Prelude: New Digs - Chapter II

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34 Kelona, 19 ABY - Great Northern Desert, Teloc Ol-sen System, Eclorar Sector, Mid Rim Territories

The heat was oppressive at best. Lilandra wiped the sweat from her brow as the two hiked through seemingly endless dunes of grey sand. Teloc Ol-sen wasn't a particularly attractive climate - it lacked the idyllic, rolling hills of golden sand for which Tatooine was so well known. Instead, the whole affair seemed to Lilandra like a giant ash tray - not a pleasant thought, to be sure. For as hot as she was, her sweat was a keen reminder that her biology was far more adapted to handle such a climate than her master's. Contrary to Lilandra, Akea Oahu was bone dry; this was a less-than-ideal state for the Dur Sabon species. Lilandra reasoned that he must have some method of lowering his body temperature to be functioning in these conditions. This would not surprise her terribly, considering Akea's renowned mastery of body control. As the pair continued walking, Lilandra's thoughts began to creep up on her again.

"What is this signet ring worth, Master?"

Akea turned back to face his Padawan, intrigued by her question. Lilandra, time and again, was demonstrating that this relationship might be as educational to him as it was to her. Over the past two years he'd gradually begun to understand why training a padawan was a requirement for advancing to the title of Jedi Master, and was beginning to agree with the policy even as Luke was gravitating away from it.

"What do you mean?"

Lilandra took a moment to ready her breath for a longer explanation; the climate forced one to be aware of one's biological functions at all times - breath had to be balanced carefully with speaking and moving; it was important not to overheat.

"Clearly you know that cave isn't safe. Even Master Luke says you're one of the best seers in the whole Order - if I found that darkness, I know you did. I still don't know if you were pulling my leg or not with that business about the ring belonging to the last Jedi dumb enough to enter that cave, but it got me thinking - and knowing you, that was probably the point - we're charging into this thing with full knowledge that there's some risk involved. If I could sense it, it's probably significant. If we bite the dust in here, is this ring really worth losing two Jedi over? I understand that to succumb to fear has its own consequences; you've told me what Master Yoda always said, but isn't recklessness bad too?"

Akea thought about it, and while he was doing so, Lilandra elaborated further, saying, "And if the ring is so important, wouldn't the smart thing to do be to gather up a suitable amount of a support, enough that we could safely enter the cave, and then retrieve the ring?"

Akea nodded, acknowledging the merit of her suggestions of caution as he replied, "Indeed, Lilandra, in many cases, that is an advisable course of action - particularly if the outcome of the situation will affect those the Jedi are sworn to protect. But in other situations, and this is not a subtlety that is readily understood, the Force tests us. And if we are not tested, we cannot grow - as an Order or as individuals. That is why we must attain the ring ourselves."

Lilandra, although she appreciated the intent of his response, seemed a little puzzled at deciphering the nuance of its meaning. Noticing her stern contemplation as they moved through the sand, Akea spoke again.

"Rest your mind and your voice. I want to share with you a story that may help to illustrate this point - I wish to tell you of a time when I was challenged by the Force."

5 Elona, 21 BBY - Minntooine, Minntooine System, Calamari Sector, Outer Rim Territories

His first official assignment as a soldier in the Clone Wars, Akea Oahu had been sent to investigate the recent theft of starship design plans for the Recusant-class light destroyer. Republic intelligence had reported that Quarren isolationists, known to be affiliated with the Confederacy of Independent systems, had been importing copious quantities of ship-building materials to their Minntooine base. He'd landed the Lotan on a lonely stretch of rock, having slid down its exit ramp to look upon a dark, angry sea. Rain lightly pattered into the side of his face as he cleared the ship's landing zone, pausing to survey the site of his latest assignment with dubious enthusiasm.