The One-Eyed Queen of Silk and Lace

Basic Information
Name: The One-Eyed Queen of Silk and Lace
Current Age: 77 (Chapter 1: 70)
Type: Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Player: NPC
Aspect: Air
Concept: Member of the Hallowed Order of the Grass Spiders
Motivation: Remove herself from the ruthless politics of human nature and eliminate those who seek to draw her or others into them.
Political Affiliation: The Hallowed Order of the Grass Spiders
Anima: Clouds gather in the sky and around her form, obscuring her from view slightly with a white glow of essence. When her anima reaches totemic levels a castle forms faintly floating in the clouds formed by her essence, almost always high in the sky above her.
Likes: Contemporary Fashion, Sewing, Medicine (Including 'Plastic Surgery'), Formal Events, Flowers, Dessert.
Dislikes: Tacky People & Things, Old Person Smell, Physical Contact, Poverty, Politicians, Questions About Her Missing Eye.
The One Eyed Queen of Silk and Lace is one of the oldest members of The Grass Spiders outside of The Harvestmen, though not an especially long tenured member of the organization itself. A majority of her life was spent within the society of The Realm which she left just 5 short years ago. During her time on The Blessed Isle she was a close friend and personal adviser to The Empress herself, though mostly on matters that most would consider inconsequential. This close relationship allowed her to survive distancing herself from her house and showing little to no political ambition or desire to further her family's agenda, when her family finally grew tired of her The Empress took care of her and appointed her as a magistrate. She was a magistrate within the Imperial Capitol and the surrounding lands for years before the disappearance of The Empress, and like many magistrates she was quickly targeted by The All Seeing Eye when it became clear The Empress would not be returning. Instead of fighting off internal assassination attempts only to watch her own people bicker amongst themselves she fled The Realm for the far reaches of The Threshold. Her time alone in The Threshold was short lived as she came across Tiamat and Rizuka in Great Forks and was quickly recruited.
She remains knowledgeable and involved with contemporary fashion and uses her interests and talents to maintain a close personal connection to The Guild and the high society within The Threshold and beyond. She is well connected across Creation, and maintains many strong connections into The Realm where she still frequently visits and maintains friendships or acquaintances. She is one of the most socially formidable members of The Grass Spiders, though her martial prowess is not to be overlooked. Her healing skill is second only to Rizuka among The Grass Spiders and she is an accomplished Terrestrial Circle Sorcerer and Thaumaturge.
What She's Been Up To
The Veil War
Though the One-Eyed Queen is not as long tenured as a Member of The Grass Spiders as some, her age and experience have not gone to waste and she's seen a large growth in her responsibility and respect among senior and novice members alike. She was once valued highly for her tight connections, but these days she leaves the leg work to younger members in The Shaded Templar and The Circle with No Name and instead manages resources from afar. Ash, Mesa, Fay and Champ have been passed a number of connections that were previously The Queen's and report on any significant developments, she remains an important and connected manager of contacts but typically does so through these younger members. As the second most skilled healer in the organization, Rizuka has taken her under her wing to make sure that the organization is in good hands when Rizuka can no longer tend their wounds. Furthermore, as one of the groups more skilled Terrestrial Circle Sorcerers she has been kept very busy during The Veil War, as an increasing number of missions require a sorcerous component to deal with more frequent Celestial Exalted encounters. In order to split the burden, The One-Eyed Queen mentors Cello who has shown a great deal of promise as a sorcerer and thaumaturge. The One-Eyed Queen is a natural mentor to younger Members, in addition to Cello, she also extensively mentors Fay. Queen is a rising star in The Order and seems to be a fitting mold going forward for recruiting as she ideally fits Atlas' vision of a more social assassin. She is not much younger than Tiamat, or it would be a foregone conclusion that she would one day be a Harvestman.
Not everything has gone well for The One-Eyed Queen though, as she has somewhat recently come into conflict with one of her circle-mates, Leviticus. While on a mission in the Eastern Wyld, Leviticus was badly injured and knocked unconscious, so Queen made the choice to remove Leviticus' symbiotic armor to treat the wound. Queen insists that it probably saved his life, however the fanatically private Leviticus sees things a different way. Fortunately Rizuka, who is a close friend to both of The Red Hoods, was able to smooth things over, though an unspoken tension undoubtedly still exists. None of the three will speak a word of it, and most everyone is smart enough not to ask.