Entropy Devouring Maiden

Basic Information
Name: Maiden
Title: Entropy Devouring Maiden
Type: Alchemical Exalt
Player: Brian
Caste: Orachalcum
Political Affiliation: Nod
Actual Age: Unknown
Languages Spoken: Riverspeak (N)
Primary Virtue: Ambition - I will eradicate all shadowlands in the hundred kingdoms.
Secondary Virtue: Justice
- Force 5 (6 Augmented)
- Finesse 2
- Fortitude 4
- Athletics 4
- Awareness 2
- Close Combat 5
- Craft
- Embassy 1
- Integrity 5
- Navigate
- Performance 1
- Physique 4
- Presence 4
- Ranged Combat 0
- Sagacity 1
- Stealth
- War 2
- Hearthstone 5 (Primary) - While in possession: When attuned to the stone the mote cost of activating Integrity-Protecting Principle is waived when your Anima is above the first level (3 I think?) and possession of the stone allows you to chose 1 additional mode from Integrity-Protecting Principle beyond the one from your Exalt type.
- Evocation: Allows you to repair mundane objects automatically with a 1 mote expenditure. Non mundane repairs get bonus successes equal to your essence.
- Manse: Located in Nod
- Artifact 4 (Secondary - Talons of the Sun - Orichalcum Tiger Claws
- Followers 3 (Secondary) - A cult of followers that agrees with her that the world is chaos and needs to be cleansed.
Essence 2
- Max Motes 7
Essence Respiration
- Recover 1 mote at the end of any combat scene and beginning of any non-combat scene.
- Recover up to half of motes during downtime spent resting. Recover all motes with full night's rest.
- Recover 1 mote at end of character's combat turn.
- Recover 3 motes per hour in Manse or when wearing hearthstone.
- 1-2 Dim: Caste Mark is visible (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 3-4 Glowing: Lit by a soft light (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 5-6 Burning: Aura of her anima can light up a room
- 7-9 Bonfire: Aura is visible from long range
- 10 Iconic: Naked essence becomes visible in the area around Veil. (Like being able to see the code in the matrix or individual atoms in real life.)
- Talons of the Sun - Orichalcum Tiger Claws
- Accuracy: 9 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +1
- Defense: +1
- Overwhelming: 3
- Tags: Artifact, Melee, Concealable, Off-Hand, Paired, Natural/Worn
Combat Defense
- Parry 5
- (Force 5 + Close Combat 4)/2
- Evasion 3
- (Finesse 2 + Athletics 3)/2
- Soak 2
- (Natural 1 + Armor 1)
- Hardness 4
- (Natural 2 + Essence 2)
- -0x2
- -1x5
- -2x2
- Inc
Dramatic Injuries
- Force:
- Finesse:
- Fortitude:
- Manse:
- Resolve 4
- (Integrity 1 or 2 = 3, Integrity 3+ = 4)
- +/- 2 For Minor Intimacies/Virtues & +/- 3 for Major Intimacies/Virtues
- Living Artifact: The Alchemical is a carefully created machine, perhaps closer to an artifact than a living being. She may hold an artifact to take one of its Evocations as her own Charm. If the Evocation has any prerequisites, she must meet those. Once installed, the Alchemical can use the Evocation as if it were an innate Charm, without access to the artifact itself. The Alchemical can only have one such Evocation-Charm at a time, but may switch between existing ones during a reconfiguration. Alchemicals may learn Evocations from their own Artifacts with Exalt Milestones; these are represented as certain technological aesthetics applied to the artifact itself, such as a daiklave developing embedded circuitry.
- Community Spirit: The Alchemical has a deep need to find a community that will accept her as their own, and to whose purpose she may lend her strength. This doesn’t mean she’s fixed in place, as her chosen community may range far such as “orphaned children” or “oppressed laborers.” Their believe in her as a guardian, and once she’s found them, this awakens a power deep inside her. Design this as a custom effect based around the Exalt’s purpose, one that should be tied to her community. Examples include: 1. Increase Resolve by one when someone targets an Intimacy towards her community. 2. Increase Defense by two when using Defend Other on a community member. 3. Add a three-dice bonus to attacks when fighting for the community. Whatever it is, it grants a small but meaningful effect. Refer to Bonuses and Penalties in the book.
- Resonance: Resonate with Orachalcum.
Anima Effects
- Radiant Gold (Passive): The Orichalcum can persuade a neutral battle group into accepting her as their leader without a roll. If they already have a leader, the player makes a social influence against difficulty 5. She gains her Essence in automatic successes to attempts to persuade non-trivial targets to follow her lead.
- Righteous Scorn** (Active): The Alchemical reduces enemy soak by her half her Essence, round up, on Step 7 when she targets them with an attack.
- Golden Leader** (Iconic): Mortal troops under the Orichalcum’s command gain elite drill, and +1 size for the rest of the scene. The Exalt adds her Essence in dice to rout checks.
Excellencies & Ox-Body
- Close Combat: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Ox-Body Technique x3 (Page 212) Gain one -1 Health Level
- Lifesign Detecting Scan: p.246
- Guard Breaking Technique: p.194
- Integrity-Protecting Principle: p.203
- Graceful Crane Stance: p.186
- Relentless Tracking Protocol: p.247
- Monkey Leap Technique: p.188
- Monkey Leap Technique (Soaring Crane Leap): p.188
- Portable Utility Compartment: p.242
- Augmented Attribute (Force) p.242
- Portentous Warding Defense p.196
- Bone-and-Steel Destruction p.243
- Overruled pre-requisites
- Loyal Guardian Approach p.195
- Advisor's Sage Instruction
- Future-Proclaiming Canticle
- Morale Building Declaration
- Heavenly Guardian Defense
- Heaven Thunder Hammer
- Flow Like Blood
- Perfected Union Patterning p. 228
- Verbatim Recall p. 229
- Reinforced Chassis p. 229
- Body Reweaving Matrix p. 230
- Omnipresent Guardian Directive p. 228
- Resonate Effect: When rushing from at least 1 range band above the target, gain double 9s on the attack roll.
- Lightning Swoop Blitz Spend 1 mote to expand the rush range by 1 range band, as long as the target is at least 1 range band below the attacker.
- Resonant: Increase Overwhelming and Damage of the attack by 1.
- Entrail Extraction Method Spend 1 Mote to supplement a decisive attack taken at up to short range. Enemies damaged by the wielder’s attack also suffer a one-success penalty to Athletics rolls, and reduce Defense by one until the start of her next turn.
- Resonant: Enemies affected by Entrail Extraction Method can neither flurry actions nor move more than one Range band in their turn.
Major Milestones - Spent: 3 - Earned: 3
- Gaining: A Major Milestone furthers the narrative progression, like completing a story arc. The end of a story.
- Using: Increase an attribute by 1. Gain or increase a merit.
Minor Milestones - Spent: 13 - Earned: 13
- Gaining: Completing a single adventure or story chapter. Significant story beat. Roughly every other session.
- Using: Increase ability by 1 or gain a new charm.
Exalt Milestones - Spent: 11 - Earned: 11
- Gaining: At the end of each session, Wood Aspects gain an Exalt Milestone if they experienced something new and exciting to them with a significant character or group or their actions fostered change in a significant character or group.
- Using: Benefit of either a personal or minor milestone, but it must be used for Exalt-specific things.
Personal Milestones - Spent: 5 - Earned: 6
- Gaining: Accomplishing a personal goal, doing something extraordinary, solving a mystery, defeating a rival, describing an amazing stunt, or showing up and contributing.
- Using: Acquire a new mode or repurchase a charm. (Excellency & Ox-Body Count) May purchase a new ability at rating 1. May also, gain, intensify, or change an intimacy if the story supports it. Heal a dramatic injury.