Iron Shatters Oak

Basic Information
Name: Iron Shatters Oak
Current Age: 320 (Chapter 1: 313)
Type: Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Player: NPC
Aspect: Earth
Concept: Member of the Hallowed Order of the Grass Spiders
Motivation: To complete a hit with every weapon known to mankind.
Political Affiliation: The Hallowed Order of the Grass Spiders
Anima: The earth shakes and sounds as if it is about to explode out from under him, the rumbling continues to build as his anima grows until finally the earth erupts like a volcano and releases a mighty Earth Dragon that spirals up into the sky.
Likes: Blacksmithing, working with his hands, the smell of soot, volcanoes, and rock climbing.
Dislikes: Loud music, children, '"goody-goody's", books, and snow.
Iron Shatters Oak was born to a relatively ordinary family in the southern city of Gem, his mother died during child birth and he was raised as the only child of his single father. His father was an ordinary hard-working blacksmith who worked mainly on mundane farming and travel equipment, it wasn't a wealthy profession but it was steady. Iron Shatters Oak worked as his apprentice as soon as he was old enough, mostly rejecting the idea of school anyway. He excelled as an apprentice but he craved something more exciting than his father's chosen field; his opportunity to do so came in his mid-teens when he unexpectedly exalted. As far as he knew no one in his family had ever exalted.
Soon after he moved north to Chiaroscuro where he worked with a master craftsmen working the magnificent glass structures and weapons of the city, a fellow lost egg he took Iron Shatters Oak under his wing and taught him all he new. However, after several years working with the master artisan he grew bored yet again and wished for something more. He started to create weapons of war and death out of the glass his master taught him to craft, many still say that he created some of the finest and most unique weapons of assassination in recent legend. It was only a matter of time before he started using the weapons he created for their intended use, as inevitable as it was that he would start using them it was inevitable that his master would find out. Soon enough he did and once again Iron Shatters Oak was out a job, but now he had rare and valuable skills.
He made his way to Nexus, seeking the hub of guild trade after building familiarity with the organization while he was working in Chiaroscuro, here he started working in competition against the finest craftsmen the guild had to offer. He continued his tendency to using the weapons he created, often testing them before selling them in the markets of Nexus. He sought to master his craft, and he found that using the weapons he created gave him helpful insight in making weapons even more dangerous. His name started to become known in circles of assassins, this was how the Grass Spiders came to know of him. After learning of his great inspiration to become known as the greatest creator of assassin weapons ever known, they asked him to join. Iron Shatters Oak accepted under the condition that he would only stay as long as he continued to use a new weapon for each and every job he performed.
Now as a tradition among Grass Spiders, especially the young members, suggestions for unique and often absurd weapons are proposed to him. So far each suggestion he has accepted has been successfully crafted and successfully used to carry out a hit by Iron Shatters Oak, after the initial hit is performed the weapon is given to whomever gave Iron Shatters Oak the suggestion. Should the suggestion box ever run dry, or his own imagination he would consider his time with the Grass Spiders complete.
What He's Been Up To
The Veil War
For a Dragon-Blood more than three centuries old, seven years is not a very long period of time. However, even Oak would admit that quite a lot has changed within the Order during that short span. The Grass Spiders belong to a new generation now, The old Grass Spiders are dead and gone. All but the last two. It was too difficult to see at the time, but Atlas' death was the end of an era, ever since it has been the beginning of a new one. It grows ever clearer to Oak that his era was the previous one, that his part now is only to pass the torch. With these realizations Oak has begun to show his age, he is now beyond the expected natural life of a Dragon-Blood, and he has accepted not only the new era but his place in it. Physically he is not a spry, young man anymore and he no longer hops out of bed after a late night of drinking or shrugs away medical attention after taking a wound, it now takes a conscious effort to maintain the liveliness that used to come so easily. Rizuka always encouraged him to take better care of himself, but Oak never heeded her advice and lived rather than delaying death, that has caught up to him. None the less, Oak's spirit isn't dampened. He's grown fond of replying to questions about his age by responding, "I'm just glad that there is no such thing as, more bald."
With the turnover of The Veil War, Oak and Rizuka's role in The Grass Spiders has changed significantly, not only are they rarely assigned missions, but the day to day operations of the Order are mostly left to the younger Harvestmen. Meanwhile, the elder two spend more and more time with The Fiends, mostly these meetings deal with the long term, big picture issues facing the Order. In these meetings Oak is often the voice of practicality, he lacks the higher education that is often used when looking at the web of espionage that is The Veil War, but also brings a humble common sense that is often required. More than any other member of the leadership meetings he believes The Veil War will be remembered as a passing conflict, rather than an organization defining war. The recent attack on The Range Homes have shaken even him in this belief, and he is undoubtedly losing the arguments on how politically involved The Grass Spiders should become in regards to dealing with The White Veil Society. (His conviction in these arguments could be waning as The White Veil Society's attacks hit closer to home.)
Outside of these leadership meetings both Rizuka and Oak have started the process of phasing themselves out, ensuring that the new generation of Grass Spiders is ready for when it's two senior members are no longer there to offer their expertise. Fortunately for Oak, this task is made easier because he has no cause for concern with regard to the Order's lasting martial prowess. While the Order is young and still requires seasoning (as Oak is so fond of saying), their talent and work ethic are unquestionable. The 3rd and 4th oldest members of the Order combined are still younger than Oak (not to mention Rizuka), but Oak considers their youthful vigor more of an advantage than their lack of experience is a disadvantage. Ruk is already a superior martial artist, and Tiamat, if he isn't already, will soon be a superior swordsmen. So instead of spending time with the other Harvestmen at the dojo, Oak spends time with them at The Manse or other places within The Range Homes imparting what wisdom he can. Oak spends the most time with Ruk (other than Rizuka of course), and the two have developed such strong mutual respect that it has turned a previously tense relationship into a close friendship. As the only person to ever defeat Ruk in combat, Oak and Ruk have always spent time together, however the previously contentious meetings are now anything but. The one area that Oak must still work to find a worthy successor is perhaps the one that is nearest to his heart; Oak has no heir to his forge and workshop. Despite devoting his life to assassination, crafting has always been Oak's first and foremost passion, but no current Member shows anywhere near the talent, or even the interest to take over once he is gone. As a result Oak works with a wide variety of Members and associates in each of their specific fields to create a replacement by committee. Nuadha O'Bannon, Naru and Moon are probably the most enthusiastic students and Oak greatly enjoys working with them, however their ability is somewhat limited in comparison to a Dragon-Blood. Among Made Members Oak most frequently works with Rustung, Ruby, and even occasionally Ash. Of these, Ruby shows the most promise, but her interest is somewhat whimsical and she has a tendency to lose interest in the middle of a projects or if the focus isn't cutting edge technology.