
From The Whereabouts

Squad Dynamics

I have a question about the NPCs of Supernova, particularly the men in Pollix's squad. How much personality or what type of personalities would these men have? Are these a bunch of die-hard warriors who have strict discipline and obedience, or sort of a hodge-podge of skilled combatants with varying attitudes and sense of humor? I have conflicting ideas in my head as to how this group would act - because mercenaries can be diverse and wild yet I picture Mandalorian mercenaries to be very strict and uniform. I want a better idea of how to play the NPCs as I want them to be more than just a force that accompanies Pollix. Ideally, I'd like to give most of them names and brief descriptions.

Kirkland 15:38, 2 October 2008 (EDT)

I see where you are coming from and I've sort of struggled with how I see the typical troop to be like. I would definitely like them to be more than just a force that accompanies him places and at least the commanders named and briefly described. I would think that anyone in Supernova of Pollix's ranks or higher would likely be a pretty disciplined solider (Perhaps a bit hot headed as in Pollix's case). The commanders, who are the lowest ranked officers are probably a mixture of either younger disciplined soldier's or older more rough, less disciplined men. Three commanders are in Pollix's company and I'd like to see each of them briefly described and named as I can see their dynamic together being rather important to the character. My initial impressions on those 3 would be to have 2 be younger and disciplined, which is what Pollix would prefer them all be, and then have 1 older, rougher type who is there to provide experience to the company and doesn't always get along with Pollix but they have a mutual respect for one another. He isn't out to mutiny Pollix, likewise Pollix doesn't hang his commanders out to dry. As far as the more "faceless" troops that have no rank and make up the bulk of the army, I see them being much more rag-tag and wide ranging in personality and origin. Professional soldiers, ex-convicts, outlaws, you name it could occupy this group, but also Supernova doesn't just give anyone who can aim a blaster a place in the organization. I would guess that all soldiers go through a pretty extensive training camp that teaches them all basic discipline, at least when on duty. Since the galaxy isn't at war there is no huge rush or demand for a large force, so Supernova can afford to take their time in training people for the job. --FyreFly 18:53, 2 October 2008 (EDT)