
From The Whereabouts
The humble village of Duskwood.

Duskwood is a small and simple village with a very homey atmosphere. Little trade seems to come into the port here and there is only one small inn for travelers to stay, there seems to be relatively no guild or military presence in the town with most of the residents being minor craftsmen or farmers. Their land is rare in that it is some of the only fertile land in the area, to their north lie the swamps that envelope Aerie Peak and across the river much of the land is to rocky for farming. This has allowed the small town to flourish as an agricultural center for the nearby towns, though Nathir also produces a large amount of food. It would appear that Duskwood works closely with the larger town of Aerie Peak, serving almost as a vassal state to larger town, sending all of its crops first to Aerie Peak before they are traded and shipped from there to around the region. Visitors to the small village are rare but welcomed, however long stays often draw suspicion and starting trouble will not be tolerated.