Talk:Zealot of Iconoclastic Virtue: Character Sheet

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Starmetal Hearthstone Amulet

Dan, what are the details of this Starmetal Hearthstone Amulet I looted from Caretaker? Is it something I can use? Kirkland 18:41, 29 November 2010 (EST)


Can I get feedback on these stats I came up with for Zealot's nunchaku. I used guidelines from ExaltedWiki and various books to come up with them.

  • Artifact 3, Commitment 5
  • Speed 3, Damage +6L/+10B, Accuracy +4, Defense +4, Rate 2

Well here is the Manthresher, which is artifact nunchaku from the book. Jade version.

  • Artifact 2, Commitment 4
  • Speed 3, Damage +9B, Accuracy +3, Defense +2, Rate 3
  • One hearthstone slot.

So that is +1 damage, +1 accuracy, +2 defense, -1 rate, +1 commit cost

Compared to a Jade Grand Daiklave (Artifact3) Spd -1, Damage 13L/4 overpowering, +2 Acc, +4 Defense, Rate is the same, -3 Attune Also JGD has piercing and reach. 3 hearthstone settings.

Seems a little weak to me considering the piercing. Maybe another dot in Acc and Rate. 2 attacks seems low for a high acc weapon. Or nunchaku in general. I am assuming Jade bonus is included already or does not apply. Maybe 2 hearthstone slots?

Agreed your stats are on the weak side for an artifact 3. First thing I would say is Rate 3 is an absolute must, even a mundane Nunchaku probably has rate 3.

What I would suggest though if you want to have an artifact 3 Nunchaku is that you use the standard man-thrasher stats and enhance the artifact in a non-statistical way. Give it something creative, come up with a weaker cool power to add to the man-thrasher base stats rather than just a statistical boost. Certainly up to you, but I find giving an artifact a unique power is always much cooler than just increasing stats. Something along the line of restoring virtue channels crossed my mind, or maybe read through some manse 1 descriptions.

--FyreFly 20:31, 21 January 2010 (EST)

I've always found that added stats just kind of get washed out - it's not that they aren't good, but you tend to forget about them. It's a lot more fun to have a cool, unique power. Maybe you can generate a wind field by spinning them quickly that allows you to use parry against projectiles without a need for a stunt and removes onslaught penalty from projectile attacks, the idea being that all of them are equally blown away by the wind field (this is less helpful for DBs, who could use a martial arts excellency and a dodge excellency concurrently, but something to spark ideas, perhaps). This is also totally off the top of my head, I have no idea if the power level is appropriate.

Dan 20:52, 21 January 2010 (EST)

Taking your suggestions into consideration, behold, and please offer any additional opinions:

  • Artifact 3, Commitment 4
  • Speed 3, Damage +5L/9B, Accuracy +3, Defense +3, Rate 3
  • One hearthstone slot.
  • On a successful parry, the wielder gets a free disarm action against the aggressor (as long as it's not an unarmed or ranged attack).

I like it. I think it feels very martial artsy with that power. Also fits in my mind with how nunchacku are used (at least cinematically). Umm, how do you switch between lethal and bashing damage? Lethal seems odd for a nunchacku. With a cool description I think its cool though. I also think the lower lethal damage balances it out. Might want to limit the number of disarm attempts per tick or action. Seems like it could hypothetically get out of hand. Maybe rate+essence disarm attempts per action. That shouldnt interfere with 95% of situations. Or maybe a -1 die penalty per earlier disarm attempt since last action. Maybe artifact 3 is powerful enough to not have that problem. Just throwing out first reaction thoughts.


Yeah, there should probably be a limit, it could be especially powerful against a lot of enemies, or against someone who does a massive flurry.

The nunchaku are bladed, and only the attuned user has the finesse to hold them correctly without cutting his own hands. I will document that too in the weapon description, just in case someone else gets their hands on them.

Kirkland 22:55, 27 January 2010 (EST)