Talk:Mission 4: Among the Masses
It crossed my mind to disguise ourselves in his ranks and try to slay him covertly, but Severnaya already beat us to the punch on that. On top of that, I think we can do better. Now, this is still in the brainstorming phase, so I haven't worked out the excruciating details, but it would be great if we could set up a trap on the battlefield for Crusher that would get him killed - even if it's something along the lines of convincing him to charge into a certain death situation.
We may be able to orchestrate a trap by having Mesa show up in the region as a wandering warrior-poet who wins the hearts of Crusher's raiders (a good story and judicious application of Performance charms can pull this off) and decides to champion their cause against the Realm (just imagine playing the plot of the Last Samurai in fast forwards and substitute a drinking civil war vet for a drinking warrior-poet, and samurai for barbarians, and you're pretty set), fighting on their side in the battle (if need be, Mesa can demonstrate in sparring, etc. that he's a capable warrior). Meanwhile, we work with Team B to provide a known location to the Realm (this will have to be done pretty covertly, so as to avoid letting people know assassins were involved) where Crusher will be vulnerable. Ideally, the Realm concentrates a large number of powerful troops in this location, then, during the battle, Mesa finds Crusher himself or some dear to Crusher and makes his way to this spot. Hopefully, Crusher follows, seeing the danger, where the focus of the forces there turn to Crusher himself and kill him. This is pretty elegant in that the Realm forces actually do kill Crusher, and we remain shadowy figures pulling the strings from the background. Fay may be able to help in this role by giving Mesa credibility as another disguised wanderer. I came up with this in about 5 minutes, so there may be loopholes and things I haven't considered, but I wanted to get the ball rolling.
Dan 09:15, 2 June 2010 (EDT)