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This weekend (10th - 11th) looks unlikely, I'm probably working on Saturday and Dan is out on Sunday. I'll let you guys know if anything changes but don't count on it.--FyreFly 16:06, 8 March 2012 (EST)
Star Wars Uncut
This is pretty awesome - Star Wars Uncut and yes Han shoots first!
- Tony: $
- Brian: $
- Dan & Hil: Owe Tony $10
Left Frame
Anyone else having issues with the display of the left frame on the site? For some reason mine starts way down the page instead of at the top of the page like its supposed to. Not sure what, if anything has changed since before the new year and I'm not having the same thing with any other sites... --FyreFly 22:47, 1 January 2012 (EST)
Has your browser updated itself at all? I was playing around with my Linux installation today and I noticed that some versions of WebKit based browsers (which includes Chrome) display this exact issue. Is it like what I've shown below? (Notice how the sidebar doesn't start until after 'Archives' in the main window):

Dan 23:42, 1 January 2012 (EST)
Yep, that is what it looks like. I'm using FireFox atm, I can't remember for sure if it updated recently or not, but I think it might have... It actually looks okay on Chrome, though I haven't used Chrome for a while and it might need a update... --FyreFly 10:54, 2 January 2012 (EST)
I am having the issue too....not sure what is causing it Kirkland 20:06, 2 January 2012 (EST)
Mine is fixed. New version of Firefox recently came out. Brian did you change anything or did the Firefox update do it? --FyreFly 18:54, 4 February 2012 (EST)
It is fixed for me to. The wiki is self healing! Kirkland 11:45, 7 February 2012 (EST)
Linux v. Windows
I had to tell someone. I figured Kirk would appreciate this. Bluetooth quit working spontaneously on my Windows install, and I had been thinking of installing Linux on my work laptop for awhile (I was sick of X11 tunneling with PuTTY in Windows), so I decided to install it. I was feeling a little bit rusty on my *nix skills, so to get back in the game, I installed ArchLinux (I thought about installing FreeBSD, but that's a bridge too far), a notoriously bitchy distro that makes you do everything from the ground up.
Bluetooth worked out of the box. On a distro that prides itself on installing essentially nothing out of the box. I was slack-jawed.
Linux: 1
Windows: 0
Dan 15:27, 24 December 2011 (EST)
Scion Quick Reference
Just heard about this really cool sounding RPG on Slashdot/ Its based on D20 but seems to have changed up quite a bit of stuff, gives it a glowing review. [1]
Downloading the pdf is free (Pay whatever you like) and they are donating all proceeds to charity which is bonus. I downloaded the pdf and assuming it's not crap will probably give a bit of a donation.
Legends website is here: [2]
--FyreFly 00:03, 29 November 2011 (EST)