Harvester: Character Sheet

Basic Information
Name: Harvester
Title: Unrepentant Harvester of the Forsaken Bounty
Birth Name: Yushoto Tezuka
Type: Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Player: Tony K
Aspect: Wood Aspect
Concept: Former Lookshy Ranger, now Ronin Warrior
Political Affiliation: It's complicated, but he is still loyal to Lookshy and The Scavenger Lands at heart.
Anima: Green vines swell in the earth beneath his feet, churning the soil before sprouting forth into a shimmering green bramble that grows taller and denser with his anima, small iridescent leaves break off once they reach their peak and flutter to the ground all around him.
Age of Exultation: 14
Actual Age: 30
Languages Spoken: Riverspeak (N)
Primary Virtue: Courage
Secondary Virtue: Wonder
Harvester: Character Sheet
Likes: Alcohol of all varieties, especially sake. Wild Animals, especially birds. Art, especially paintings.
Dislikes: Cruelty towards animals, livestock or completely domesticated animals. Does not eat meat that wasn't hunted from the wild. Creatures of Darkness, especially the undead. Over mundane and repetitive tasks, gets bored easily.
Unrepentant Harvester of the Forsaken Bounty
- Force 3
- Finesse 5
- Fortitude 3
- Athletics 4
- Awareness 4
- Close Combat 5
- Craft 0
- Embassy 1
- Integrity 3
- Navigate 4
- Performance
- Physique 1
- Presence 2
- Ranged Combat 1
- Sagacity 3
- Stealth 4
- War 1
- Artifact (Primary) - Reaper Daiklave - Splinter
- Artifact (Tertiary) - Vikram's Goggles
- Contacts (Tertiary) - Scavenger Lands Intelligence Groups
- Familiar (Secondary - Highest Available) - Odessa - Metagolpian Flying Hawk
- Influence (Tertiary) - Nod
Essence 2
- Max Motes 7
Essence Respiration
- Recover 1 mote at the end of any combat scene and beginning of any non-combat scene.
- Recover up to half of motes during downtime spent resting. Recover all motes with full night's rest.
- Recover 1 mote at end of character's combat turn.
- Recover 3 motes per hour in Manse or when wearing hearthstone.
- 1-2 Dim: Caste Mark is visible (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 3-4 Glowing: Lit by a soft light (Stealth/Hiding it possible)
- 5-6 Burning: Aura of her anima can light up a room
- 7-9 Bonfire: Aura is visible from long range
- 10 Iconic: Naked essence becomes visible in the area around Veil. (Like being able to see the code in the matrix or individual atoms in real life.)
Splinter - Reaper Daiklave (Close Combat)
- Accuracy: 10 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +1
- Defense: +1
- Overwhelming: 4
- Tags: Melee, Balanced, Disarming (Reduce Power cost for disarm gambits by 1.), Reaching (Negate advantages of mounted combatants and penalty from enormous size.), Flexible (Reduce Power cost of ensnare gambits by 1. The weapon ignores the Defense bonus granted by Full Defense actions.)
Whip (Close Combat)
- Accuracy: 10 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +0
- Defense: +1
- Overwhelming: 1
- Tags: Melee, Flexible
Cestus (Close Combat)
- Accuracy: 10 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +0
- Defense: +1
- Overwhelming: 1
- Tags: Melee, Concealable, Worn
Knife (Close Combat)
- Accuracy: 10 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +0
- Defense: +1
- Overwhelming: 1
- Tags: Melee, Concealable
Knife (Ranged)
- Ranged: Medium
- Accuracy: 5 dice + 2 successes
- Damage: +1 success
- Overwhelming: 1
- Tags: Thrown, Concealable
Combat Defense
- Parry 5
- (Finesse 5 + Close Combat 5)/2
- Evasion 5
- (Finesse 5 + Athletics 4)/2
- Soak 4
- (Natural 1 + Chain Shirt 2 + Ox-Body 1)
- Hardness 4
- (Natural 2 + Essence 2)
- -0x2
- -1x4
- -2x2
- Inc
Dramatic Injuries
- Force:
- Finesse:
- Fortitude:
- Manse:
- Resolve 4
- (Integrity 1 or 2 = 3, Integrity 3+ = 4)
- +/- 2 For Minor Intimacies/Virtues & +/- 3 for Major Intimacies/Virtues
- Prince of the Earth: As the Exalted that rule much of the world, Dragon-Blooded find support anywhere. Once per session, the character may select one Merit from the list on p. XX and treat it as though it had a rating based on her Essence (tertiary at Essence 1, secondary at Essence 2, primary at Essence 5), working its acquisition with the Storyteller. This benefit lasts for the duration of the session.
- Ten Thousand Dragons Fight as One: When making teamwork actions, after calculating the total successes to add as dice, add an additional die. If making a teamwork action with someone in the Dragon-Blooded’s Circle or Hearth (p. XX), add another die.
- Resonance: Dragon-Blooded are resonant with all types of jade.
Anima Effects
- Anima Flux: When a Dragon-Blooded has 5 or more anima, all non-Dragon-Blooded within close range must make reflexive Fortitude + Physique rolls at the start of the Dragon-Blooded’s turn with a difficulty equal to the Exalt’s Essence + 2 or suffer one level of damage from raw elemental Essence. This only destroys scenery when it would be dramatically appropriate or at the player’s choice.
- Natural Immunity (Passive): The Wood Aspect is immune to plant-based poisons and applies a two-success bonus on rolls to resist other poisons or disease.
- Spring of Sextes Jylis (Active): Spend 1 anima on Step 2. Add the Exalt’s Essence to Defense against one attack.
- Sap of Life (Iconic): Spend 1 Anima reflexively to heal one health level, either that the Wood Aspect’s taken or an ally within short range has suffered, starting with the most severe. She may spend up to 10 anima on this effect and may apply it to multiple targets.
Excellencies & Ox-Body
- Athletics: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Awareness: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Close Combat: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Stealth: (Page 184) Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used to boost passive values. Add that Ability as a dice bonus to an applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.
- Ox-Body Technique (Page 212) Gain one -1 Health Level, Gain 1 Natural Soak. Dragon Blood: Gain one -1 Health Level
Athletics Charms
- Graceful Crane Stance: (Page 186) The Exalt gains perfect balance, able to stand on wire, a crumbling parapet, or the top of a pine tree without issue. Commit 1 mote. For the rest of the scene, the Exalt can stand on or run along things too narrow or weak to support them normally, with no chance of falling or breaking through. They never have to roll to avoid falling. Increase the cost of the Knockdown gambit by her Essence.
- Perfect Climbing Attitude (Dragon-Blooded): The Exalt may carve handholds from stone or earthen surfaces, allowing them to remain still or for others to climb behind them. Handholds count as equipment for climbing, granting a two-dice bonus. The handholds persist while the mote remains committed.
- Monkey Leap Technique (Page 188) The Exalt leaps with speed and grace, carrying them soaring into the air, or from rooftop to rooftop. The Exalt may leap vertically one range band into the air as a movement action. Additionally, she may leap forward horizontally to leap across rooftops, move stylishly through the air, and avoid appropriate hazards and obstacles, bypassing them without a roll. Permanent Charm.
- Effortlessly Rising Flame (Dragon-Blooded): The Exalt may reflexively rise from prone when this Charm is activated.
- Soaring Crane Leap: Commit 1 mote for one scene. While active, the Exalt floats, she may choose to fall only one range band per round, she is immune to fall damage, and she may use her reflexive movement action to float one range band across while airborne.
Awareness Charms
- Crafty Observation Method: (Page 189) The Exalt surveys the scene, reconstructing what recently transpired there. Invoke this Charm while investigating the evidence of an event. During this scene, you may spend 1 mote to ask one of the following questions. The Storyteller will answer truthfully. Additional questions cost 1 mote each. What happened here? What object was integral to the event? How many people were involved? When did the event take place? How can I identify the responsible party?
- Enhanced Senses (Sight): (Page 190) The Exalt’s superior senses grant her additional input about her surroundings. Each purchase of this Charm upgrades their senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste. Double 9s on Awareness rolls related to the enhanced senses. This Charm may be purchased a number of times equal to the Exalt’s Essence but must be for a different sense each time. If two senses would apply to the same roll, double 8s.
Close Combat Charms
- Root-and-Hand Merging (Page 252) Roots sprout from the Exalt’s skin and bind the weapon to her. Commit 1 mote for the scene. While the mote is committed, the weapon gains the natural tag, and her Defense increases by one while she uses it. She may choose to activate this Charm on Step 2 in response to a disarm attempt. Wood Aura: This does not count as her Charm for that step.
- Portentous Warding Defense (Page 194) The Exalt moves with purpose, firmly barring the way of an attack. When attacked, spend 2 motes on Step 2. On Step 4, roll your choice of Attribute + Close Combat, and add your successes to your Defense against the attack.
- Many-Attacks Technique (Page 194) The Exalt blurs into action, attacking with a furious series of blows. Spend 2 motes on Step 1. After resolving a Close Combat attack, the character makes a second Close Combat attack against the same target or a different one. This attack is treated as though it were part of a flurry. The initial attack does not suffer the dice penalty.
- Excellent Strike: (Page 193) The Exalt’s strikes find their mark regardless of any obstacles. Spend 1 mote on Step 3. Double the extra successes after applying Defense but before any bonus successes are applied. Additionally, ignore penalties hindering a single Close Combat attack, excluding self-imposed penalties and penalties that cannot be removed.
- Arsenal-Summoning Gesture (Page 191) The Exalt’s weapons and armor respond to her will, flying to her at her call.
- When the Exalt takes this Charm, choose whether it applies to weapons or armor. Purchase this Charm a second time to use it on both. Spend 1 mote to summon your weapon or armor, or 2 motes to summon both. If the weapon or armor in question is within short range, Arsenal-Summoning Gesture is a reflexive action. If it is not, Arsenal-Summoning Gesture is a simple action. Spend 1 mote to banish your weapon or armor into Elsewhere, a non-space where your arsenal waits to be called upon as per above.
- Elemental Embodiment Expertise (Dragon-Blooded): A Dragon-Blood may dissolve her weapon in an embodiment of her aspect’s element. When she recalls the weapon, she may do so from any embodiment of her element within medium range, gaining a Power boost equal to her Essence.
Integrity Charms
- Motive Discerning Technique: The Exalt measures another, and nothing escapes her careful eye. Invoke this Charm while interacting with another character. During this scene, you may spend 1 mote to ask one of the following questions. The Storyteller will answer truthfully. Additional questions cost 1 mote each.
- Does the character feel positively, negatively, or neutrally about me?
- Do the character and I share a Virtue?
- Do the character and I share an Intimacy?
- What haven’t I noticed about the character?
- How could I get the character to do what I want?
- As The Crow Flies: (Page 205) The Exalt’s impeccable sense of direction and distance never fails her. The Exalt always knows the shortest mundane route between where she is and where she wants to be, even if the path is slightly unconventional. This may mean going over rooftops or cutting through a teahouse’s kitchen rather than navigating the city’s busy streets. She may cut corners a number of times equal to her Essence during a travel venture without suffering the consequences.
- Beast-Uplifting Harmony: (Page 205) An Exalt uplifts and empowers her animal companions, helping them become more than they were. When he takes this Charm, the Exalt may choose up to her Essence of the following benefits for his Familiar; he automatically gains additional benefits as her Essence increases.
- Odessa gains human level intelligence and is capable of human speech.
- Harvester always knows Odessa's location, condition, and surface thoughts.
- Rider-and-Mount-Unity: (Page 201) When the Exalted ride to battle, it is as one mind with their stalwart mounts. While mounted, the Exalt may use her own movement-enhancing and defensive Charms on behalf of her steed. (Permanent effect, but charms still cost their standard cost.)
- Great Heart Companion (Dragon-Blooded): The Dragon-Blood’s mount is immune to damage from her anima and is treated as a Hearthmate for the purposes of applying Charms.
- Hidden Shortcut Revelation (Page 206) The flow of Essence alerts the Exalt to paths mortal eyes cannot perceive. Spend 1 mote. The Storyteller reveals the location of any concealed passages, doorways, or portals within long range. Though they’re aware of the passage’s existence, the Exalt must still fulfill any requirements to use them, whether that’s picking a lock or disabling any wards placed upon it. If this passage was hidden by flawless magic, add her Essence in bonus successes to the roll off (p. 182).
- Calling the Rider’s Companion (Page 206) With a whistle or a gesture, the Exalt summons a faithful companion. Spend 1 mote. The Exalt summons a mount, which arrives as quickly as possible, usually by the end of the scene. She needs no tack to ride this mount safely and comfortably, and she reduces environmental penalties to riding-based rolls by two. This mount persists until the end of the session. If the mount is her familiar, it appears by her side in mere instants.
Sagacity Charms
- Glorious Exalted Bolt/Elemental Bolt Attack: (Page 217) The Exalt forms a blazing bolt of Essence aligned with their nature to strike their enemies. Spend 1 mote on Step 1. Make a ranged essence attack at short range using either Sagacity or Ranged Combat. Treat as a heavy ranged weapon with short range, the Artifact and Ranged tags. Spend 1 anima to increase range to medium. This may be used during a clash.
- Elemental Bolt Attack (Dragon-Blooded): On Step 7, targets hit must make a reflexive Physique roll at difficulty 3 to resist environmental damage equal to the Exalt’s Essence plus two.
- Master Physician Technique: (Page 223) Commit one mote for the duration of treatment. Using appropriate tools, the Exalt may spend a scene treating a patient, accomplishing one of the following effects:
- Treat a diagnosed disease. Treat as a venture with a time scale of a couple days of treatment. Mundane diseases are typically difficulty 3, while particularly deadly, esoteric or supernatural diseases may be difficulty 5 to achieve the same effect. Some supernatural diseases such as the Great Contagion may not be treated by this Charm.
- Treat injuries. Make a Force + Sagacity roll with double 9s against difficulty equal to the total levels of damage in their patient’s health track. Success allows the patient to treat the scene as if it were a recovery scene and regain all lost health levels. Aggravated damage cannot be healed by this Charm.
- Gaia’s Bounty (Dragon-Blooded): The Exalt adds two automatic successes when using medicinal herbs or exotic flora as tools to treat her patients.
Stealth Charms
- Seasoned Criminal Method (Page 227) The Exalt steps into the shadowy realm of the criminal underworld, wearing deception like a cloak.
- Commit 1 mote and choose one of the following modes. Special: The character gains all of the modes attached to this Charm upon purchase.
- Familiarity: Appear to be a member of a criminal organization, allowing her to use any appropriate Intimacies to leverage against members of the organization.
- Dissonance: Officials attempting to identify or track the Exalt reduce their Awareness and Embassy pools by two.
- Vulnerability: Appear vulnerable, attracting those who would take advantage. Lower the target’s Resolve by one whenever you leverage your vulnerability.
- Receptivity: Appear to be an interested buyer or patron of criminal activities (drug buyer or seller, gambler, etc). Others will offer appropriate information regarding such activities when asked.
- A Drop Amongst The Ocean (Page 213) The Exalt masks her brilliance for a time, disappearing among the crowds of mortals around her. Commit 1 mote. So long as the mote remains committed and the Exalt remains within or close to a large group of people, she becomes functionally invisible; others can see her, but pass her off as simply “a face in the crowd.” Awareness Charms and similar powers may allow others to find the Exalt, as will violent or disruptive actions, but she always receives a chance to resist their roll with Attribute + Stealth.
Splinter - Artifact 5 Reaper Daiklave
- Resonate Effect: If the user is resonate with green jade the Ironwood oozes a metaphysical plant based toxin. After a successful decisive attack the victim is poisoned by the plant based neurotoxin, dealing 2L/Round, for 3 + Essence Rounds, Difficulty 3 + Essence. (Contact Poison on page 136 of the manuscript as basis.)
- Sprouting Vine Grasp: Spend 1 mote. Vines grow from the wooden blade of the sword and allow Disarm (Defense), Distract (2), Ensnare (3), Pull (4), & Unhorse (5) Gambits or Grapple attempts to be taken out to short range with the wielders close combat pool. If a gambit or grapple is successful, the wielder may spend 1 extra success from the roll to poison the target per the resonate ability poison.
- Beneficent Ironwood Sanctuary: Spend 1 mote. The sword may be plunged into the earth and grows into a dense Ironwood tree that provides shelter and enough food for the wielders circle. This lasts as long as the sword is planted into the ground. The wielder and his circle gain the benefit of concealment if in combat while under it's canopy, further more this concealment extends beyond combat and applies a similar -2 penalty to find, discover, or track the party when they are resting under its canopy. The flowers from the tree may be used as medicinal herbs on Sagacity (Medicine) checks.
- Voracious Bramble Entrapment: Spend 1 mote. The user strikes at the ground or plunges their sword into the soil causing vines from the sword to grow across the ground in a 90 degree arc from the user out to short range. The wielder makes an Ensnare (3) gambit, with some modifications.
- Prevent the target from taking any movement actions. The target may attempt to break free with a successful Force + Close Combat roll versus a Difficulty equal to the extra Successes +1. This lasts for one round per extra success x2.
- The bramble lasts on the battle scene for rounds equal to extra successes x 2. And any enemy character who enters the bramble during that time is ensnared per the original roll.
- Any enemy character who is ensnared suffers poison damage per the resonate ability.
- Allied characters may use the bramble as concealment, as the vines do not seek to grasp their allies.
- Once the brambles ensnare fades, the vines and vegetation remain for the duration of the scene acting as difficult terrain for the wielders enemies.
Vikram's Goggles
Vikram's Goggles - After their encounter with Vikram in the caves of Nod, Harvester picked his magical goggles off his dead body while searching him for any clues. These goggles allowed Vikram to see through Veil's magical fake gem.
- The Exalt perceives the presence of Essence, including dematerialized spirits and borders between worlds such as the Wyld or shadowlands as gauzy distortions. Attuned artifacts appear as though lit from within, and hearthstones burn like embers. Whenever a character uses Essence to power Charms or any other effects, these are always visible to the user as though the character had an active anima. They may make Force + Sagacity rolls to try to understand spirit magics, sorcerous workings and other strange phenomena like those produced by demesnes, the Wyld and the Underworld or to identify the use of a Charm. Such effects may have variable difficulty — typically three plus the creator’s Essence or a difficulty modified by the effect’s nature and complexity. (All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight)
- 1 Evocation Level Power Pending - TBD?
Major Milestones - Spent: 3 - Earned: 3
- Gaining: A Major Milestone furthers the narrative progression, like completing a story arc. The end of a story.
- Using: Increase an attribute by 1. Gain or increase a merit.
- Force 3
- Finesse 5
- Artifact 2 (Tertiary) - Vikram's Goggles
Minor Milestones - Spent: 13 - Earned: 13
- Gaining: Completing a single adventure or story chapter. Significant story beat. Roughly every other session.
- Using: Increase ability by 1 or gain a new charm.
- Athletics 4
- Awareness 4
- Stealth 3
- Seasoned Criminal Method
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Crafty Observation Method
- Many-Attacks Technique
- Integrity 3
- Arsenal Summoning Gesture
- Stealth 4
- Portentous Warding Defense
- Presence 2
- Motive Discerning Technique
Exalt Milestones - Spent: 11 - Earned: 11
- Gaining: At the end of each session, Wood Aspects gain an Exalt Milestone if they experienced something new and exciting to them with a significant character or group or their actions fostered change in a significant character or group.
- Using: Benefit of either a personal or minor milestone, but it must be used for Exalt-specific things.
- Elemental Bolt Attack
- Enhanced Senses (Sight)
- As The Crow Flies
- Great Heart Companion
- Monkey Leap Technique
- Hidden Shortcut Revelation
- Calling the Rider's Companion
- Excellent Strike
- A Drop Amongst The Ocean
- Athletics Excellency
- Soaring Crane Leap (Upgrade)
Personal Milestones - Spent: 6 - Earned: 6
- Gaining: Accomplishing a personal goal, doing something extraordinary, solving a mystery, defeating a rival, describing an amazing stunt, or showing up and contributing.
- Using: Acquire a new mode or repurchase a charm. (Excellency & Ox-Body Count) May purchase a new ability at rating 1. May also, gain, intensify, or change an intimacy if the story supports it. Heal a dramatic injury.
- Physique 1
- Presence 1
- Embassy 1
- Awareness Excellency
- Ranged Combat 1
- Athletics Excellency
- Merit: Influence: Nod Underworld (Tertiary)