Talk:Empyrean Dream Magistrate: Character Sheet

From The Whereabouts
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Astrology Notes

Name: Brennus Windstead


Petition Rolls (Wits + Linguistics + Methodology of Secrets + Willpower)
The Gull - 4
The Quiver - 5
The Messenger - 5 
Ascendent - 5

Countersignatories (Charisma + Performance + Methodology of Secrets + (1 if caste college) + Willpower) Difficulty 7 (-1 per dot of resource sacrificed, difficulty 5)
The Gull - 4 (failed)
The Quiver - 5
The Messenger - 7 
Ascendent - 7

Compose Plans (Intelligence + Craft(Fate) + Methodology of Secrets + Willpower) Difficulty 2 (on 2 rolls, over 3 days)
The Gull - 5/2 = 3
The Quiver - 4/1 = 2
The Messenger - 3/6 = 5
Ascendent - 8/4 = 8

Compute Horoscopes (Intelligence + Occult + Methodology of Secrets + Willpower)
The Gull - 9
The Quiver - 2
The Messenger - 3
Ascendent - 8

Prayer Roll (Charisma + Performance + Methodology of Secrets + Willpower + (-1 diff if petition>=7) + Cosignatories (1each) + Countersignatories (3) + Extended Prayer (3)) difficulty 6
The Gull - 3 (failed)
The Quiver - 9
The Messenger - 7
Ascendent - 9

Effect Roll (Essence+College+Compose Plans/4+Compute Horoscopes/4 + Willpower +(Prayer Roll-6)/4)
The Quiver - 5
	scope - 2
	duration - 1 (one season)
	endurance - 2
The Messenger - 3
	scope - 2
	duration - 0 (one month)
	endurance - 1
Ascendent - 12
	scope - 2
	duration - 4 (20 years)
	frequency - 4 (whenever trigger is met)
	Blissful Idiot Blessing (-1 to the difficulty of a roll related to the destiny. +1 success on an opposed roll. +1 Defense if the roll is an application of an unrolled defense.)

3 paradox

Trappings: The Quiver carries a bow or a map case.
He is clever and witty. His valor is not so important as
his education.

Trappings: The Messenger has a mount and rides on
urgent business. She is daring and armed. She carries a package,
from which she cannot be separated.