Main Page
This is page to host info about the White-Wolf games we run. We play, roughly, on a weekly basis, and primarily play Exalted. We've had some spam issues, so account creation is disabled for now until I get a captcha working. If you're reading this page and aren't from our group, but would like to create an account, send an e-mail to olaf _a_t_ (make the appropriate substitutions); I'll gladly accommodate humans. If you're a bot, well, go away. We don't serve your kind here.
- A Song for the Goats - A mixed Exalt game set within the Confederation of Rivers; many players run multiple characters in this chronicle, whose scope extends to the greater Scavenger Lands region.
- Overworld - A mixed Solar/Lunar game set in the house-made city of Covenant, a small Realm satrapy in the North.
- The Bishop's Albatross - A war weapon trained and created by the Gold Faction may have grown out of their control. Two Sidereals investigate the matter while an ancient evil plots in silence.
Stories (Independent of games in progress; stories relevant to those games can be found on their respective pages above)
- Dreams of Iron - A First Age tale; the arrival of an unharmed mortal, previously missing in the Wyld for decades, proves to be the spark igniting a conspiracy years in the making.
House Rules - Rules we have adopted or modified as a group for our sessions.
Resources - Places to find helpful exalted info.
Exalted: Idea Board - Place for miscellaneous articles of discussion
Star Wars
This is a collection of information about games we've run in the past: