Desmond Sands
Name: Desmond Sands
Race: African-American
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Age: 38
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Desmond Sands is the most experienced field agent in F.A.T.E.'s Sacramento office. He was born in Houston, CAS in 2035 just before the Aztlan invasion of Texas (Texas later rejoined the CAS in 2036). He graduated in the class of 2060 from the University of Texas with a degree in biology. Unhappy with life in the CAS, he decided to relocate to Los Angeles and further his education at UCLA. Becoming increasingly comfortable with magic, he joined UCLA's thaumatergical studies in the field of Parazoology and graduated in 2064.
He took a position as a paracritter consultant for Pendleton EnviroTech as part of an undercover operation to monitor Aztechnology activities in Los Angeles's Deep Lacuna. Many new and exotic paracritters had been recovered from the alchera and it was Desmond's job to study and classify them. There was a large amount of secrecy around the research but his position on the research team granted him access to research from other aspects of the alchera exploration, the meaty details that were of interest to F.A.T.E. and every other corporation. On February 8th Desmond requested extraction from his undercover position. It is possible he was not able to leave of his own free will.