Talk:Fay Morgana Character Sheet
Familiar 2 Spider Powers:
All basic powers that familiar's come with under House Rules. (Sense sharing, limited immortality, communication, essence, etc)
Spend 1 mote: Spider crawls out of skin at normal spider size. Most stats are at 1 or 0. 1 Health level.
Spend 3 motes: Spider crawls out of skin w/ a body length of 6" and legs stretch out to another 6". Stats to come.
Poison: To come
When it is killed it crumbles to dust and the familiar and tattoo are unavailable until it is fully healed.
- Small Spider stats:
- S/D/S: 1/3/1
- P/I/W/W: 2/1/2/2
- HL: Inc
- Bite: S/A/D/R: 6/6/0L+Poison(6L/t,3,-/-,-5)/1
- DV/S: 3/0L/1B
- Athletics 3
- Awareness 3
- Dodge 3
- Integrity 1
- Investigation 1
- Martial Arts 3
- Presence 1
- Stealth 3
- Survival 3
- Medium Spider stats:
- S/D/S: 3/3/2
- P/I/W/W: 2/1/2/2
- HL: -1/-2/-4//I
- Bite: S/A/D/R: 6/6/2L+Poison(6L/t,3,-/-,-5)/1
- DV/S: 3/1L//2B
- Athletics 3
- Awareness 3
- Dodge 3
- Integrity 1
- Investigation 1
- Martial Arts 3
- Presence 2
- Resistance 1
- Stealth 3
- Survival 3
- Survival 3