
Name: Kevik
Player: Tony Kirchner
Caste: Twilight
Concept: Mage Guild Adept
Motivation: Influence 3rd Age
Anima: Phoenix
Kevik: Character Sheet
Physical Description
Kevik stands 6'4", slightly above average height for and exalt but noticeably more thin as well. He is not a physically imposing figure which normally suits him just fine, though when he desires it he can, through force of will, project his inner power. He wears his fine, black hair long and it often falls across his face from under his hood, obscuring almost snake-like green eyes. He is most commonly dressed in a heavy white silk cloak, decorated with the ornamental blues of The Mage Guild. He is easily recognizable as a member of the Mage Guild with but a glance, and if his robes do not give him away his staff certainly will. Kevik is not a man who favors subtlety and it shows in his appearance, he displays confidence in the power that lies within him and behind him and carries himself with a sense of entitlement.
Kevik has a very distant demeanor which often gives off the impression that he is uncaring or cold, however that is very rarely the case. Kevik generally thinks of things in the big picture so is often less concerned with the relatively minor day-to-day things that surround him. This generally gives him a stand-offish sort of feel, and he keeps mostly quiet and to himself until something draws his attention. When his attention is brought to his immediate surroundings he is sharp witted and sarcastic, usually finding other peoples concerns and worries to be lessor than the world-altering things that press upon his mind. His earth-shattering intelligence and belief in the power of sorcery often make him feel as if he is better than many who surround him though his recent travels have showed him that physical power certainly has its upside as well, and he has learned to make allies with people who have respectable levels of power.
He is a capable leader when pressed into the situation usually leading those who choose to follow him upon what he believes is the best course of action for the group to take to better the world as a whole. He rarely does a good job keeping those who travel with him informed of his plans or thoughts, though he has learned through many travels to occasionally confide deeper with his former body guard Mandrake, though it is of note that he does not trust too much to him fearing that the information make its way to Mandrakes dark master. Kevik is very level headed and can find a use for most people or things, he dislikes jumping into conflict unless he is provoked, preferring to debate or make long term arrangements he thinks favor him in the larger scope of his goals. However, when he is drawn into direct conflict he acts quickly and decisively preferring to keep battles as short as possible, while reluctant to unleash the Creation altering power of sorcery he sees it as the most effective means to accomplish his goals.
Kevik hails from a small eastern village, deep within the great forest near the elemental pole of the east. He was raised the son of the high priest of his village, raised to worship a single god that ruled directly over the village demanding sole tribute from all whom he protected. It was by the grace of this god that the people of the village were protected from the Wyld and Fae, however forcing a blasphemous religion upon a group of people caught the Unconquered Sun's attention after generations of repression. It was the wrath of the Unconquered Sun that caused Kevik to suddenly exalt in his late teens, enlightening him to the false beliefs that he had been raised under. Through the mighty power granted to him he punished the god that resided over his city, however without the protection of the god the Wyld soon encroached upon his city, destroying it and it's people. Kevik alone escaped in despair, angry with the Unconquered Sun for giving him a mission that would result in his own cities destruction he began to wander.
While he was traveling through the depths of the eastern forest he was stumbled upon by another traveler, someone who was not native to the area, someone he did not expect to find. The man introduced himself as Hahn, and told Kevik that great power awaited him if he embraced the strength the Unconquered Sun offered him. Hahn, traveled with Kevik on foot for nearly a week, explaining to him the power to shape Creation that could be gained through sorcery. He told him that he could discover this power if he traveled to the 5 poles of Creation, and that if he succeeded in this task that he should come to Chanta, where Hahn would be waiting for him.
This task seemed all but impossible to Kevik though he found that Hahn had led him very close to the elemental pole of the east, and would soon arrive there if he continued his current path. Kevik arrived at the elemental pole of the east 2 years before the disappearance of The Scarlet Empress, after that he traveled to the treacherous pole of the north, and then by sea to the elusive pole of the west. Kevik was far out at sea when the Zerund crashed from the sky and formed a massive crater in the north. News of the mighty crater and Essenius' failed attack on the blessed isle did not reach him until he had arrived in Gem. Here in the south he stayed for some time making preparations for the two elemental poles he had left, first he traveled to the pole of fire to the south, before he would set off to the Blessed Isle.
Were it not for the help of a bitter Dragon-Blood who had been cast away from his Great House, Kevik may not have found his way safely to the top of the Imperial Mountain. While it took Kevik some time to pay off his debt to the man who helped him achieve his goal, he was able to set sail from the Imperial Capital itself on a ship headed for Chanta 10 long years after he began his journey in the forests of the east.
Goals & Motivation
Kevik has chosen this time of turmoil nor to try to stop change but rather to embrace it, choosing to try to influence the new world to be as much as he can. He sees the lack of education and knowledge throughout Creation as a major weakness and wishes to reestablish many of the institutions of the first age. He plans to set up schools to train sorcerer-engineers, similar to those of the First Age and those that still exists within Lookshy and The Heptagram. By spreading knowledge and power throughout Creation he hopes to arm exalts and mortals alike against the forces that would seek to harm creation. He believes with advanced technology the border marches of creation can be expanded, Malfeas can be permanently sealed, and the Deathlords cast into Oblivion.
While this is his eventual goal he has chosen to delay the immediate creation of such a school as he still considers himself lacking in knowledge. He also fears that the events that have taken place in recent years and years to come could cause the complete destruction of Creation, not allowing for a Third Age of Reason to ever exist. So he learns what he can from his Mage Guild mentors while traveling the world trying to insure that Creation lasts long enough for a Third Age to arrive.
Virtue Flaw
Temperance - Soul Repair
The ability to shape creation with the power of sorcery often weighs heavily upon Kevik's mind and he constantly second guesses how he uses it. As is common with many sorcerers he sees reflections of how the world could be if he had, or hadn't used sorcery in a certain manner. This often greatly skews Kevik's perception of the world and occasionally manifests itself upon him. When Kevik has over used his sorcery or caused to great a change in creation the effects backlash to his own body, causing him great pain mentally and physically. When this backlash occurs it immediately causes damage to his body, and even when healed leaves him in a noticeably more fragile state for days. Along with the physcial affects of the backlash Kevik is plagued by a second reality that appears within his vision, showing the mostly negative effects caused on creation by sorcery.
Mechanically when he reaches limit break his permanent essence is rolled and every success results in a point of lethal damage dealt to him immediately. His body also becomes more frail, similar to that of an old man, he generally moves with a slight hobble and much slower than his normal energy and quickness. The visions that manifest in his mind, appear during the day and even worse in his dreams, often show those that he could have saved or those that died because of what he has done. For instance if he were in the east he would be plagued by former members of his village killed because of his actions against the god that protected them. These effects last for a number of days equal to his temperance.
Defining Quote
"Why do we dream when our thoughts mean nothing?"