Main Page
This is page to host info about the White-Wolf games we run. We play, roughly, on a weekly basis, and primarily play Exalted. We've had some spam issues, so account creation is disabled for now until I get a captcha working. If you're reading this page and aren't from our group, but would like to create an account, send an e-mail to olaf _a_t_ (make the appropriate substitutions); I'll gladly accommodate humans. If you're a bot, well, go away. We don't serve your kind here.
Idea Board - Place for miscellaneous articles of discussion
- A Song for the Goats - A mixed Exalt game set within the Confederation of Rivers; many players run multiple characters in this chronicle, whose scope extends to the greater Scavenger Lands region.
- Overworld - A mixed Solar/Lunar game set in the house-made city of Covenant, a small Realm satrapy in the North.
- The Bishop's Albatross - A war weapon trained and created by the Gold Faction may have grown out of their control. Two Sidereals investigate the matter while an ancient evil plots in silence.
- Grass Spiders On You - No further description needed.
Stories (Independent of games in progress; stories relevant to those games can be found on their respective pages above)
- Dreams of Iron - A First Age tale; the arrival of an unharmed mortal, previously missing in the Wyld for decades, proves to be the spark igniting a conspiracy years in the making.
House Rules - Rules we have adopted or modified as a group for our sessions.
Resources - Places to find helpful exalted info.
Star Wars
World of Darkness
This is a collection of information about games we've run in the past: