Ledaal Jean-Altair Marquis D'LaCroix

Basic Information
Name: Ledaal Jean-Altair Marquis D'LaCroix
Type: Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Player: NPC
Aspect: Air
Concept: Idealistic Senator, blue-blood, democrat, factor for the Grass-Spiders
Motivation: Unite Creation under the banner of a true democracy by whatever means are necessary.
Political Affiliation: Imperial Reformist, White Veil Society
Anima: At low levels, the area becomes charged with electricity and anything not anchored to the ground begins to drift upward, as though wind were beneath it. At higher levels, the electricity takes the form of tangible blue lightning, which eventually crackles into the shapes of eagles.
Likes: Democracy, well-educated people, socialized institutions
Dislikes: Magic, monarchy, elitists, organized religion