Episode III: Revenge of the Nav

From The Whereabouts

Back on Port Driss the crew of The Kraken's Kiss was looking for their next move, they suddenly had credits to their name and it was already burning a hole in some of their pockets. That's when Remmy Saretti, the trader who raised Baric from childhood after The Battle of Duro, called to ask a favor of Baric and his crew along with them. A meeting was set up on Corellia, Remmy met Baric's new friends and an agreement was reached. Not only would Baric be able to help out someone whom he was deeply indebted, but Remmy was willing to pay a fair price for the work as well. All they had to do was smuggle some medical supplies (it's always medical supplies... wink, wink) through a pirate infested asteroid field in the middle of nowhere, so they could sneak past the Imperial Blockade that was there to stop the planet Derra from getting supplies just like this.

The group purchased an Astromech Droid to come on board The Kraken's Kiss before departing, and that would prove a wise investment. Baric and the R2 unit made the jump to the asteroid field look easy, navigating the field itself was the hard part. Deciding not to get too reckless Baric took it slow traveling through the field, but that made them an easier target for pirates. A pirate scouting crew found them first, however the well armed Firespray was more than the pirates bargained for and were dispatched without much lasting damage. With a bit more luck they passed through the field after that unmolested, once through they made the jump to Derra.

The Kraken's Kiss had no choice but to hope, they were jumping straight into an Imperial Blockade. While they were able to dodge the bulk of the Imperial Force they were discovered by a three squads of patrolling Tie Fighters. Not wanting to draw fire and attention onto the planet the crew again turned to battle and had success in quickly eliminating the patrol with only mild damage. With the access code provided by Remmy the crew met up with the planets military force to drop off their supplies. In exchange the planet fueled their ship and helped them make repairs before sending them on their way. Thinking that a different route home was a wise choice, the crew charted a new route out of the system that would lead them into the Outer Rim but away from the Imperials without having to re-enter the pirate occupied asteroid field. That plan was good until their departure was again discover by a Tie Patrol, these Tie Fighters were able to get the jump and advantage on The Kraken's Kiss as it made it's escape and while battering it with laser fire knocked out the Nav-Computer. Once again the crew was fortunate to have their R2 unit on board, as it was able to act as their backup Nav computer and allow the Kraken's kiss to escape before backup arrived. However their jump into uncharted hyperspace resulted in triumph and despair, where will it lead them?

Each member of the crew was paid 2,423 credits by Remmy after paying for necessary repairs to The Kraken's Kiss.

Baric's Favor Obligation to Remmy is reduced by 2.

Experience Awarded: 15