Chapter 1: Betrayal

From The Whereabouts
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Barry Stearns was kneeling comfortably on top of a softly cushioned rectangular mat that was positioned directly in front of a small, short serving table. The room was the sort that you didn't find often these days, by appearance it was completely without technology from this century. It was constructed and decorated with natural materials; the flooring was authentic bamboo, rice paper dulled and diffused LED lighting, a stone fountain with trickling spring water and an impressively groomed bonsai tree served as the center piece of the decor. Incense burned from the corners of the room giving a fresh, distinct aroma that blended with the deeply steeped tea that sat at the center of the ceramic table. The man across the table lifted the kettle with deliberate care and poured a small cup of the steaming liquid for each man, carefully setting the kettle back to the table.

Despite the humble appearances of the small, windowless room they were in fact in the mediation chamber at the center of a small complex that was General Oda Nobunaga's personal residence. They were alone in the room and other than the secured live feed from Barry's cyberware to the other F.A.T.E. agents this meeting was as private and safe as could reasonably be arranged.

"I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this meeting together General. Your loyalty to our organization, and it's members, through good times and bad is commendable. We are honored and fortunate to count you among our friends." Barry spoke with the discipline and respect that would be expected between two veteran military officers.

"A circle that grows continually smaller I'm afraid." The General's gruff and authoritative tone might be mistaken by some for displeasure, but Barry was familiar enough with his conversation companion to know better. "Your years overseas do you disservice in that regard. You do not have the connections to fix this without Redman. It would have been more prudent for you to cut your losses and remain abroad. You still have friends in Central Europe that could have provided shelter."

"I'm sure you're familiar with the phrase, no man left behind. One of ours is still here."

"An outdated sentiment." The General sipped the steaming tea, "Principles like that are what earned you that friendship you spoke so highly of. Let us hope they pay off for both of us."

"Let's hope so." Barry paused to take a sip of tea before dropping the formalities and cutting to pressing matters. "Do you think you can help us free him?"

"If you can convince him, I think I can be of some assistance." The General paused to take a sip of tea, emptying the small ceramic glass and setting it back to the table.

He was preparing to continue when they were interrupted by the abrupt opening of the sliding door that was the serene room's only entrance.

The transmission from Barrington Stearns cut dead without warning, a total blackout to all recipients without warning or explanation.

Through the opened sliding door moved the familiar steps of a special forces squad, both men within the room were quite familiar with the rapid, muffled footfalls of highly trained operatives moving with purpose. They entered two by two through the doorway with rifles raised and trained, four pairs entered and split to either side of the room flanking the two men drinking tea at its center. All eight special forces soldiers were identical in appearance with black polished full body armor and a mirrorshaded visor and helmet. Ares Alpha assault rifles maintained steady aim as the squad fanned across the room, effectively surrounding the two men at the center leaving only an opening to the door. Stillness fell heavy across the room and brought stifling silence along with it, the only void in the room was finally filled when a ninth identical figure confidently strode through the open sliding door with his assault rifle hanging harmlessly at his midsection from a rifle sling. The ninth man to invade the room stopped in front of the opening and the mirrorshaded visor retracted into the helmet revealing the grizzled face of JP Redman.

"Gentlemen, if I were you I wouldn't make any sudden movements." JP spoke with a grave confidence that showed his seriousness while conveying how little gratification he received from delivering the statement to the pair of former comrades.

Both men kneeling at the tea table remained calm, anything else was an assured death sentence, without looking over their shoulders each looked past the man across from him and saw the four highly trained men prepared to kill them at the slightest provocation. Heightened senses had already alerted both that this was the first wave of an unstoppable force, outside the humble tea room was an army of reinforcements and the easily disguised, but familiar sound of the rotors on a stealth helicopter were barely audible. JP Redman had their full attention.

"Nice of you to join us Redman. Believe it or not, we were just talking about you." General Oda Nobunaga's deep, authoritative voice responded to JP's grave tone.

"I find that to be entirely believable, though not particularly reassuring."

"It doesn't seem like you are the one in need of reassurance JP." Barry had held his tongue up to this point, but even a zen garden wasn't helping to quell his emotions.

"An astute observation. I'm afraid we will all have to do without reassurances today." JP rested his hands neatly on top of the assault rifle slung over his shoulder, a non-threatening nervous gesture.

For a moment all three parties remained silent, the eight commandos with rifles trained were like decorative statues designed for intimidation. Barry turned without rising, turning away from the table and facing towards JP and open doorway. Barry spread his arms with his hands open, palms up as if ceding the floor, as if he had to.

"Please. Keep still." JP spoke with a slight urgency. With modern technology the troops in the room didn't need to cock a hammer, or even finger the trigger of their firearms in warning. But they did anyway.

"You aren't going to take us alive Redmond." Barry folded his hands back to his lap and narrowed his eyes trying to discern the motivation of his former superior.

"He doesn't intend to, Barrington." General Oda Nobunaga spoke with a peaceful solace.

JP Redman almost cringed and closed his eyes for an extensive pause as the General spoke his final word. JP Redmond heard the sound of gunpowder firing hollow point depleted uranium ammunition at fully automatic repetition before he opened them again. His friends and former companions shook violently as projectiles pierced their bodies sending them in a free fall to the floor, cadavers before they landed. Blood splattered around the room, but the downward trajectory of the gunfire minimized the effect, worse was the immediate pooling and the dull sound of ammunition casings dropping to the floor and bouncing into the puddle of gore.

"Goodbye. Old friend."