Talk:Character Creation Guidelines

From The Whereabouts

Just making sure I got this right, but no skills from the Jedi/Padawaan career or specialization right? - TK

TK Character Ideas

  • "Jedi Indiana Jones" - A jedi historian and scholar who wants to explore the galaxy to uncover lost lore and new secrets.
  • Kel Dor
  • Career - Seeker, Specialization - Navigator
  • As a padawan served on a Outer Rim Exploration Team, to a Jedi Pathfinder master.
  • Depending on specific time period finalizing, likely has experience battling Nihil marauders.

DH Character Ideas

  • An Umbaran Ascetic with a deep interest in the moral implications of the Force. Her interest in the Force is decidedly non-academic; rather, she is interested in what (if any) the Force obligates people to do for each other in the most practical sense.
    • Does failing to help someone bring us closer to the dark side?
    • Can a Jedi defensibly serve their own interests?
    • Does the Force impose its will on people who can't sense it?
    • In general, she has an ill-defined (and, perhaps, immature) distaste for scholarly sorts. She feels that feeding the starved and curing the sick are much better ways to learn about the Force than reading tomes and seeking written knowledge ("dirty hands make you right").
  • She feels that public service and peacemaking are critical duties of a Jedi because they foster the strongest connection with the light side of the Force.
  • She is deeply wary of worldly distractions, a point of contention with her more-pragmatic mentor, an Arkanian Jedi Knight who is an Arbiter, who feels that being part of society and somewhat "normal" yields more effective negotiations.
  • She is given to anger and struggles against her temper. She is secretly terrified of the dark side, and part of her adherence to asceticism is driven by a deep avoidance any attachments that would lead her closer to the dark side. Privately, she sometimes finds she has more in common with fallen Dark Jedi, particularly those driven by revenge or vigilante justice. It is for this reason, as much as any other, that she strives for diplomatic solutions - sometimes to a fault.
  • An Umbaran, she dislikes the light and tends to camp in caves or thick tents and frequently leaves the hood of her Jedi robe up during the day time.
  • Morality
    • Emotional strength: Justice
    • Emotional weakness: Hatred