
Name: Nexu
Race: Nautolan
Sex: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 115 lbs
Age: 20
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Skin: Greenish
Motivation: Find Lover
Career: Smuggler
Nexu: Character Sheet
Nexu was born to two good for nothings in the underworld of Coruscant. It is unlikely that her father was around long enough to even find out if her mother was pregnant. As for her mother, she doesn't remember her. She probably raised Nexu for some period of time before she either ran away or her mother died. She doesn't even know the name her mother gave her, if she even bothered to. In any event, the first family she remembers is Gremlin's crew. She refers to Gremlin as her older brother, even though they are not of the same species, let alone family. He was about five years older (most people didn't know their birthdays or what year it was where she came from), and taught her how to survive. When she was around 14, a piece of Coruscant's infrastructure that ran through their territory broke. The local authorities moved in and pushed all the locals out so that the engineers and droids could move in and fix the machinery. Wanting to avoid moving into another gang's territory and start a war, they made their way topside. Through a lot a luck and just enough skill, they managed to stow away on a pleasure yacht. They survived on the yacht a full week before getting caught and thrown in the brig until the ships next stop.
Nexu and the gang were released on an independent space station. The side the ship docked on was a resort and shopping center where the rich and powerful could get rare and exotic goods and services from around the galaxy. There was tight security and everything was clean and beautiful. The back half of the station held a shadow port that would deal with any pirate that did not ply their trade in that system. The owner of the space station would buy the ill gotten goods, repackage them, and sell them to the upper class clientele visiting the good side of the station. It was here that Gremlin's gang was dumped. The older kids and scary looking aliens were handed over to the authorities while the younger ones were just released on the space station when no one was looking. They quickly found their way to the shadow port side where they fit right in. Unfortunately, they found out that the space station sells all of its prisoners to slave traders that occasionally visit the shadow port, and that was the fate that was going to fall the half of the crew given over to the authorities. The gang did the only thing they could think of and planned a break out for them. It went bad. Almost all of Gremlin's crew died in the escape, but some of the more experienced prisoners that happened to be nearby did manage to get away. Luckyish for Nexu, this included a Weequay pirate that thought Nexu would make a good sex slave and grabbed the unconscious girl on his way out.
When Nexu next woke up, she was lying on the floor of a ship listening to space pirates argue about whether they were or were not above taking sex slaves. Eventually the captain won and they Weequay, and some of his friends, agreed to leave the service of the captain, girl in tow. The Weequay then grabbed the presumably still unconscious Nexu and hauled her over his shoulder. To everyone's surprise, Nexu grabbed his vibroblade and slit his throat. This turn of events started the argument up all over again. After the death of another irate pirate, the losers withdrew, and Nexu was a memeber of a pirate crew.
Nexu fit in well with her new crew and brought a number of helpful skills. Eventually her and the captain, Boskone, became lovers, and he told her about how he was actually a privateer for the rebel alliance. Boskone only targeted companies that were helping the empire, and in return the newly formed republic would forgive all his crimes, which he never gave her a full accounting of. Once he went legit, Boskone wanted to run a shipping company. Unfortunately for Boskone and his crew, the empire laid a trap for him, and they fell right into it. Boskone piloted his ship into an asteroid field in an attempt to escape. He told Nexu to wait for him in an escape pod. He was going to set the ship on a collision course, join her in the pod, and they would jettison . Hopefully the empire would assume they died in the crash. Instead, he launched the escape pod with only her in it at a channel in a large asteroid that temporarily hid them from the view of their pursuers. His plan worked, and the imperials didn't realize that the pod was ever launched. They just continued chasing the ship further and further away.
After a couple of hours of no Imperial activity, Nexu activated the distress beacon. When the local authorities picked her up, she said that her ship was attacked by a pirate and gave a description of Boskone. Since her story was quite plausible, they didn't hesitate to believe her. Once she was rescued and released, she tried to find Boskone by getting in touch with their pirate contact, but no one had heard from him. After a couple of months, she decided to contact the rebel alliance. Unfortunately, they hadn't heard from him either. In exchange for hauling her about the galaxy in her search, she has done odd jobs for the alliance that could benefit from her skill set.
It has been about one year from the day he disappeared, but somehow, Nexu can feel that somewhere out there Boskone is still alive.