Overworld is the story of a group Celestial Exalts and their rise to power in the North. The story begins in the Realm satrapy of Frostgate, a small region in the central North, several hundred miles west of Gethamane. A loose alliance between two Solars and two Sun King Seneschal Lunars may prove to put an end to the local governor's iron grip on the people of Covenant.
These are sessions played in person, and generally encompass the events concerned with the central plotline.
- Chapter 1: Dreaming of Yesterday (Storyteller: Dan, Status: In Progress)
Experience Awarded: 102
These are written by the players/STs, detailing adventures generally outside of or parallel to the events of the chapters.
- Goodbye Sunrise (Author: Tony, Status: Complete)
- Seeking a Thrill & Search for a Weapon (Author: Brian & Dan H, Status: Complete)
- Severnaya: Background (Author: Brian, Status: Complete)
A list of locations that have played a particular part in the storyline, obviously not every location within the Chronicle will be mentioned.
- Frostgate - A small Realm satrapy in the central North, carved out by the Empress for reasons unknown.
- Covenant - The capital of Frostgate; the local satrap makes his seat here, and rules the city with an iron first.
This is the all-encompassing list of characters involved in the Chronicle's events.
Solar Exalts
Lunar Exalts
Terrestrial Exalts