
From The Whereabouts
Revision as of 18:18, 22 April 2011 by Macabreengel (talk | contribs)

Basic Info

Name: Oni
Race: Troll
Sex: Male
Height: 9'0"
Weight: 500lbs
Age: 23
Oni: Character Sheet


Oni was born a killer, literally. The trauma of a small Japanese woman giving birth to a troll baby was too much. Even with advanced medical technology, the bleeding was too much. With her dying breath, Oni's mother made the doctor promise to make sure the baby lived. The doctor, one of the most prominent Japanese-Californian citizens, called one of his closest friends, a Colonel Keiji Saito, and asked him if he could help. He took the death bed oath very seriously and was concerned that the child may not survive a troll orphange, many didnt. The colonel said he understood and that he would find a place for the baby to go. Three days later, when the child was ready to leave the hospital, a Japanese lady in her mid thirties and a immaculate Armoni suit came to retreive the child. When the child questioned what would happen to the boy, she assured him that the child's future was going to be provided for.

Colonol Saito had the child taken to one of his residences where he would be cared for by a maid and an old sensei. Saito had instruced the sensei to turn the child into the perfect bodyguard, and so the sensei taught the child two lessons over and over: obediance and strength. The child was punished for so much as fidgeting without permission. All manor of children's games were turned into training. Success meant moving onto the next lesson; failure meant a beating and then moving onto the next lesson. At first he was a terror and his maid called him "Chiisa na Oni". The name stuck and was eventually shortned to Oni. By the age of 6, however, his mind was completely repressed, his conciousness blank. If he had no orders, he simply stood watching and listening. He ate, not out of hunger, but when ordered. He slept not because he was tired, but because he was commanded. If his sensei was not carefull he would push the boy until he dropped. The boy was trained to fight with his hands and blades, and then, guns. Complete discipline allowed him to master skills very quickly and his size gave him the strength of a much older man. By the age of 10 he 5'6" and over 200 pounds. It was only then that the warrior child was presented to his master.

To be continued...