Talk:Chapter 1: A Treaty on the Brink

From The Whereabouts

I'm working on the next post. I'm really close to needing some statistics, though. I'm trying to decide what level of experience these characters should be, balancing the fact that these are experienced jedi versus the need for room to grow. I was thinking Allanar would start at Level 11 (89 XP) and Akea at Level 14 (146 XP). As you construct the character sheets, keep those numbers in mind and let me know if they look good or not.

Kirkland 00:04, 14 April 2009 (EDT)

I'm working on my post for Allanar, but I came across an interesting question. Based on what I'm looking at with the whole time line I think Allanar was in the Empire during the battle of Sluis Van. As an Imperial Guard or possibly Sovereign Protector depending on the exact date of the battle, which I couldn't find. Would he have any inside information or even could have possibly fought in the battle? Let me know.

Also, thought I might point out Allanar and Akea may not be very far off level wise and total exp given how long Akea spent with a memory block sort of thing. (Might be wrong on how that worked?) But there would be an obvious difference in training as far as the force goes, but Allanar could have a number of points in things like Firearms, melee, and martial arts that he uses pretty infrequently now that he's a jedi but should have as a former Imperial Guard. I'd hate to leave points of what he should have from his guard training, but I also need to spend a considerable number of points in force abilities given that he's been with the NJO for 10 years. (And had some force training before that) Just a thought, all of this being said well before I've started to spend exp so that might be a moot point.

--FyreFly 02:51, 14 April 2009 (EDT)

I was looking for a reason to level out the characters last night but couldn't think of one. The memory boxing combined with Akea's degenerative disease is reasonable enough to me. Let's try Level 13, 125 XP for both characters and see where that takes us.

As for Allanar's knowledge of the Battle of Sluis Van, I would typically make a roll for this but since we're still working on stats: unless he was actually present at the battle, I doubt he would have any usable knowledge about the commanders of the star destroyers there. There was nothing notable at the battle that would have made them famous, and I doubt the Imperial guard keeps up-to-date with every commander of every ship.

Kirkland 10:21, 14 April 2009 (EDT)

My ballpark suggestion for Akea's 13-15 level range was based on the stats for Obi-Wan Kenobi in WotC (another Purge survivor who remained largely idle for a long time); Kenobi is level 17 in Episode IV. Granted, Kenobi didn't spend that idle time completely devoid of Jedi memories, but that's what the 2-4 level discrepancy accounts for.

For what it's worth, Akea's had 41 total years of Jedi training/activity, and another 5 years (10-15 ABY) where he was aware of his backstory, but not actively doing any Jedi stuff (it's documented in the character history), even accounting for the time he spent with no memories. Accounting for the memory block, he's been a Jedi Knight for 16 years and a master for 3 years. He spent 23 years functional, but with no knowledge of his Jedi self (18 BBY - 5 ABY).

We'll see how it turns out. If not freeforming, I'd rather play a character who I'm able to sufficiently stat than one whose mood I need to compromise to make the numbers fit. Like Tony said, I really don't want to leave holes in the stats that don't coincide logically with his history. On the plus side, if the worst should happen, character ideas flow from my head like steam from a geyser.

I wrote most of that before I noticed you'd already thrown out the level 13 suggestion, which was within the ballpark range anyhow. I'll stat out Akea in the near future and see how it looks.

Dan 18:56, 14 April 2009 (EDT)