Cerberus: Character Sheet F&D

Name: Cerberus
Race: Defel
Sex: Male
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 125 lbs
Age: 13
Eyes: Red
Fur: Ultraviolet Light: Deep Blue, Regular Light: Black
Motivation: Honor
Career: Bounty Hunter
Specializations: Gadgeteer, Force Emergent
Cerberus: Background
- Brawn 2
- Agility 3
- Intellect 3
- Cunning 3
- Willpower 2
- Presence 2
- Athletics (BRN) 1
- Coercion (WIL) 1
- Computer (INT) 1
- Discipline (WIL) 1
- Mechanics (INT) 2
- Perception (CUN) 1
- Pilot (Planetary) (AGI) 1
- Pilot (Space) (AGI) 1
- Streetwise (CUN) 1
- Vigilance (WIL) 1
- Brawl (BRN) 1
- Gunnery (AGI) 1
- Ranged (Heavy) (AGI) 2
- Ranged (Light) (AGI) 1
- Toughened (1) - +2 Wound Threshold (Gadgeteer)
- Grit (2) - +1 Strain Threshold (Force Emergent)
- Insight - Perception & Discipline Become Career Skills (Force Emergent)
- Jury Rigged - Chose 1 weapon, armor, or other item and give it a permanent improvement while it remains in use. (+1 Damage - Blaster Rifle) (Gadgeteer)
- Armor Master - When wearing armor, increase total soak by 1.
- Tinkerer - May add 1 additional hard point to a number of items equal to ranks in Tinkerer. Each item can only be modified once. (Blaster Rifle +1 HP) (Gadgeteer)
- Light Sensitivity - When exposed to bright light without protective goggles, suffer two setback die to all skill checks. (Defel, EotE Pg 392)
- Shadowed - When in darkness or shadow, gain 2 boost die to stealth rolls. (Defel, EotE Pg 392)
- Sleight of Mind (1) - Add 1 Boost Die per rank of Sleight of Mind to all Stealth Checks, unless the target is immune to Force powers. (Force Emergent)
- Uncanny Senses (1) - Add 1 Boost Die per rank of Uncanny Senses to all Perception Checks. (Force Emergent)
- Indistinguishable (1) - Upgrade difficulty of checks to identify character once per rank of Indistinguishable. (Force Emergent)
- Touch of Fate Once per session, add 2 boost to any 1 check.
- Intimidating (1) - Suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of Coercion checks, or upgrade difficulty when targeted by Coercion checks by an equal number. Cannot exceed ranks. (Gadgeteer)
- Brace (1) - Perform the Brace maneuver to remove setback die per rank of Brace from next action. This may only remove setback added by environmental circumstances. (Gadgeteer)
- Defensive Stance (1) - Once per round, may perform Defensive Stance maneuver and suffer a number of strain to upgrade difficulty of all incoming melee/brawl attacks by an equal number. Strain suffered may not exceed ranks in Defensive Stance. (Gadgeteer)
- Sense Basic Power:
- The user may spend 1 light side point to sense all living things within short range. (Including sentient and non-sentient beings.)
- The user may spend 1 light side point to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom they are engaged.
- Sense Control:
- Ongoing effect: Commit Force Die. Once per round, when an attack targets the Force user, he upgrades the difficulty of the pool once.
- Enhance Basic Power:
- When making Athletics check, user may roll Enhance power check as part of the roll. May spent force points to add successes or advantages (user's choice).
- Enhance Control:
- Enhance may be used with Coordination skill.
- Obligation: 15 - The Alliance to Restore the Republic has provided Cerberus with the freedom and resources to accomplish his goals, in exchange for helping the Alliance.
Credits: 1150
- Claws: Brawl, Dam Brawn + 1 (3), Crit 3, Range Engaged (Defel, EotE Pg 392)
- Heavy Clothing: Defense 0, Soak 1, Encum 1, HP 0 (+1 Soak from Armor Master)
- Holdout Blaster: Ranged (Light), Dam 5, Crit 4, Range Short, Encum 1, HP 1, Stun
- Blaster Rifle: Ranged (Heavy), Dam 11, Crit 3, Range Long, Encum 4, HP 2, Stun, Jury Rigged (+1 Damage), Tinkerer (+1 HP), Augmented Spin Barrel (+1 Dam, +1 Setback on Maintenance, -2 HP), Accurate Mod +1 Boost Die, Forearm Grip (Diff when engaged +1 instead of +2, -1 HP), Accurate Mod +1 Boost Die.
- Blaster Pistol: Ranged (Light), Dam 6, Crit 3, Range Medium, Encum 2, HP 3, Stun
- Comlink (Handheld)
- Light Sensitive Goggles - Protect the Defel from bright lights and allow them to see without penalty. Can see normally in dark conditions.
- Stimpacks (5)
- Datapad - Encum 1
- Back Pack - +4 Encum
- Utility Belt - +1 Encum
- Prosthetic Left Leg (No Stats)
- Soak: 4 (2 Without Armor)
- Wounds: 14
- Strain: 14
- Ranged Defense: 0
- Melee Defense: 0
- Force Rating: 1
- Current Experience: 0
- Total Experience: 310
- Starting Experience: 100
- Background: 10
- Sessions: 200
- Spent Experience: 305
- Character Creation (100)
- Agility 3 (30)
- Intellect 2 (20)
- Intellect 3 (30)
- Intimidating (Gadgeteer) (5)
- Toughened (Gadgeteer) (5)
- Pilot Planet (5)
- Coercion (5)
- Athletics 1 (5)
- Streetwise 1 (5)
- Brace (Gadgeteer) (5)
- Defensive Stance (Gadgeteer) (5)
- Ranged Light 1 (5)
- Uncanny Senses (Force Emergent) (5)
- Indistinguishable (Force Emergent) (5)
- Grit (Force Emergent) (5)
- Insight (Force Emergent) (5)
- Discipline 1 (5)
- Jury Rigged (Gadgeteer) (10)
- Sleight of Mind (Force Emergent) (10)
- Ranged (Heavy) 2 (10)
- Force Power: Sense Basic (10)
- Armor Master (Gadgeteer) (15)
- Grit (Force Emergent) (15)
- Gunnery 1 (10)
- Force Power: Enhance Basic (10)
- Computer 1 (10)
- Touch of Fate (Force Emergent) (20)
- Tinkerer (Gadgeteer) (20)
- Force Power: Enhance Control (5)
- Force Power: Sense Control (10)
- Character Creation (100)