Talk:Main Page

From The Whereabouts
Revision as of 17:04, 1 December 2009 by Olaf (talk | contribs)

So, unfortunately, it looks like 1&1 has gotten more expensive. I don't know if this has been the case for you or not, Brian, but it's now costing me $7/month, or about $84 per year. I pretty much only use these servers for file storage and this wiki anymore (and I don't really need the file storage), so my thought is that if there's any way to do so, it might be prudent to think about moving the wiki to another server - I know there are free wiki hosts out there, and if you planned on keeping your Kirkware server around, Brian, maybe we could move it to a subdomain there. Alternatively, we could talk about splitting the costs for, but given that there are free hosting options and the possibility that we could house on another domain Brian owns, I think it's probably excessive to do so.

This doesn't need to be an immediate process by any means - I'm paid up until May 2010, but will probably not renew my package at that point, so in the meantime, we should think about where we want to house this bad boy. I have no objection to finding a free wiki host and doing the legwork to migrate the database.

Dan 12:04, 1 December 2009 (EST)