
From The Whereabouts


Frostgate is a young satrapy, carved out by the Empress in a two year period, RY 710-712. The territory, despite its fairly inhospitable location, was home to a number of barbarian peoples, all of whom were wiped out by the Legions in their conquest of the land. The Empress failed to specify her reasons for so fervently lusting after the property, and disappeared before she was able to put any further plans for the area in place. In the meantime, the territory has managed to create a reasonably stable economy centered around mining and pelt trading. Loathe to sacrifice any property it holds, the Deliberative kept the satrapy around, though even in the present day it is viewed as something of a political dead-end by those assigned to serve there. Originally, the satrapy was placed under the assigned protectorate of the Tepet legions in the North, but with their devastation at the hands of Yurgen Kaneko, the Legion presence in Frostgate has dwindled to a mere talon. The satrapy was given to House Ragara after the Empress's disappearance in hopes that the House's strong Guild ties could be used to turn some profit from the area's mining opportunities.


Frostgate isn't a struggling community so much as it is a stable one in an unfortunate state. Not much has changed since its founding, save the drastic blow to its capable defensive forces. Life is not impossible, though it isn't pleasant. Most people have enough to eat, though barely, and most people have enough money to maintain their lifestyle, though it is a lifestyle envied by few. Discontent is present, but it is never organized or acted upon -- most citizens, perhaps rightfully so, don't see any means via which life could improve, even if they were to speak their complaints as an organized body. Things are slightly better in the major urban centers, as most of the city-heads care enough about their personal seat of power to keep it at least relatively habitable, though moreso for themselves than their constituency. Approximately 120,000 people inhabit the satrapy on average, though the numbers at any given time vary considerably depending on the season. There are 30 or so Dragon-Bloods who live permanently in the satrapy, though Exalted officials from the Realm and the Guild occasionally visit.


More detailed description
The current Satrap is Ragara Dawendae. His advisors are V'Neef Wiyori, Nellens Fukuxu, Gex Xalu, and Tepet Kerek. Gex Xalu is the group's only mortal, and perhaps the only member of the group whose career was advanced, rather than set back by their appointment to Frostgate. The other three advisors are Dragon-Blooded, and would vastly prefer the opportunities that abound on the Blessed Isle or the fertile Eastern satrapies to the frozen tundra that is Frostgate. There is little local government to speak of. After the clearing of the barbarian tribes, there were very few inhabitants of the land. Most of the current population is descended from miners, farmers, and hunters enticed to the land by the Realm officials who claimed it. The satrap and his advisors employ locals in their ministries, but major decisions directing the future of the satrapy and its major cities are made by Dynasts.


The satrapy has varied means of income, though on the whole, its most profitable industry is mining. Actual numbers for individual sectors vary with city, and more details can be found on those pages.


As a satrapy of the Realm, Frostgate is officially a region loyal to the Immaculate Philosophy, though the actual devotion to this faith varies from city to city.

Major Cities

  • Covenant - The capital of the satrapy and it's largest city. Population: 25,000 mortals, 15 permanent Dragon-Blooded inhabitants.
  • Concordia - Something of a sister city to Covenant, it is even more of a mining town, and stores a good deal of agricultural and industrial crude product before its shipment to covenant.
  • Wayland - A city north of Covenant that rests where the mountains meet The White Sea.
  • Orok's Basin - The port city of Frostgate that connects the river system of the satrap to The White Sea.