Fenwick Brom Chaucer

From The Whereabouts
Revision as of 00:18, 15 February 2015 by FyreFly (talk | contribs)

Basic Information

Name: Fenwick Brom Chaucer
Player: Tony
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180
Race: Sylvain Nephilim
Class: Mystic Summoner
Fenwick Brom Chaucer: Character Sheet


Fenwick was born a child of passion, not of marriage. His young mother was an 18 year old human with The Gift, and a resident of Archangel in Abel, though not a member of the nobility her family lived a comfortable life. His father was Sylvain, though not blessed with The Gift of magic he as a powerful summoner, from no place in particular as he was a wandering bard who traveled the continent. They spent only one night together, and it was years before his father even knew that he existed, which made it hard for his young mother to care for him. His father would make it to the capital sporadically, usually several years between visits, his mother tracked him down during one of these visits so that he would know of his son at least. After that his father always visited when he was in town, though he never lingered nor made an effort to make those visits any more frequent. When Fenwick was ten, his mother and a member of the bourgeoisie of Abel fell in love and got married. His new step-father was never cruel or abusive, but was always distant and cold to him, drawing his mother away from him. Before long her mother was pregnant, his step father was pleased, and his mother had continually less time and energy to give to him. Tragically, his mother died in childbirth as did the child. After that his step-father did turn cruel towards Fenwick, and rather than stay in the abused home, Fenwick began living on the streets of Archangel.

More to Come...