Main Page

From The Whereabouts
Revision as of 03:39, 5 July 2010 by Kirkland (talk | contribs)

657 articles since March 25, 2007

Active Members: FyreFly - Kirkland - Macabreengel - Olaf

It's not a perfect job, but it's a beautiful job.

Welcome to the Whereabouts - this is the homepage of an Ohio-based gaming group. Currently, we play primarily Exalted and Star Wars, although we've played a great deal of OWoD games in the past. Most of our games are cataloged in the archives section. To avoid bot-editing, we currently have guest editing and account creation disabled, so get in touch with one of us if you'd like a place here.


  • Grass Spiders On You - The lives and times of the Grass-Spiders, told one mission at a time. Throw in a plethora of side-stories, and you've got a chronicle.
  • Grass Spiders Organizational Info - One of Creation's most feared and least understood assassin clans. We've expanded on them considerably.
  • Overworld - A mixed-Exalt game set in the North revolving around the gradual takeover of Covenant, capital of Frostgate, an obscure Realm satrapy.
  • Character List - The grand list of Exalted characters.

Star Wars
