strikes find their mark regardless of any obstacles. Spend 1 mote on Step 3. Double the extra successes after applying Defense but before any bonus successes are applied. Additionally, remove all penalties hindering a single Close Combat attack.
- Dragon-Graced Weapon The Exalt blesses her weapon or fists with elemental fury. Commit 1 mote. For the duration of the scene, the Exalt’s weapon is wrapped in an element matching her aura. At Essence 2, she may bless a Hearthmate’s weapon with this Charm.
- Earth: The weapon grows heavy with the earth’s grace. Increase damage by one.
Close Combat Defense
- Portentous Warding Defense The Exalt moves with purpose, firmly barring the way of an attack. When attacked, spend 2 motes on Step 2. On Step 4, roll your choice of Attribute + Close Combat, and add your successes to your Defense against the attack.
- Heavenly Guardian Defense The Exalt puts her weapon between herself and a hazard, blocking the environment itself. Spend 2 motes. The Exalt applies her Defense against a single instance of a hazard, a trap, a disease, a great fall, or some other source of harm that she could not normally apply her Defense against. She compares her Defense rating to the difficulty of the hazard. If it is the same or greater, she ignores the effects as if she had passed the roll to resist it. Once per session, characters can use a Stunt to improvise with this Charm, allowing them to escape a collapsing building or parry the ground while falling from a great height. If appropriate, mundane weapons may be destroyed by being used to block the environment. Special: This Charm may be used on any Step, in response to any environmental damage, disease, poison, trap, or similar hazard. It cannot be used against weapon damage or damage from attacks. It must follow the same rules of activation otherwise
- Ten Ox Meditation Pouring Essence into her muscles, the Exalt performs impossible physical feats. Spend 1 mote. When the character attempts a feat of strength, reduce the difficulty of the roll by her Essence plus one, to a minimum of one. If this reduces the difficulty below the need to roll, the attempt happens automatically.
- Body Mending Meditation Commit 1 mote. The Exalt automatically heals one level of damage each at the start and end of each scene, regardless of her activity or exertion. Once per scene, she may spend 2 motes when incapacitated to heal one level of damage, returning to the fight
- Captivating Battlefield Display Spend 1 mote on step 2 and target an opponent who is attacking an ally. The target’s attack now hits the Exalt instead. The ally may attack the target on step 8 of this resolution as a counterattack, even if she’s already acted this round. This extra attack does not count towards the action limit. She may not augment this attack with Charms.
- Power Gathering Temper The Exalt’s endurance turns a staggering blow into an opportunity. Spend 1 mote on Step 5. The Exalt gains a number of Power equal to the amount the attacking enemy gained after a successful withering attack or 1 Power for every 2 Power an attacker spends on a decisive attack.
- Flaw-Finding Examination The Exalt spots weaknesses in her target’s defenses and gear. When using the reveal weakness gambit (p. XX), reduce its cost by one, to a minimum of one. Hearthmates within close range of the Dragon-Blooded may use her Craft or War in place of theirs when they apply this gambit. While in Earth aura, the Dragon-Blooded and her allies benefitting from this Charm gain two additional dice to applying the gambit.
- Worshipful Lackey Acquisition Spend 1 mote. The Exalt gathers a group of hangers-on to aid her, creating a temporary Tertiary Followers Merit. The Exalt may specify what sort of lackeys she wants (spies, socialites, mercenaries, etc). All lackeys behave as if their Minor Virtue was Loyalty for the Exalt, unless she does something to betray them or otherwise casts them off. If the lackeys are of a type suited to fighting, the Exalt may lead them into combat, where they function as a Size 0 Battle Group with Regular Drill.
- At Essence 3 this charm creates Secondary Followers instead of Tertiary Followers. If used to create a Battle Group, this may either create a Size 1 Battle Group with Regular Drill, or a Size 2 Battle Group with Poor Drill.
- Storm-Calling Strategies The Dragon-Blooded darkens the horizon with thunderstorms, gale-force winds or snowfalls that precede their army. Commit 1 mote. The enacts this Charm as a tactic for a single battle. Enemy battle groups suffer a three-dice environmental penalty on all physical actions taken in combat. Individuals suffer a two-dice penalty instead. Allies are unaffected.
- Anathema-Slaying Tempest (Upgrade, Essence 3): The Dragon-Blood commands the skies themselves, calling down bolts of lightning, avalanches and terrible squalls to smite their enemies. If the Exalt possesses 5 Power at the start of a round, they may expend it to inflict a one-time environmental hazard against an enemy battle group with difficulty 5 and Damage equal to Essence + Force, representing a bolt of lightning, avalanche or similar danger.
- Special: Using this Charm allows the Exalt to access Air aura
- Entombed Mind Technique With a low, droning voice, the Dragon-Blood may lull listeners into a dreamless sleep. Spend 1 mote. Instead of normal influence, the Dragon-Blood’s words force targets to sleep. The target must make a Fortitude+Integrity roll at a difficulty equal to the Exalt’s Essence plus two. If they fail, they fall into a deep sleep for the rest of the scene unless roused by allies. If they succeed, they suffer a two-dice penalty to physical actions for the rest of the scene while they struggle with sluggishness. Trivial listeners sleep instantly. While in Earth aura, increase the difficulty of the Integrity roll and the penalty by one.
- Resonate Effect: Whenever the wielder successfully defends against an attack, increase power by 1.
- The goremaul and shield must be used together to gain the benefit of any of the powers. If the goremaul is used without the shield, it loses the tags: shield and defensive.
- Staunch Guardian Among Sheep
- When taking a full defense or defend other action spend 1 mote to include any character out to short range that you have an intimacy for plus up to essence other people in that defense.
- Blistering Karmic Blast
- If an opponent successfully attacks you while you are defending another, spend 1 mote to perform a counter attack against them. You can add your intimacy bonus toward a defended target to the attack roll and damage roll. If the attack is successful, you can knock the target back 1 range band. If a minor intimacy was used, increase it to two range bands. If a major intimacy was used, increase it three range bands.
- The Sea Breaks Against the Shield Of Creation
- Spend 1 mote to allow all allies out to short range to use your defense, soak, and/or hardness against an area attack or environmental damage. Increase these stats by your intimacy for the target.
Future Upgrades
- Drowning Embrace (Close Combat 5, Essence 3)
- With One Mind (Embassy 5 or War 5, Essence 4)
- Presence Excellency
- Upgrade to storm calling strategies
Anathema-Slaying Tempest (Upgrade, Essence 3): The Dragon-Blood commands the skies themselves, calling down bolts of lightning, avalanches and terrible squalls to smite their enemies. If the Exalt possesses 5 Power at the start of a round, they may expend it to inflict a one-time environmental hazard against an enemy battle group with difficulty 5 and Damage equal to Essence + Force, representing a bolt of lightning, avalanche or similar danger. Special: Using this Charm allows the Exalt to access Air aura
Last round notes
romael power = 2 motes = 6/7 damage = -2
cetus power = 5 motes = 5/7 - Perfect Shadow Stillness damage = -1
romaels army damage = -6 power = 8
Major Milestones - Unspent: 0 - Earned: 3
- Gaining: A Major Milestone furthers the narrative progression, like completing a story arc. The end of a story.
- Using: Increase an attribute by 1. Gain or increase a merit.
Minor Milestones - Unspent: 3 - Earned: 12
- Gaining: Completing a single adventure or story chapter. Significant story beat. Roughly every other session.
- Using: Increase ability by 1 or gain a new charm.
Exalt Milestones - Unspent: 2 - Earned: 8
- Gaining: At the end of each session, Wood Aspects gain an Exalt Milestone if they experienced something new and exciting to them with a significant character or group or their actions fostered change in a significant character or group.
- Using: Benefit of either a personal or minor milestone, but it must be used for Exalt-specific things.
Personal Milestones - Unspent: 1 - Earned: 3
- Gaining: Accomplishing a personal goal, doing something extraordinary, solving a mystery, defeating a rival, describing an amazing stunt, or showing up and contributing.
- Using: Acquire a new mode or repurchase a charm. (Excellency & Ox-Body Count) May purchase a new ability at rating 1. May also, gain, intensify, or change an intimacy if the story supports it. Heal a dramatic injury.
Quick Notes
- Additional 1 power gained for each successful defense
- Successful withering attacks generate 1 additional power when using artifact
Character Actions
Unspent: 0 Major, 4 Minor, 0 Exalt Milestone, 0 Personal Milestones
- Spent:
- Exalt Milestone: Flaw-Finding Examination
- Exalt Milestone: Dragon Graced Weapon
- Minor: Close Combat Excellency
- Minor: Awareness Excellency
- Major: Increased Force attribute to 5
- Minor: Raise Physique to 4
- Minor: Purchase Body Mending Meditation
- Minor: Purchase Captivating Battlefield Display
- Essence level 2: Physique Excellency
- Minor: Purchase Worshipful Lackey Acquisition
- Exalt: Purchased Storm-Calling Strategies
- Major: Increased Command merit to 2
- Personal: Ox Body
- Personal: Ox Body
- Minor: Increase Presence form 3 to 4
- Minor: Increase Presence form 4 to 5
- Exalt Milestone: All-Encompassing Earth Sense
- Exalt Milestone: Entombed Mind Technique
- Minor: Increase Awareness form 4 to 5
- Exalt: Purchased Feeling the Dragon’s Bones
- Major: Increased Fortitude attribute to 4
- Exalt: Purchased Heavenly Guardian Defense
- Exalt: Purchased Power Gathering Temper