Talk:Star Wars: Stories

From The Whereabouts

Episode V discussion

With Episode IV of our story coming to a close, I wanted to get a discussion started on where to go from here.

  • Do you want to keep playing right off the bat or take a break?
  • Do you want to continue playing as Allanar and Akea or do you want to try some other characters out? There is room for Wes, Cerberus, or others (Arlyn?). Or I can make room for all of them if you think a larger party would be fun.
  • Any other things on your mind for this storyline? Anything you want to see in particular (setting, character development, types of assignments, etc.?)

Kirkland 21:12, 7 November 2010 (EST)

I definitely don't want a break. This is our most consistent game, and although momentum is growing for a DnD game in Evanston - and, it would appear, a Shadowrun game in Columbus - my DnD game isn't quite there yet. This is my only RPing fix. I'm all for keeping this up - if anything, I want to speed up (I'm aware that I'm the limiting factor in this regard on many occasions, but it doesn't hurt to have it in the back of my mind to keep the pace up).

I like Akea a lot - my main interest is in continuing to play him if your plot ideas for Episode V are conducive to Jedi protagonists. With that in mind, I think I'd also like to make room for Arlyn or Wes (probably not both - I think that'd be too much), if the plot would allow it. I haven't decided which I'd prefer yet - do you have ideas that suit them?

I think the storyline has been awesome so far, and represents two things that I consider legitimate, praiseworthy successes - Firstly, it's our most successful online game to date, and secondly, it's the most successful system creation/adaptation we've done. It's working really well.

If you're looking for ideas about what I'd like to see as a player, I obviously want to see where this business with Hett goes - that's central to the plot. In terms of character development, I'm intending to spend some of Akea's experience on Backing and/or Influence (New Republic). This might represent him becoming a Jedi Council member and/or being appointed an advisor to Minister Tal (in the Influence case) to assist her in dealing with the crisis in the Chiss Ascendancy. The rest of his experience will likely be spent on things I think he should've had coming into it, like Form III lightsaber stuff, Integrity 5, etc. I'm open to the idea of Akea having a Padawan, and actually would like to see how this would go, but only if it's relevant to a plot idea - I don't want to create more work for you and I just for the sake of Akea having one.

In terms of setting ideas, I think it'd be cool if we could incorporate a primitive/tribal culture into the plotline at some point - this is where Akea is really at home, and it'd be cool to be able to play him in action in a way that impacted the plot. Given the political intrigue in the storyline, however, this might be difficult. Just a thought.

I think we're doing well of types of assignments. Obviously Akea doesn't shine in combat scenarios - he can hold his own, but if there's certain to be combat, I don't doubt that there are many other Jedi better suited to the task (Allanar among them). That said, Allanar and Akea make a pretty good team for that reason, and will probably continue to work together on missions where the outcome is uncertain - where diplomacy is obviously the preferred approach, but we can go ninja if we need to. Long story short, though, it's been awesome so far.

Dan 01:44, 8 November 2010 (EST)

In short, I agree with Dan. I really like this Storyline both in the sense of liking how it has gone so far as well how successful the new/revised system has been and how successful playing online has been. It's obviously been our best online storyline by far. (No need for a break here.)

I like the character dynamic we have with Akea and Allanar and definitely want to continue to see what the story holds for Episode V. I wouldn't mind playing Cerebus at some point, but don't overly need to play him soon. I'd definitely pick to stick with Allanar between the two.

--FyreFly 20:36, 8 November 2010 (EST)