A Song for the Goats

The Scavenger Lands are the area of Creation most ripe for drastic change. Given that within its borders lie Nexus, the Guild's home city; Lookshy, the Shogunate remnant Dragon-Blooded kingdom and strongest military power in the Threshold; Great Forks, a city where spirits and elementals walk freely among men; Thorns, a city ruled by the Deathlord The Mask Winters; and the highest retained concentration of reincarnated Solars, it seems inevitable that cataclysm and revolution will become anything but commonplace in this perilous region.
More than any individual, A Song for the Goats is the tale of the Scavenger Lands itself, and how certain fated Exalts come to bring about the changes it undergoes as the Second Age progresses.
It begins on the first day of R.Y. 768, in keeping with Exalted canon.
Note From Dan (temporarily here)
I moved around and renamed a lot of stuff. The events we played out so far weren't even really the main plot of Heavy Lies the Crown, so I was hesitant to call that all of part I. As such, I've created a small prelude chapter out of that material, and titled it "The Risen Shadow". The material previously on the Heavy Lies the Crown page can be found there, and the Summary page material is now on the discussion page of the same story. I converted any references to 'Part II' into references just to 'Heavy Lies the Crown', which will begin after Tony's story. If anyone has objections or wants things back the other way, feel free to switch it back, I'm just trying to order things such that I can have somewhat of a clean slate with Heavy Lies the Crown.
These are sessions played in person, and generally encompass the events concerned with the central plotline.
- Chapter 1: The Rescue of Kit Magnar (Storyteller: Dan, Status: Complete)
- Chapter 2: The Trials of the Seven Gods of Fortune (Storyteller: Dan, Status: Complete)
- Chapter 3: Where the Road Leads (Storyteller: Tony, Status: Complete)
- Chapter 4: The Risen Shadow (Storyteller: Dan, Status: Complete, but short, as it was created from already existing session material)
- Chapter 5: Disposable Heroes (Storyteller: Tony, Status: Pending)
- Chapter 6: Heavy Lies the Crown, Part I (Storyteller: Dan, Status: Pending)
Experience Awarded: 135
These are written by the players/STs, detailing adventures generally outside of or parallel to the events of the chapters.
- To Warmer Plains (Author: Dan, Status: In Progress)
- Wayfare to an Uncertain Asylum (Author: Tony, Status: In Progress)
This is the all-encompassing list of characters involved in the Chronicle's events. Given its nature, the list is quite large.
Solar Exalts
Lunar Exalts
Sidereal Exalts
- Arisu Michi
- Black Ice Shadow
- Brilliant Tsunami Masked by the Tower
- Domino
- Jubilant Lion of the Sky
- Phaeron Briggs
- Saros
- Voresyl
Abyssal Exalts
Terrestrial Exalts