Mesa: Character Sheet

From The Whereabouts

Basic Information

Name: Mesa
Title: The Bamboo Ronin
Type: Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Age: 42
Player: Dan H.
Aspect: Wood
Concept: Grass-Spider
Motivation: Find the owner of the bamboo sanxian.
Political Affiliation: The Hallowed Order of the Grass Spiders
Anima: Mesa's motions leave glowing green trails of Essence in the air, which sprout vines with leaves and petals that shrivel up quickly after Mesa's movements take him elsewhere. At high levels, small plants, flowers, and insects spring from the ground where he steps, again dying out quickly when he leaves. At maximum power, any surrounding bamboo bends around Mesa to form a grand archway above wherever he stands.
Likes: Spicy food, impractical weaponry, hookah, coffee, flashy haori
Dislikes: Cats, opera, the Guild, perfume

Familiar: Fenrir (God-Blooded Wolf)

Mesa: Background


Motivation Tell the story of the Grass-Spiders.
Intimacies The Circle With No Name is the closest thing to a family I've got. *sigh* Opal is the closest thing to a wife I've got. Fenrir; man's best friend, even if he's a little rugged for the city life. Makoto Seta; I want what this guy is smoking.


Strength ●●●○○ Charisma ●●●●● Perception ●●●○○
Dexterity ●●●●○ Manipulation ●●●○○ Intelligence ●●●○○
Stamina ●●●○○ Appearance ●●●○○ Wits ●●●●○


Air Earth Fire
Linguistics ●●●○○ Awareness ●●●○○ Athletics ●●○○○
Lore ●●○○○ Craft ○○○○○ Dodge ●●●○○
Occult ●○○○○ Integrity ●●○○○ Melee ●●○○○
Stealth ●●●○○ Resistance ●○○○○ Presence ●●●○○
Thrown ●○○○○ War ●○○○○ Socialize ●●●○○
Water Wood Specialties
Bureaucracy ●○○○○ Archery ●●●●○ Martial Arts: Short Swords ●○○○○
Investigation ●●○○○ Medicine ●○○○○ Performance: Sanxian ●○○○○
Larceny ●●●○○ Performance ●●●●●
Martial Arts ●●●●○ Ride ●○○○○
Sail ○○○○○ Survival ●●○○○

Spirit and Body

Essence ●●●○○○○○○○ Virtues
Personal Pool 11 / 11 Compassion ●●○○○ Conviction ●●○○○
Peripheral Pool 27 / 27 Temperance ●●○○○ Valor ●●●●○
Willpower ●●●●●●○○○○ Anima: *Spend 5 motes to throw pollen at your opponents.

Health and Soak

Movement Unarmored Armored
Move 4 yds. 4 yds.
Dash 10 yds. 10 yds.
Jump Type Unarmored Armored
Vertical 5 yds. 5 yds.
Horizontal 10 yds. 10 yds.
Forest-Tongue (Native)
Guild Cant
Natural 2 B 1 L 0 A
Armor 3 B 5 L
Total 5 B 6 L 5 A
Pierced 2 B 3 L 2 A
Health Levels


Name Cost Type Duration Page
1st Martial Arts Excellency 1m per 2 dice Reflexive Instant 128
1st Performance Excellency 1m per 2 dice Reflexive Instant 128
1st Archery Excellency 1m per 2 dice Reflexive Instant 128
Observer Awareness Method 1m Reflexive Instant 166
Elemental Bolt Attack 1m per 2L Simple Instant 133
Talented Improvisation 1m One Scene Instant 176
Ox-Body Technique - Permanent Permanent 146
Invisible Performer in the Street 3m Simple Until performance ends 179
Dragon-Graced Arrow 1m Supplemental Instant 172
Soul-Stirring Performance Method 5m, 1 wp Supplemental One Scene 178
Three-String Sword Prana 1m per 2lhl Simple Instant 179
The Spider's Web 3m Reflexive Until next action
The Spider's Hairs 2m per attack Supplemental Instant
The Spider's Fangs 3m Supplemental Instant
Eight-Legged Harvest Promenade Form 5m Simple One Scene


Background Rating Description
Artifact ●●●○○ Bamboo Sanxian (2), Silken Armor (2), Bow - Undetermined (2)
Backing ●●○○○ Grass Spiders - Made Member
Breeding ●●○○○
Connections ●●○○○ Underground
Familar ●●●○○ Fenrir
Resources ●●●●● Grass Spiders - Made Member, Famous sanxian player
Mentor ●●●○○ Makoto Seta

Attack Values

Base Values
Join Battle 7
Dodge DV (Unarmored) 5
Dodge DV (Armored) 5
Mobility Penalty 0
Fatigue 0
Join War 7
Weapon Spd. Acc. Dmg. Def. Rate Rng. Att. Tags
Punch 5 6 2B 6 3 -- 0 N, M
Kick 5 5 5B 3 2 -- 0 N, M
Clinch 6 5 2B 0 1 -- 0 N, M
Perfect Short Sword (Chiaroscuran Glass) 4 8 6L +4 2 -- 0 P
Perfect Flame Piece 5 8 8L -- -- 8 0 F

Social Combat

Base Values Attacks
Join Debate 7
Dodge MDV 5
Weapon Speed Honesty Honesty MDV Deception Deception MDV Rate
Presence 4 8 4 6 3 2
Performance 6 10 5 8 4 1
Investigation 5 7 4 5 3 2

Equipment & Holdings

Item Value Description
  • Bamboo Sanxian
  • Perfect Chiaroscuran Glass Short Sword
  • Perfect Flame-Piece (Custom-built, triple-barreled)






  • Performance 4 (5 EXP)
  • Artifact 2 (3 EXP)
  • Socialize 3 (3 EXP)
  • Presence 3 (4 EXP)
  • War 1 (3 EXP)
  • Linguistics 3 (6 EXP)
  • Three-String Sword Prana (10 EXP)
  • Soul-Stirring Performance (10 EXP)
  • The Spider's Web (10 EXP)
  • The Spider's Hairs (10 EXP)
  • The Spider's Fangs (10 EXP)
  • Eight-Legged Harvest Promenade Form (10 EXP)
  • Resources 5 (3 EXP)
  • Strength 3 (8 EXP)
  • Dexterity 4 (12 EXP)
  • Stamina 3 (8 EXP)
  • Charisma 4 (12 EXP)
  • Charisma 5 (16 EXP)
  • Archery 3 (3 EXP)
  • Archery 4 (5 EXP)
  • Performance 5 (7 EXP)
  • Martial Arts 4 (5 EXP)
  • Essence 3 (20 EXP)
  • Artifact 3 (3 EXP)
  • Dragon-Graced Arrow (10 EXP)
  • Mentor 3 (Makoto Seta) (9 EXP)