Other Archives
Blades in the Dark
The Wages of Fear
Our first Blades in the Dark game
Dungeons & Dragons
The Fool's Postern
An interplanar private army known as the Order of the Timeless Peace prevents the gods from directly interfering in the affairs of the Material Plane.
From Humble Beginnings
Started from the bottom now we're here.
Anima Basic Information
Basic information about the game world so you don't have to read the book.
Caught in the Middle
Our first storyline took place in the City of Boston, Massachusetts, UCAS. The year was 2070, and the Matrix had been re-built after Crash 2.0 in 2064.
Our new 4th Edition Shadowrun game taking place in the California Free State.
F.A.T.E. Supply Closet
A list of equipment readily accessible to F.A.T.E. agents.
F.A.T.E. Garage
A list of vehicles owned by F.A.T.E.
F.A.T.E. Timeline
A concise, chronological list of all the events happening around F.A.T.E. and its agents.
Some of the other old Shadowrun information worth keeping track of.
The Myth of the Eternal Return
This is the story of a young group of Scions who are answering the collective call of their divine parents to hold back the devastating and world-altering forces of the Titans in the modern world.