The Gand: Background

From The Whereabouts
Revision as of 13:35, 23 July 2013 by Macabreengel (talk | contribs)

Name: Gand
Race: Gand
Sex: Male
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 177 lbs
Age: 21
Eyes: Black, Compound
Hair: N/A
Skin: Greenish Brown
Motivation: Family/Clan Honor
Career: Bounty Hunter
Specializations: Survivalist
The Gand

First Letter Home: Motivation

Dear Younger Brother Gand

You are probably wondering why I left Gand for the galaxy at large. As I am sure you know, our clans unwillingness to track down slaves has always limited our contacts and influence. Our ancestors were, for the most part, content to be considered second rate by the other clans despite the fact that our findsmen were easily as good as theirs. There were always plenty of contacts to go around, however, so the clan was never in financial despair. Then the imperials came. With them they brought the newest in sensor and prison technology. Contracts quickly dried up and all but the most prestigious findsmen clans had to find new ways to support themselves. When I left it had been two years since we had received a single contact. I decided that the only way to save our traditions and honor was to prove to the galaxy that our clans techniques and abilities are second to none.

I have much more to tell you and will right again soon.

May the Mist Guide You,
Older Brother Gand


  • Oath: (15)
  • Debt: (15)
