The Abbott of Forgotten Tides
Title: The Abbott of Forgotten Tides Caste: Half Moon Concept: Begrudging Bureaucrat, Special Operations Advisor to Imperial Legions Political Affiliation: Silver Pact, Solar Deliberative (Mild leanings split between the Faithful and the Militants, his marriage to Amana usually results in his Faithful beliefs being acted upon more often, somewhat to his frustration) Anima: Deep greens and blacks surround a framed, elaborate pair of horns Spirit Shape: A tattooed, well-kept bison Tell: Regardless of form, he bears an enormous mane of bison fur. Motivation: Oversee the borders of Creation and his lands
Weapon of Choice: Moonsilver Grand Grimcleaver Armor of Choice: Moonsilver Superheavy Plate Fighting Style: Well-placed, sparse, heavy strikes