Star Wars: The Fool Who Follows

From The Whereabouts

Time Period

The year is 37 BBY or Year 963 in character, according to the Ruusan Reformation calendar. You can visit the Wookieepedia Timeline but here are some of the large points of reference listed.

  • 5 years before the Invasion of Naboo and Episode I.
  • Finis Valorum has been Supreme Chancellor of the Republic for 3 years and is up for re-election next year.
  • Anakin Skywalker is 5 years old.
  • Darth Sidious has been the Dark Lord of the Sith for 6 years after killing Darth Plagueis.
  • Admiral Ackbar is 8 years old.
  • Padmé Amidala is 9 years old.
  • Mon Mothma is 11 years old.
  • Owen Lars is 13 years old.
  • Palpatine is 45 years old and has been the Senator of Naboo for 15 years.
  • Obi-wan Kenobi is 20 years old.
  • Lando Calrissian and Han Solo have not yet been born (they were born shortly after the invasion of Naboo).

We are starting on the first day of the first month of Year 963. This is notated as YY:MM:DD, or 963:1:1.

Places of Interest


Wookieepedia Information:

People of Interest

Player Characters


Side Stories

Fare for A Brigand - Wes Kallintz gets a taste of Hutt space (Or, perhaps, the other way around...). (Author: Dan)

Session Log

Session 1: 9-4-2008

  • 963:1:1
    • Baran gives mission to Wes and Torin
    • Pollix's commander gives mission to Pollix. Pollix leaves for Ryloth
  • 963:1:2
    • Torin and Wes leave for Ryloth
  • 963:1:5
    • Pollix and his men arrive at Ryloth and land at Ala'kasa
    • 3 men stationed on each floor of Ala'kasa, alternating in 8 hour shifts
  • 963:1:6
    • Torin and Wes arrive on the Red Sun Scavenger
    • Wes buys 5 units of Ryll from a dealer in Tela'krass while Torin watched the soap opera Tears of Alderaan
    • Torin and Wes encounter and scare away a baby lylek after landing outside Ala'kasa
    • Group meets with clan elders in Ala'kasa; they accept the Jedi's investigation but note that they are certain the rival clan is behind the assassination
    • Group finds empty blaster powerpack at the scene of the crime and talks with a homeless man nearby
    • Group starts to explore caves when an explosion rocks the vehicle bay. Torin saves one Twi'lek who is severely injured in the blast
    • The blast doors to the vehicle bay were blown open from the inside with high explosives

Experience points awarded: 4

Session 2: 9-20-2008

  • 963:1:6
    • Pollix's commanders round up witnesses and take them to the police station
    • Police officer mentions a droid repair shop on the second level of Ala'kasa
    • Wes and Torin meet 3 Twi'leks from Tela'krass in a restaurant. They tell the Twi'leks to get them information in exchange for a free ride to Tela'krass, possibly to get their families out of the city before war breaks out.
    • Group to meet with clan leader in the morning

Experience points awarded: 4

Session 3: 10-4-2008

  • 963:1:6
    • Torin contacts Baran to give him an update on the situation
  • 963:1:7
    • Group meets with clan leader, leader informs group that he plans to hold a rally in the afternoon to announce himself as the new leader and to wage war on the Telo'ura clan
    • Wes and Torin convince him to give them more time for an investigation, he agrees to 1 week
    • Wes and Pollix travel to Tela'krass, find a Trandoshan in a cantina but decide he is not connected with the events
    • Leader's rally is disrupted when Wes and Torin follow a suspicious man through the crowd. Wes fires, misses, stunning a civilian. Pollix, from a considerable distance, stuns the perpetrator. However, another shot is fired and hits Pollix for 1 damage. Torin drags the first stunned culprit toward the center of the room near the fountain. Wes stylishly attacks the remaining enemy, who is a Trandoshan, but misses with 4 stun bolts. He switches to kill, but not before the enemy can toss a thermal detonator at the body of his accomplice to stop him from talking. Wes split's the Trandoshan's head in two with his shot. 15 civilians are killed in the thermal detonator blast.
    • Torin finds 4 datacards, keys to a speeder bike, 2 holocorders, 2 comlinks, and 3 thermal detonators on the two men. They take the dead bodies back to the police station for further analysis. The speeder bike is in the hangar and they note the serial number.
    • Later that evening the Trandoshan's holocorder rings, and Torin answers by clumsily putting the Trandoshan in front of the holocorder. There is no visual, but the voice states, "You didn't contact me," before he realizes that the Trandoshan has been compromised and disconnects the call. The group notes the frequency.

Experience points awarded: 5