Nuadha O'Bannon

Basic Information
Name: Nuadha O'Bannon
Age: 31
Type: Heroic Mortal
Player: NPC
Concept: Bar Tender & Militia Leader
Motivation: Serve a drink as masterful as the assassinations of his employers.
Political Affiliation: The Hallowed Order of The Grass Spiders (Associate)
Likes: Good Information, Strong Alcohol, Alcoholics Who Pay Up, War Stories, Work, Dark Corners, Blacksmithing.
Dislikes: Weak Alcohol, People Who Don't Pay, Gossip, Well Lit Rooms, Closets, Cooking.
Nuadha is one of the few people to have grown up in the Associate village of the Grass Spiders, the orphan boy was left in a basket on the steps of the manse with a note addressed to Gyoki. Gyoki of course couldn't remember anything in his past that would justify this action, furthermore he could see no immediate benefit to taking care of an infant child. Gyoki left the young boy on the steps of the manse, but Rizuka would never allow the baby to be left completely unattended. Rizuka found a place for Nuadha, whose name had been left in the note, easily convincing one of the hospital's nurses to raise the boy. As you might expect of a young boy raised in a village of ninjas, he dreamed of nothing less than becoming one of the famed Grass Spiders. Unfortunately not only did Nuadha not exalt, he was large and clumsy compared to the ninjas of the associate village. Nuadha was crushed when Rizuka was forced to break the news to him, no older than 16 years old.
Not long after the news was broken to him that he was unlikely ever to become one of the Grass Spiders he admired, he left the village, intending to leave permanently to escape being reminded of his own lack of talent. This time period marks the longest period of time Nuadha has been away from the village, traveling to Nexus for the next 5 years. He entered the crime syndicate there, perhaps hoping to prove Rizuka and the Grass Spiders wrong about him, but he was still ill suited for most tasks that involved stealth or larceny. He found his place however, serving as hired muscle for several powerful crime bosses and other underworld types. After 5 long years working the crime syndicate of Nexus he had grown tired of his place in the order of life, but felt he had no where to go, he had too much pride to return to the associate village now.
Months passed until the fateful day that would result in his return to The Grass Spiders service, and eventually finding his place in this world. He was working for some pretty involved guys, one of his top body guards and the face of the mob that guarded his lavish palace and other riches. Nuadha was working street detail for a fairly public gathering (as far as crime bosses go) that involved some of the big movers in The Council of Entities when suddenly a man on a rampage swept through the streets. The swirling dust of an anima banner struck him first, a strange man was on a tear through the streets, seemingly knocking anyone in his way senseless. He was moving straight for Nuadha's boss and the Council Members, foolishly Nuadha stepped in front of the man. Nuadha is far larger than most mortal men, something that almost always gives his opponents pause, however with one look the man seemed to become excited and laid into Nuadha like he had never experienced. Nuadha was beaten to a bloody pulp and left on the dusty streets of Nexus in what seemed like only moments; Carp would later admit that Nuadha put up quite a fight for a mortal.
Nuadha thought he died on that street, the last image he saw being the smiling face of Rizuka, he was sure it was an illusion or simply a flash back to the night she lifted him off the steps of the Grass Spiders manse. Much to his surprise he woke up in a pile of straw in a cart being pulled by a familiar, large figure. Oak was pulling the cart along slowly, Rizuka was sitting in the cart next to him and the figure who had nearly beaten him to death was riding along as well. Nuadha was in an out of consciousness for a majority of the trip, but managed to piece together that Rizuka and Oak were in Nexus to recruit Carp, the man in the cart who had nearly killed him.
When they returned to the village Rizuka nursed him back to health, while Oak helped the young burly man find himself. With some help from Oak they managed to find a place for Nuahda in the village where he could be happy and work alongside the Grass Spiders while using his own talents. In the years that have passed Nuahda has taken ownership of the largest bar in the Village and is the primary bartender of the establishment. Furthermore he informally runs the Village militia when such a leader is needed and performs minor blacksmithing works in what little spare time he has.