Episode I: The Kuras Doctrine

Kuat Cell Eight, led by Eyron Javis, has been the heart of Alliance Intelligence operations on Kuat for years. But suddenly, this elite team of operatives have gone missing, and a new team has been established to investigate their disappearance and resume their on-world operations.
Castor and Faleer met with Handler Nine to discuss their initial deployment. They were to pursue recruitment of Coryn, a reliable Imperial bureaucrat who has been providing valuable intelligence for quite some time. Together these 3 would become the new Kuat Cell Nine. Handler provided the team with two important leads:
- The location of Cell Eight's secret base located in an abandoned section of the Kuat Mining Mesas.
- Information on Rustin Telock, a high ranking official in the company KDY Logistics who has been instrumental in supplying the Alliance with all sorts of military supplies.
Castor and Faleer convinced the reluctant Coryn to travel with them to the abandoned mine. An initial search of the abandoned base found 3 personnel from Cell Eight, only one of which was alive. There was an unusual amount of displaced rubble, leading the team to initially believe that some sort of seismic event damaged the facility and injured and killed its personnel. But after an intense search Castor found the mangled body of one of the technicians, indicating that it was no natural event, someone or something had raided the base, and not very long before they got there to investigate. Castor took the datapad the tech was carrying for future investigation. A medic named Edwin Lanis was found injured in the debris and eventually rescued from the facility.
The team spent about two hours in the base collecting supplies when they were surprised by a team of Imperial stormtroopers that had come to investigate. A firefight ensued in the main room, further wounding Edwin as well as Faleer. The rebels defeated the first wave and was able to drag Edwin to the safety of the hangar before the second wave of troops arrived. Castor held off the second wave while Coryn prepped a shuttle and Faleer opened the hangar bay. The group narrowly escaped pursuit of the Imperials and looked to lay low as they recover and digest the new intelligence they have gathered.
Experience Awarded: 15
- +5 Intelligence (Coryn)
- +5 Personnel (Kuat Cell Nine)
- +5 Resource Acquisition (Kuat Cell Nine)