Idea Board
Futuristic RPGs
I'd really love to play a futuristic RPG, but there simply aren't any in our usual list. Star Wars is as close as it comes, but I that's in a category of its own. Shadowrun comes close too, but the setting isn't exactly inspirational - the technology is not particularly impressive and despite being in the future the setting is a rather dark version of Earth.
I don't know if there are any RPGs out there that encapsulate the setting I'm really interested in playing. But when I browse deviantart I find all these really cool settings that don't fit any of the RPGs I've ever played. Has a futuristic RPG like this been done? If not, why?
Kirkland 01:20, 17 July 2009 (EDT)
Cool Pic
Could be used for Saros and someone adventuring with him.
Summer Storyline
As you guys know Dan H is gonna be working in Cinci this summer which will likely limit how frequently we can play the storylines we are currently running. There is the possibility of waiting to start Scavenger Lands until next fall. I figured it would be a good idea to run a SL with the players still in Columbus over the summer; Dan K, Brian, Drue and myself. I'm perfectly willing to storytell something, but if someone else wants to I'm cool with that as well. Here are some basic thoughts of what we could play, let me know which sounds like fun.
- Exalted: Abyssal Storyline (Probably would need everyone to play Abyssals for this one.)
- Exalted: Dragon-Blood Storyline (This would be a largely Realm SL and take place in the same time continuem as our currently running exalted games.)
- Exalted: West Storyline (A restart of our attempt at a Western SL earlier, not necesarily a solar circle this time. Could work any exalt type in, probably a pretty sandbox SL.)
- Exalted: Grass-Spiders Storyline (Group of DB assassins in the scavenger lands - awesome oganization. If you don't know who they are you suck, go read Scav. Lands book.)
- Shadowrun (Don't think Drue has played this before and I know we don't know the system as well but I'd be willing to give it a shot. Love the setting so it could be fun. Brian if you wanted to ST this instead or in collaboration that could work.)
- Star Wars - I don't feel comfortable running it, but would play if Brian wanted to.
- WoD - Would be willing to play or possibily ST something with WoD as well.
--FyreFly 19:27, 5 May 2009 (EDT)
My preferences in order
- Star Wars (I would definitely storytell, though I know Drue is not a big fan)
- Mage
- Grass-Spiders (though I'm afraid a group like us might really botch this one...)
Kirkland 23:00, 5 May 2009 (EDT)
My preferences in order:
- Exalted: West
- Exalted: Abyssals
- Star Wars
- Honorable Mention: Shadowrun (Yeah, I've got a pretty big woody for shadowrun. Might be smoother with a smaller group too.)
--FyreFly 02:16, 9 June 2009 (EDT)
No Mage? Kirkland 16:39, 9 June 2009 (EDT)
We're already running one Mage storyline, I'm pretty good with the one we've got and don't feel inclined to start another. I'd play it though if that was popular demand. --FyreFly 17:10, 9 June 2009 (EDT)
Female Abyssal

No abyssal I can think of fits that description, not yet anyway. Surely it can only be a matter of time though. The whole image though gives me a northern feel, perhaps some of the Bishops servants will venture into Overworld. Or perhaps they already have in Kaliph and more are to come. --FyreFly 16:39, 6 October 2008 (EDT)
This actually doesn't look too much unlike the picture I've already put up for Seven Seasons Widow, and if this isn't put to other use, could be another reference picture for her. Dan 08:14, 7 October 2008 (EDT)