Anastasia: Character Sheet
Name: Anastasia Ellison
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 27
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Anastasia Ellison: Background
- Body 4
- Agility 5 (7)
- Reaction 4 (5)
- Strength 3 (5)
- Charisma 4
- Intuition 4
- Logic 3
- Willpower 3
- Edge 3
- Essence 4.55
- From Cyberware: 0.9 (only half applies)
- From Bioware: 1
- Magic 4
- Initiation Grade 1
- Resonance 0
- Initiative 8 (9)
- Initiative Passes 1 (2)
Athletics group (usually STR)
Close Combat group (AGL)
Firearms group (AGL)
Agility Skills
Body Skills
Reaction Skills
Biotech group (usually LOG)
Cracking group (LOG)
Electronics group (LOG)
Influence group (CHA)
Mechanic group (LOG)
Outdoors group (usually INT)
Stealth group (usually INT)
Charisma Skills
Intuition Skills
Logic Skills
Knowledge Skills
Adept Powers & Metamagic
- Astral Perception
- Quick Draw
- The adept may use the Quick Draw rules (p. 137, SR4) to draw any weapon, not just pistols. An adept may draw and use a single melee weapon, missile weapon, throwing weapon, or firearm in one action, and need not spend two actions to draw and ready the weapon and then attack: drawing and readying occur in the action used for the Attack Test. If attacking with the weapon requires a Complex Action, the adept may still draw and attack in a single Action Phase. If attacking with a weapon that requires only a Simple Action to use, the adept may draw and make two attacks in a single Action Phase. The adept must succeed in an appropriate weapon skill + Reaction (2) Test to Quick Draw.
- Reaction Attribute Boost (Rating 2)
- To gain the boost, make a Magic + (Attribute Boost) Test. Each hit on this test boosts the attribute by 1. The boost lasts for a number of Combat Turns equal to the twice the number of hits generated.
- When the boost runs out, you must resist Drain equal to the Attribute Boost rating using Willpower + Body; each hit reduces the Drain Value by one. Attribute Boost Drain is Stun damage.
- The attribute bonus from Attribute Boost is not compatible with any other attribute augmentations, whether from implants or spells, with the exception of the Improved Physical Attribute adept power.
- Mystic Armor (Rating 1)
- Gain 1 point of armor (both Ballistic and Impact) that is cumulative with any worn armor. Also protects against damage done in astral combat.
- Nimble Fingers
- +1 dice pool modifier to Palming and other slight-of-hand tests involving manual dexterity.
- Insert Clip, Pick Up/Put Down Object, Remove Clip, and Use Simple Object are considered Free Actions.
- Facial Sculpt
- +1 dice pool modifier to any Disguise Tests. Can maintain new face for (Magic) hours.
- Improved Reflexes (Rating 1)
- +1 Reaction, +1 Initiative Pass
- Adept Centering
- The adept takes a free action to reduce negative dice pool modifiers on physical and combat skills by -1 per initiation grade.
- Adept
- CFS SINner
- Mothers of Metahumans ringleader (Loyalty: 3, Connection: 4)
- President Ellison's administrative assistant (Loyalty: 4, Connection: 4)
Gear & Lifestyle
- Comforts: Middle class (3 LP)
- Entertainment: Low class (2 LP)
- Necessities: Middle class (3 LP)
- Neighborhood: Middle class (3 LP)
- Security: High class (4 LP)
- Total cost: 5,000¥/month
Contracts & Identities
- Medium Lifestyle (5,000¥/month)
- Basic Docwagon Contract
- Contract expires November 2073
- Fake SIN (Rating 3) [Stacy Brin]
- Fake Concealed Carry License (Rating 5)
- Fake Automatic Weapons License (Rating 5)
- Fake SIN (Rating 6) [Tracy Sanford] Government Issued
- Fake Concealed Carry License (Rating 6)
- Fake Automatic Weapons License (Rating 6)
- Leather Jacket (2 Ballistic/2 Impact) (3 Ballistic/3 Impact with Mystic Armor)
- Armor Vest (6 Ballistic/4 Impact) (7 Ballistic/5 Impact with Mystic Armor)
- Chemical Protection (Rating 3)
- Fire Resistance (Rating 3)
- Nonconductivity (Rating 2)
- Insulation (Rating 1)
- Chameleon Suit (6 Ballistic/4 Impact) (7 Ballistic/5 Impact with Mystic Armor)
- -4 to Perception Test to detect
- Thermal Dampening (Rating 2)
- Flashlight
- Survival Kit
- 100m Microwire
- Rappeling Gloves
- Biomonitor Government Issued
- 8 hits of Cram
- Micro-Transceiver with earbuds and subvocal microphone (Rating 6) Government Issued
- Novatech Airwave (Response 3, Signal 3) Government Issued
- F.A.T.E. Operating System (Firewall 5, System 5)
- Analyze 4, Browse 4, Edit 4, Encrypt 6, Scan 4
- CMT Clip (1 Response/3 Signal)
- Vector Xim (1 Firewall/1 System)
- Cybereyes Basic System (Rating 4, Capacity 15/16)
- Eye Light System
- Focused light with 25m range
- Smartlink
- +2 ranged attack when using Smartgun.
- Thermographic Vision
- Vision Enhancement (Rating 3)
- +3 to Perception Tests
- Vision Magnification
- Low-Light Vision
- Flare Compensation
- Eliminates vision modifiers for glare.
- Eye Recording Unit
- Image Link
- Eye Light System
- Cyberears Basic System (Rating 3, Capacity 12/12)
- Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- +3 to Listening Perception Tests
- Balance Augmenter
- +1 to all Balance Tests
- Ear Recording Unit
- Select Sound Filter (Rating 2)
- 2 sound groups can be selected (can only be listened to one at a time)
- Sound Link
- Spatial Recognizer
- +2 on all Perception Tests to find source of sound
- Increased Sensitivity
- Can listen to high and low frequency sounds selectively
- Audio Enhancement (Rating 3)
- Muscle Augmentation (Rating 2)
- Muscle Toner (Rating 2)
- Platelet Factories
- Any time the user suffers 2 or more points of damage, the damage is instantly reduced by one point.
- HK Urban Combat (Dmg 5P, Mode SA/BF/FA, RC 2, Ammo 36(c))
- Internal smartgun system (included)
- Fixed barrel-mounted sound suppressor (included)
- Walther Palm Pistol (Dmg 4P, Mode SS/BF, Ammo 2(b))
- Internal smartgun system
- Both rounds can be shot at once with +1 DV and -1 recoil
- Mossberg AM-CMDT Shotgun (Dmg 9P(f), AP +5, Mode SA/BF/FA, Ammo 10(c))
- External smartgun system
- Ruger Super Warhawk (Dmg 6P, AP -2, Mode SS, Ammo 6(cy))
- Internal smartgun system
- Concealable holster (-1 concealability)
- 2 Ingram Smartgun X submachine guns (Dmg 5P, Mode BF/FA, RC 2(3), Ammo 32(c))
- Gas-vent 2 (included)
- Internal smartgun system (included)
- Sound suppressor (included)
- Detachable folding stock (included)
- Ares Alpha assault rifle (Dmg 6P, Mode SA/BF/FA, RC 2, Ammo 42(c))
- Underbarrel Grenade Launcher (included) (Mode SS, Ammo 6(c))
- Internal smartgun system (included)
- 2 Hammerli 620S light pistols (Dmg 4P, Mode SA, RC 1, Ammo 6(c))
- Concealable holster (-1 concealability)
- Internal smartgun system (included)
- Silencer
- Aztechnology Striker (Mode SS, Ammo 1 (ml))
- External smartgun system
- Ranger Arms SM-4 sniper rifle (Dmg 8P, AP -3, Mode SA, RC (1), Ammo 15(c))
- Silencer
- Imaging scope
- Rigid stock with shock pad
- -1 dice pool modifier if bumped
- Assembling/disassembling takes 3 complex actions
- External smartgun system
- Morrissey Elan (Dmg 4P, Mode SA, Ammo 5(c))
- Concealable holster (-1 concealability)
- Internal smartgun system (included)
- Cannot be detected by MAD scanners
- Survival Knife (Damage STR/2+1P, AP -1)
- Suzuki Mirage (Handling +2, Accel 20/50, Speed 200, Pilot 1, Body 6, Armor 4, Sensor 1)
- 350¥ starting cash
- +5,000¥ Session 1: The Missing Scientist
- +7,500¥ December paycheck
- +7,000¥ Session 2: Golden Gate Heist
- +600¥ November stipend
- -6,600¥ Ranger Arms SM-4 with external smartgun system
- -1,400¥ Aztechnology Striker with external smartgun system
- -8,000¥ Chameleon Suit
- -70¥ Rappelling gloves
- -3,000¥ Upgrade to Medium Lifestyle
- +2,600¥ Session 3: Even Secrets Can't Escape
- -1,000¥ Thermal Dampening (Rating 2) for Chameleon Suit
- +2,000¥ Session 4: Bite the Hand That Feeds
- +9,000¥ Session 5: The Grinch Who Stole Mana
- +743¥ December stipend
- +7,500¥ January paycheck
- -5,000¥ January Medium Lifestyle
- -350¥ Walther Palm Pistol with internal smartgun system
- +7,500¥ Session 7: Happy New Year!
- +5,000¥ Session 9: Pandemonium At The Harvest, Part II
- +7,500¥ February paycheck
- -5,000¥ February Medium Lifestyle
- -23,750¥ Platelet Factories
- -100¥ 10 hits of Cram
- +998¥ January stipend
- +5,000¥ Session 10: Calling Vincent White
- -2,400¥ HK Urban Combat
- +7,000¥ Session 12: Shifting Sands, Part II
- -500¥ 100 Explosive rounds
- -1,000¥ 100 EX-Explosive rounds
- -700¥ 100 APDS rounds
- -160¥ 20 Stick-n-Shock rounds
- -150¥ 20 Tracer rounds
- +7,500¥ March paycheck
- -5,000¥ March Medium Lifestyle
- +6,000¥ Session 13: Pirates!?
- +10,000¥ Session 15: Reactor No. 1
- -900¥ Morrissey Elan
- -75¥ Concealable holster
- +7,500¥ April paycheck
- -5,000¥ April Medium Lifestyle
- +7,500¥ Session 19: Out of Their League
- +7,500¥ Session 21: Beyond Reality
- Current Balance: 51,136¥
Typical Armament
- 100 Explosive rounds
- 100 EX-Explosive rounds
- 100 APDS rounds
- 20 Stick-n-Shock rounds
- 20 Tracer rounds
- 40 Flechette rounds
- 10 Spare clips
- 1 Grenade clip
- 2 Flashbang grenades
- 2 Fragmentation grenades
- 1 Smoke grenade
- 1 Medkit (Rating 6)
- 1 Antidote Patch (Rating 6)
- 1 Stimulant Patch (Rating 6)
- 1 Trauma Patch (Rating 6)
Condition Monitors
- Stun:
- 8 + (Augmented Willpower/2) round up
- Physical:
- 8 + (Augmented Body/2) + (number of cyberlimbs) round up
- Total Karma: 163
- Session 1: The Missing Scientist - 7 Karma
- Session 2: Golden Gate Heist - 7 Karma
- Session 3: Even Secrets Can't Escape - 7 Karma
- Session 4: Bite the Hand That Feeds - 7 Karma
- Session 5: The Grinch Who Stole Mana - 8 Karma
- Session 6: Ellison's New Year's Ball - 7 Karma
- Session 7: Happy New Year! - 7 Karma
- Session 8: Pandemonium At The Harvest - 7 Karma
- Session 9: Pandemonium At The Harvest, Part II - 7 Karma
- Session 10: Calling Vincent White - 7 Karma
- Light Sleeper - 3 Karma
- Session 11: Shifting Sands - 7 Karma
- Session 12: Shifting Sands, Part II - 7 Karma
- Session 13: Pirates!? - 7 Karma
- Session 14: Behind the Dagger - 7 Karma
- Session 15: Reactor No. 1 - 11 Karma
- Session 16: Reactor No. 2 - 7 Karma
- Session 17: April Fools - 7 Karma
- Session 18: The Honeypot - 7 Karma
- Session 19: Out of Their League - 7 Karma
- Session 20: Paranormal Phenomena - 7 Karma
- Session 21: Beyond Reality - 15 Karma
- Karma Spent: 159
- [9 Karma] Magic 3
- [4 Karma] Dodge 2
- [4 Karma] Pilot: Groundcraft 2
- [4 Karma] Heavy Weapons 2
- [4 Karma] Locksmith 1
- [2 Karma] Etiquette: Formal Specialization
- [12 Karma] Body 4
- [2 Karma] Dancing 1
- [6 Karma] Infiltration 3
- [2 Karma] Disguise: Cosmetic Specialization
- [9 Karma] Edge 3
- [2 Karma] Dodge: Ranged Combat Specialization
- [2 Karma] Throwing Weapons: Lobbed Specialization
- [5 Karma] Joining F.A.T.E. Magic Group
- [4 Karma] Arcana 1
- [4 Karma] Diving 1
- [2 Karma] Longarms: Shotgun Specialization
- [4 Karma] Assensing 2
- [2 Karma] First Aid: Awakened Specialization
- [4 Karma] First Aid
- [8 Karma] Initiation Grade 1 (Adept Centering Metamagic)
- [9 Karma] Logic 3
- [2 Karma] Armorer: Firearms Specialization
- [4 Karma] Unarmed Combat 2
- [4 Karma] Intimidation 1
- [2 Karma] Pistols: Revolvers Specialization
- [12 Karma] Magic 4
- [2 Karma] Hardware: Maglocks Specialization
- [2 Karma] Con: Impersonation Specialization
- [15 Karma] Magic 5
- [12 Karma] Intuition 4
- Karma Left: 4