
Basic Info
Name: Baldur
Player: Dan H.
Caste: Dawn
Concept: Champion of the South
Political Affiliation: Gold Faction
Anima: Strands of white and gold essence gradually weave themselves into an knotted, ancient ash tree. Leaves unfold from the tree like unrolling scrolls of parchment, and inscribed on each one in liquid, golden Essence is an Old Realm transcription of an oath Baldur has sworn to protect Creation from the darkness that lives just beneath it.
Motivation: Destroy the deathlords.
Weapon of Choice: Soulsteel Reaver Daiklave
Armor of Choice: Orichalum Articulated Plate ('Scales of the Nicor')
Fighting Style: Fast and punishing; most strokes are taken for efficiency, but his Gold-Faction training has allowed some stylistic embellishments (loops, spins, etc.) to creep into his swordsmanship. He prefers parrying to dodging, as it is more suited to his typical Essence usage pattern, and he typically wears heavy armor.
Defining Quote
"You? A worthy opponent? Deathknights beg me for mercy. They receive none; humble yourself now, and you may yet."